This Is The Way The World Starts, Part 2

While Lorkhan was prowling around the edges of Creation, the universe was still having problems trying to get the books to balance. The trouble now was that Padhome delighted in Lorkhan's restless nature and general fuck-you attitude and Lorkhan grew strong in the warmth of her regard. Of course, Anu could have balanced things out by doing the same for Aka, but Anu's hatred of change was so strong that he couldn't bear to be the cause of it, even if the change worked to his advantage.

So it falls to Aka to try and set things right by working even harder, and he learns the trick of being in lots of places at once. But the universe was not fooled. Lorkhan casts a creational shadow across Aka, and with all those dragons in furious motion, the shadow shatters and all the shards become new entities, most of them favoring Anu to a greater or lesser extent.

So now the newcomers all start to wander around and talk, and pretty soon to disagree and squabble. Before you know it, the whole thing erupts into a truly splendid chaos. This is enough to draw Padhome's wandering eye away from Lorkan, at least for a while, and the universe settles down a little to being only slightly off-kilter rather than see-sawing between extremes.

Of course, what delights Padhome tends to pain Anu in equal measure, and now Aka has to work harder still, trying to organize all these new events into some sort of sequence. The Dragon tears around even faster, still somehow managing to be in several places at once.

Ever helpful, Aka tries he best to get along with everyone, and that leads him to take new names and personas to better fit in with the different people he meets. This is why they call him Aka, because he is Aka, Also Known As Akatosh, AKA Auriel, AKA Alduin, AKA Alakosh ... the list goes on and on. Sometimes he runs himself so ragged he even forgets where he's been and ends up having arguments with himself. The stress of the job is starting to take a toll on his well-being.

Of course, all of this is perfect for Lokhan's plan. Lorkhan waits until he catches one of Aka's more approachable aspects taking a rare moment to catch his breath. Putting on his best casual air, Lorkhan saunters over and throws his arm across a pair of scaly shoulders.

"Akatosh, buddy! Did it ever occur to you that you're working too hard?"

"I can't work any less hard", said Akatosh. "There's too much to do! I can barely keep up as it is!" The Dragon gave Lorkhan a long, cool look. "Of course, any time you feel like helping, you only have to say so..."

"It's funny you should say that! Helping is exactly why I'm here!" said Lorkhan.

"It is? That's great!" said Akatosh. "You could start by having a word with Mephala. She listens to you. She keeps catching people in her webs before the webs have been spun. Then all that white, sticky stuff gets everywhere. It makes it really hard to put everything back in the right order. After that..."

"See, that's your problem right there!" said Lorkhan hastily interrupting the stream of instructions. "Everyone is going in a different direction, time-wise. You fix a problem and then someone goes back and meddles, and then you have to fix it again. And again, and again and again."

"Yes, but ..."

"Suppose there was a way to get them all to go in the same direction? So that things only happen once? Would that cut down on the workload?"

"You know it would", said Akatosh, looking worried, "but how are you going to get everyone to agree to that? Most days, they can barely agree which way ought to be 'up'".

"I figure we can build them a new home", said Lorkhan. "Somewhere nice, so they'll all want to move in, and we'll build the time direction into it. You do the Time and I'll do Space! it'll be easy!"

"And you're absolutely sure this will work?"

"Akatosh, buddy, I positively guarantee it", said Lorkhan with his fingers carefully crossed behind his back.

Continued In Part 3