Ice Staff Report: N1, Arcwind Point

The following is report to the Ice Staves, the intelligence agency established by the Stormcloak Dynasty for military research and covert operations, discerned from the echoes of a stillborn timeline by a rogue Moth Priest in the late Fourth Era through use of the Jill-Ontosaga Ritual with the aid of a healthy dose of skooma

Master Wuunferth,

As per your instructions, I and my unit have explored Arcwind Point, or Kaangrindde, as it was once called. Our research was correct in that it was a temple complex dedicated to Kyne under the Hawk Cult after the Dragon War. We were successful in acquiring the long dead cult's aid in dealing with Thalmor fortresses on the border with Cyrodil.

My unit, all devotees of Kyne, stopped first to offer thanks for the goddess for the fair weather on our expedition into the Jeralls, sacrificing a hare in the customary way and leaving its entrails for her sacred hawks.

As we entered the temple complex, the draugr began to awaken from their sarcophagi, which were covered in feather iconography and enchantments to ward off scavengers. In responce I Shouted KAAN, one of the two thu'ums I know. While the Shout would not ordinarily have an affect on the undead, it was a customary greeting of the cult and had the effect of pacifying the draugr and skeletons in the area. Several skeletons, however, were too decayed to comprehend and were turned away with the use of restoration magics.

A draugr, a hulking specimen with a necklace of mummified hands, approached and guided us to the resting place of the cult's high priest, an ebony casket on a dais under two stone arches. Atop the arches was a dragon coated in hoarfrost. While we paused to make sure that the dragon was not hostile, the great beast did not so much as move, it appeared to be staring up at the sky as if entranced.

As we approached the dais, the high priest awoke and Shouted KAAN. He introduced himself as Arnvid the Unbound, though his mouth did not move, his words came to us on the wind. We offered him due respect and asked his aid in calling down the Ice Wraiths and Spriggans of the region on the Thalmor Outposts in the Jeralls. After some negotiations involving a ceremonial bird call contest (which he somehow participated in despite his lack of lips) and the promise of the offerings of two barrels of mead mixed with Ice Wraith Essence per year for the next five years, he agreed to participate in the summoning ritual once the proper materials have been acquired.

The ritual requires the following materials

  • A bound Ice Wraith, to be sacrificed

  • A Hawk's Beak

  • Taproot, quantity six

  • Grand Soul Gems, Filled, quantity six

  • A Thalmor Banner or Justiciar's Robes

  • Frost Salts

We await your response.

Praise Talos,

Hriemvald the Tongue, Ice Staff in service to the Stormcloak Dynasty.