A Report on the Workings of the Wonderweir and its Current Whereabouts

By: Normus Morcayn of the New Temple

      90th Landfall Season

In light of the recent spiritual reinvigoration we have seen since the start of the 88th Landfall Season, the New Temple has commissioned their ever humble servant to collate the Temple’s various religious and secular documentation on the fundamental operations of the Wonderweir.

Few Mer who went Under, those that made peace with the Worm, remember the star we come from and even fewer remember the means in which we traveled to our new home. It is the purpose of this report to educate and elucidate the various Mer who carve out their lives in the Velothiid.

When the Numidium made Landfall upon the shores of Tamriel in the 5th Era, time utterly broke as that day stretched into eternity. Landfall, Day One. A phrase that has been often misinterpreted as the first linear day in which the Numidium returned. This is incorrect and should be stricken from memory. Days no longer retained meaning once the Numidium was freed from its eternal war against Alinor.

During the struggle against the Numidium, with pocket realities and time bubbles stemming the tide of zero-sum, the Mundus struggled to unify to combat this vast threat. Only after too many parents became children to their offspring; after phantoms of the never-were made treaties with the oligarchs of the ever-present; after a Ninth star fell, tracking the passage of Tamriel’s Right Reach did the Mundus at last obtain a unity of spirit.

But this, still, was not the end of their troubles. With their pocket realities and time bubbles failing, our predecessors realized they could not defeat their enemy. They had but one chance. They had to escape. It was then that they realized the mysterious Ninth star tracked back to a new shore amongst the stars. A coalition was formed and began the construction of the vehicle that would transport them to safety.

After an eternity of collecting the proper components and mythical enchantments, the Wonderwier, a belief-engine that collected and regulated the myths of the world, was finally completed. By its very nature, the Wonderweir became the apex of mythical endeavors. Within its halls, reality lasted again in stepped fashion. With the Numidium’s shade looming large over the Wonderwier, it at last launched into the heavens for its final destination. But not without the untimely help of the Nerevarine, Hortator of the Mundus, at last returned from journeys abroad.

The Wonderweir, the vehicle of our salvation, made Lunar landfall and provided us a home within which we could carve out new lives under the Twin Suns of Revelation. These Suns have not been seen for many Seasons but have been held within our hearts ever since. To see them, look inward and know yourself. To do so will unleash new understanding. To do so will unleash yourself unto a new landscape of untold dreams and peaceful revelation.

JUBAL AE AMARANTH. The House of We is waiting.