Excerpt from The Official Imperial Nature Guide: Goats of Tamriel

Chapter 3 Section 15: Goats of Tamriel

Tamriel is home to three distinct species of goats, some wild, some domesticated. This section will cover all three recognized varieties to the full extent of all available research.

The goats of Skyrim are short, stocky, and covered in a thick coat of fur, making them well suited to Skyrim’s cold climate. They lack any sort of claws that would help to stabilize them on steep terrain, and are therefore mostly found on flat plains and along mountain roads rather than on the rougher mountainside. They are almost always found in groups of two or three, most likely of a familial connection. Skyrim’s goats are largely docile creatures. Very few have been observed fighting within the pack. Their horns grow too far back for them to be exceedingly useful in combat. When threatened, their first response is to flee.

Midwestern Hammerfell is home to a variety of goat which is particularly well adapted to their domesticated life. These goats are kept mostly as livestock, providing the majority of milk for the region. Their horns grow horizontally, for their only purpose appears to be for show. In general, Hammerfell goats have lighter fur which keeps them cool in Hammerfell’s heat.

Further East in Hammerfall, one can find the Dragontail Goat, which takes its name from the mountain range it inhabits. The Dragontail Goat is the most specialized for life in the wild. The key to its success is in its hooves. Their cloven hooves can shift to fit the rough mountain terrain, while their padded soles protect the feet from sharp rocks. They also possess an extraordinarily developed set of dewclaws, which extend from the back of the leg, that allow them to balance on steep cliff faces. Their bodies are designed to eliminate any unnecessary weight, as evidenced by their short tails and minimal fur, which also keeps them cool in Hammerfell’s hot, dry climate. The Dragontail goat is more aggressive than its Nordic counterpart, and its horns are built for combat, extending above its ears and around to the jaw. When quarreling over a potential mate, males will often charge at each other and butt heads until one tires.