The Crows Who Were Punished: Knights of the True Horn

With the exception of the many incarnations of the Restless League that to this day stalks the waters around Stros M’Kai, there is no band of outlaws in Hammerfell whose name is more well-known or feared than the “Knights” of the True Horn. Their list of offenses is extensive, ranging from horse thievery and caravan raids to assassination of prominent political figures within the borders of the Kingdom of Sentinel. Operating out of the marshy coastal woodlands of Tigonus, the True Horn is and has been a near-constant thorn in the barony’s side since the organization’s founding in early 3E 409.

With the War of Betony’s conclusion in 3E 403, many freebooter and mercenaries that had found employment in the war fighting on Sentinel’s side had found themselves without. Many turned to piracy and banditry, while others found employment in the many independent baronies and minor Alik’r kingdoms that surrounded Sentinel. Kain at-Layn the ambitious brother of Baron Shrike at-Layn, had believed himself to be a better ruler than his admittedly severe and tyrannical brother, and son he assembled a force of mercenaries and so-called ”knights” to overthrow his brother.

Calling themselves “the Knights of the True Horn”, Kain and his band engaged in similar activities as the group’s modern counterparts, often facing off with the Host of the Horn; the official fighting force of the Barony of Lainlyn. While the Host of the Horn were elite cavalrymen, they were often at a disadvantage when pursuing the Knights of the True Horn into the marshy woodlands of Tigonus. Though, in the end, it was Kain’s arrogance that led to the band’s near-annihilation. After several successful raids on the Baron’s tax collectors Kain believed his brother could no longer pay the Host.

In 3E 322, the neighboring Grandeza of Ojwambu declared its independence from the Kingdom of Sentinel, which had come to overrule the Barony of Lainlyn after the Miracle of Peace in 3E 317. Kain promised the people of Lainlyn that he would do the same and free the Crowns of Lainlyn from Sentinel’s Forebear yoke, further bolstering his numbers. Later that same year, Kain marched on Lainlyn in force, intent on overthrowing his brother. Unfortunately, word had reached the Samaruik of his promise to the Crowns of Lainlyn and King Lhotun at-Volag had sent coffers of gold to Lainlyn.

What awaited Kain and his force of four hundred or so knights, mercenaries and militiamen was a force of eight hundred mounted gallants of the Host of the Horn. Before Kain could order a retreat, the Host came down on them. Largely comprised of footsoldiers and with cliffs to their backs, the Knights of the True Horn didn’t stand a chance. With his army routed and he himself injured, Kain commanded his most loyal knights to scatter what remained of their order, as to avoid being hunted down by his brother’s Host. Shortly after the Battle of Lainlyn Cliffs, Kain succumbed to his wounds.

Kain’s most loyal knights carried out his final command, unaware of their lord’s passing. All but one believed to their dying days that one day, their lord would summon them back to Tigonus, to liberate Lainlyn from Baron Shrike’s iron grip. Only Jaren learned of Kain having been raised by Arielle Jurard to continue the war and install Kain as her necromantic puppet on the throne of Lainlyn. Jaren sealed his raised lord and the mage that had raised him from the dead within his castle in the Colovian Highlands, never to see the light of day. The order might as well have died the same day Kain passed.

In the intervening years since then, the mantle of the True Horn has been taken up by many groups in Tigonus, from bands of outlaws to “champions of the people”. The most recent incarnation of the True Horn belongs to the latter, claiming to be fighting the corrupt Baron Waylas at-Layn, whose been using the Host of the Horn to extort the minor lords and people of Tigonus in order to fill his own coffers. Despite the significant bounties for the heads of the bandits, the people of Tigonus seem to shield them, even being know to protect villages form Alik’r raiders from the hollow wastes.

In the years since two brothers fought tooth and nail to spill each other’s blood, the region of Tigonus has grown to be a far more turbulent place. With the Host of the Horn ransacking the temple complex of Satakalaam supposedly on orders from King Mansel at-Volag of Sentinel and now Grandee Hasmani being accused by Baron Waylas of being behind the attempt on King Mansel’s life at the hands of the Devotees of Satakal in pursuit of some vendetta for his ancestor’s merciless “pacification” of the Ojwambu Revolt, it is plain to see that Tigonus is only bound for further turmoil.