Imperial ranks

I’m trying to clear the Imperial political hierarchy and also the Imperial Legion ranks (especially in Morrowind, in the late Third Era). However, I have difficulties to understand what are exactly some ranks.

Skeleton Man's Interview with Denizens of Tamriel:

> Let me tell you who it's not. It's not the Imperial Proconsul here in Narsis. See, he's so unimportant I don't even remember his name. He may think he runs the province, but he's out of touch with what's really going on. Must be. Morrowind's too big and strange and secretive for any one man to really control it. Maybe one of the Governors? Or, better, a military officer, the commander of the legions perhaps? Nah. First, the Army is divided. Supposedly the local commander reports to the governor, right? But the Army has never liked being under a civilian, and lately its gotten worse. Much worse. You'd be surprised what's going on out in the districts. Then add the Red Templars to the mix. Theoretically tied into the chain of command, right? But they don't really take orders from anybody but themselves. So, you say, the Imperials are a mess, just like everywhere else.

In theory, the Morrowind province is administrated by an Imperial Proconsul, who sits in Narsis. I remind you of the fact that during the Morrowind development the capital/royal city of the province was Narsis where was Castle Mournhold. So the Skeleton Man’s Interview could indicate now the Imperial Proconsuls sits in Mournhold/Almalexia.

But in practice, the Imperial Proconsul runs nothing, because he has no contact with what’s really going on. What’s a Proconsul? It’s from the Roman inspiration for the Cyrodiilic Empire. The Roman proconsul is a former consul (head of state) who keeps his administrative and military rights the next years when he controls one or many provinces as a governor. In the British Empire, the proconsul is just a former military man named governor with large administrative and military roles.

So I think the Imperial Proconsul could be a member of the Elder Council sent to govern a province or the Military Governor, like General Tullius is in Skyrim, under the Fourth Empire.

Under the Imperial Proconsul, there are the Governors. According to the Skeleton Man’s Interview, they are many and civilians. I believe there is one Governor per district. Vedam Dren is Duke of Castle Ebonheart, "the district’s ruler and Emperor’s representative". He is not a member of the Imperial Legion. I think he is the Governor of Vvardenfell.

I do not really understand what is the King of Morrowind’s role in all this hierarchy. He seems be the superior of the Duke of Castle Ebonheart in the feudal hierarchy, but what about in the Imperial administration hierarchy?

Moreover, some people can have many titles. Vedam Dren is the Duke of Castle Ebonheart, Governor of Vvardenfell and Grandmaster of House Hlaalu in Vvardenfell. So it’s not very clear. The King of Morrowind could be the Imperial Proconsul.

Under the Governors, there are, in theory, the Imperial Legion ranks we know, whose the head in Vvardenfell is the Knight of the Imperial Dragon.


Then, in the beginning of the Third Era, we have Titus Alorius and Celeus Fallbright.

> To Provisional Governor of the Reach, Contested High Rock, Titus Alorius, Knight-Commander of the Estates, Duke of Esteem in unified Colovia, Blade-Seneschal of the Emperor Tiber Septim, etc., etc., etc.

> Whereas the Master of the TEM Battlespire Honor Before Glory, Celeus Fallbright, Knight-Commander of the Ruby Armada, Admiral of the Dragon Banner at Void and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed in the Lanes Aetherial & Mnemolic, etc., etc., etc.,

Titus Alorius is Provisional Governor of the Reach, Contested High Rock, like Lord Admiral Amiel Richton is Provisional Governer of Stros M’Kai. I suppose a Provisional Governor is named in all regions of the provinces who are in troubles.

Titus Alorius is also Knight-Commander of the Estates. Are “the Estates” the Colovian Estates? But there are numerous Colovian Estates, which are almost half of Cyrodiil. So I think “Knight-Commander of the Estates” is rather an honorific title than a true Legion rank showing an authority on all the Colovian Estates. The Knight-Commander could equal one of the Knightly ranks of Morrowind, maybe the highest: Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

“Duke of Esteem in unified Colovia” is in all probability an honorific title, introduced after the unification of Cyrodiil by Cuhlecain. “Duke” comes from “dux” in Latin, “military leader”, which would be a great title for the military Colovian culture.

“Blade-Seneschal of the Emperor Tiber Septim” could indicate Titus Alorius is a member of the Blades, an order formed by Tiber Septim, even if it has the Akaviri Dragonguards’ legacy. We find back this title in the PGE2.

> Ghost Counsel Choir (Blade-Seneschal and above): > >"Peli-NULL. Hatta is dead. Move to formation of NU-Hatta post-assembly by his brethren blessed. 331 High Chancellor regains the floor."

In this text, the Ghost Choir “executes” Ald-Hatta. He is the Blade-Seneschal of Empress Morihatha. So is the Ghost Choir a member of the Blades? Maybe /u/scourgicus could say more about this.

Celeus Fallbright has many titles tied to the Ruby Armada. He is in particular Knight-Commander of the Ruby Armada.


In Battlespire, there is a letter to the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Legion. I think this Grand Marshal would be the head of the Imperial Legion in all Tamriel, just under the Emperor.

In Arena, we meet General Talin Warhaft. He is the chief of the Emperor’s bodyguards, the “Imperial Guard”. Is he the Grandmaster of the Blades before Jauffre?

Is he the Blade-Seneschal of Uriel VII?

Is he the chief of the Imperial Guards, the guards of the Imperial dignitaries, as the Duke's Guards?

Is he the chief of the Imperial Palace Guard?

Is he the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Legion?


Finally, I believe all these Imperials with a Knightly title are Imperial Knights, which could also be named the Order of the Dragon.


Are you agreed with my interpretations, or definitely not?