Creatures of the Shivering Isles

By Dralec Alaine, local Daedrologist

The Shivering Isles, the Madhouse of Sheogorath, truly is a beautiful plane. Not since I first left Nirn in my youth, lured into Oblivion by a Dark Seducer, have I ever seen a plane of such overwhelming beauty. The plane is home to a large variety of plants and creatures, some of which I have been greatly fascinated by since I first arrived here. I have therefore made efforts to catalogue the creatures (all of which I believe to be Daedra) of the Isles, to spread the knowledge of our mad Lord's beautiful plane and its inhabitants. I hope that Sheogorath will reward me for my dedication to this project. Aside from the times when he doesn't he loves dedication! Hopefully he won't find the book too orderly, but I am certain that he will not.

The Elytra

The Elytra are the insectoid guardians of the caverns and woodlands of Mania and Dementia. It is said that lord Sheogorath once visited Nirn and found himself in the middle of an underwater Dreugh city. Sheogorath wandered up to a Dreugh noble and asked what this city of shells and pearls was called. The Dreugh noble replied "Underwater City of the Pearl-Shell". Sheogorath was greatly angered by the Dreugh's lack of creativity and furiously killed every Dreugh in the city by unceremoniously ripping off their shells. He renamed the city Zzickkitaxeikk'izzmulaethrikkz and cursed all Dreugh on Nirn to in the future only be able to speak a nonsense language made up by himself, which he called "Drzikprithix'z". When Sheogorath returned to the Shivering Isles he brough the Dreugh corpses with him. He used the shells and intestines of the Dreugh to create the Elytra, who he cursed to always mindlessly wander the realm, guarding it from the unworthy.

The Gnarl

The Gnarl, also known as "Walking Trees" by the most depressed inhabitants of Dementia, are like the Elytra guardians of the woodlands and groves of the Isles. They are believed to be older than the Elytra, and are by some though to have been an inspiration for the lesser Aedra who became "Spriggans" in one of the Mundial Dawn Eras. They are thought of very highly by the Mad God, but as is commonly the case he refuses to give a coherent answer as to why. The Gnarl are skilled with magic, although they seem to lack a brain or even sentience.

The Grummites

The Grummite is a very strange creature indeed. No one other than the Mad God seems to know where they came from, but they seem to be the most civilized kind of lesser Daedra in the realm, besides the Aureal and the Mazken. They use primitive tools and speak a primitive language. Grummites lay eggs, out of which small Pollywogs are hatched. These Pollywogs then grow into Baliwogs, before they finally become adult Grummites. They are commonly found in the ancient ruins scattered around the Isles aswell as near lakes and in marshes. It is uncertain if they built the ruins they call home themselves or if they have simply occupied ruins built by others. When I asked the Lord what the Grummites truly are he simply said "Look at a Grummite, look back at yourself. Look at a Grummite's home, look at your home. Look at a Grummite's wife, look at your wife. Then look at me. What do you then see?". I am uncertain what Lord Sheogorath may have meant by this.

The Scalons

The Scalons are the results of Mazken or Aureal copulating with Grummites. Scalons are usually found in or near water, and they are known to eat both fish and the realm's mortal inhabitants. They are skilled with magic, some can even use very advanced spells. They are not known to use physical tools of any kind, but they can learn to speak certain words and pronounce simple sentences and (seemingly) understand them.

The Daedrats

Also known as "Ravenous Rodents" here in the realm, the Daedrats of the Isles share little in common with those of Coldharbour. These Ravenous Rodents run around the streets of the towns and cities of our Lord's beautiful realm, telling lies and untruths to common citizens. They were created by Sheogorath to more easily turn new inhabitants of the Isles mad. The Daedrats sometimes also speak the truth, but only if they know that it will confuse the person that they are communicating with further.

The Aureal

Also known as "Golden Saints" (to those who do not understand the proper language), the Aureal are servants to lord Sheogorath and protectors of Mania. The Aureal are not allowed to enter Dementia, where the Mazken uphold the law (which, like everything in the realm, is far from orderly). The Aureal always use golden weapons and armour, which match the colour of their skin. There are seven ranks in Aureal society, Auren, Auredel, Aurmok, Aurmokel, Aurig, Malaurig and Pelaurig (Pelaurig being the highest). Those who have attained any of these ranks assume a female shape, while those who have not aquired any of these ranks assume male shapes. Those with male shapes are therefore looked down upon by other Aureal. The Golden Saints only serve and have always only served Sheogorath, and were likely created by him. All Aureal must have the three faces of Sheogorath engraved on each of their teeth.

The Mazken

The Mazken are also known as "Dark Seducers", and different Seducers are known to serve many different Princes. I am however only going to describe the Dark Seducers in the service of Sheogorath here. The Mazken of the realm are the protectors of Dementia. The Mazken are known to commonly copulate with both Mortals and other beings who do not naturally appear in the Isles, even those of the highest ranks and with the most important missions. Although lord Sheogorath does not seem to mind (he never does, except for sometimes). The Mazken are not allowed to enter Mania, as the Aureal are the protectors of that part of the realm. Mazken always use dark blue or black armours and weapons, which like with the Aureal is to match their skin colour (or perhaps the other way around). Also like the Aureal the Mazken have seven societial ranks. They are called Kiskengo, Kiskella, Kiskedrig, Grakendo, Grakella, Grakedrig and Autkendo. Those Mazken who have attained any of these ranks assume female shapes, while those who have not have male shapes and are looked down upon (albeit not as much as in Aureal society).

There are also other types of Daedra which inhabit the Shivering Isles, such as Scamps and Atronachs. But as the nature of those have already been well described elsewhere I have not included them in this book. If any inhabitants of Nirn happen to read this I advice them to travel to the nearest Shrine of Sheogorath immediately and ask the Lord to take you here. There are never enough people here in the Mad God's realm.