From The Memories of Xozartan-Ek, Demiprince

From The Memories of Xozartan-Ek, Demiprince

Remembered By: Xozartan-Ek, the Orchastrator of Colors, Scion of Peryite & Meridia, Ruler of the Prism Hue, Demiprince of Synesthesia

(At the Behest of Fyrinda, Loyal Attendant and Beloved)

"I do not know what to think of my Father or Mother dear Fyrinda, or exactly remember the moment of my conception. The exact truth behind the strange marriage of my parents is something that even I have not successfully gleaned from my painful scryings, and to even call it a marriage at all may be a mistake on my part - I have lived amongst you mortals for many archaeons, and perhaps your way of thinking has addled my eternally wistful mind.

I do remember - when I can remember, the years have been hard on me - a moment of intense pain, a light so piercing it seared my eyes, and a smell so vile it drew ichor from my pores before I looked up into the faces of judgement. Peryite, my father, appeared to be disgusted; my mother Meridia seemed solemn and pained. Of course, at thi stage of my life I knew nothing; only the sensations of something and the Chaotic Laws etched into my being.

I arose and attempted to talk, but a stream of chaotic creatia spewed from my mouth and I collapsed into a kneel, gagging. 'Xozartan-Ek,' I gasped, and an explosion of color erupted inside my head as the sounds left my mouth in a whirlpool of flavors, and I threw up again. So much pain, it felt like I was being born again.

'That is a good name,' my mother sighed, and more colors and smells hit me again. 'But he is so weak, my husband.'

'That will pass in time. He must master pain in order to survive, as is the Way. He has only just begun existence.' My father wrapped his tail around my waist, and lifted me to his maw. 'You are blind, but strong. Your birth has made us more powerful, unlike the others, and for that you shall live. But you must learn the Way, or you will never hold a place in my court. Nor will you traffick with our enemies, or I'll consume you myself.'

My mother seemed concerned, but equally cold in her words. 'When you have found yourself, return to either of us and we will recognize you as our child. Until then, fight. Or die.' And with that, my father threw me into the Void.

Oh my sweet Fyrinda, do not look so concerned. It is the Way, what all creatures like myself undergo to prove our worth. In my wanderings, I discovered much about myself. As the Taskmaster told me I was blind, but my sinuses and touch were also similarly deprived. Only through hearing could I experience smells, colors, and feeling. I also discovered that I possessed a rapidly decaying and distracted memory, and I was forced to write or record my thoughts to ensure my continued survival. Oh, how my 'cousins' and servants laughed at my collection of memoirs - at least, the ones who did not suffer from a similiar trait.

After I had found a suitable realm and conquered it for my own, finding myself in the process, I used my blood to summon myself to my mother and father, who appeared quite angry with one another. I found out later that it was because of some sort of realm dispute with my 'uncles' and 'aunts'. For interrupting them, I was subjected to a century of fire-flaying, but they seemed quite 'proud' of me once I told them of the Way and my finding of myself. I was given places in both of their courts, officially recognized as the Demiprince of Synesthesia, and allowed to keep the realm I conquered. I even received my own damned soul as a pet after much debate, which might have even been done out of 'love'. Revolting, but I appreciated the gesture.

But I am a minor god, of a minor sphere, and so I often find myself bored with Oblivion. And so I came here, to the Mundus, and here I have remained for quite some time.

Thankfully, Fyrinda, your existence has made mine worthwhile. Which why even if your body decays, I will always keep your voice and spirit in my embrace."