The Seventeen Disputants of Jurgen the Calm

And Lo, Jurgen the Calm did proclaim the Way of the Voice to the whole of Skyrim, from atop the tower that would be High Hrothgar, carved from mountain rock with naught but Thu'um.

But the Calm-once-called-Windcaller had made many foes during his past life and they gathered and said to each other: "Let us kill the Windcaller, for the fire has gone from his blood and he will be easy pickings for the likes of us". At the foot of Monahaven they met their ends, for others desired to slay the Windcaller, for altogether different reasons.

The Tongues they were, and they desired to prove their own way more true than the Way of the Voice, for among the Tongues of old power was truth and they sought to slay the Windcaller with what they thought to be greater truth.

There were seven and ten of them, the Tongues of old, all famed men and women throughout Skyrim

There was Uzgloth Blood-Eye, the Half-Orc, who had Shouted apart five times five strongholds in defense of his own.

There was Hrod the Hungry, who had devoured alive a prince of the Ayelids.

There was Sigrun Ever-Glorious, who wore the skin of a white sabrecat about her shoulders, and had Shouted the reavers of the Velothi into dust.

There was Knorir the Snow Devil, who wore a necklace made from the ears of the Snow Elves and had used his Voice to turn heroes of the Falmer into meltwater.

There was Valtr, Son of Valtr, wandering hireblade and sole victor of the Battle of Sjornhall.

There was Maeve the Owl-Sister, who had been found wild in the forests of Falkreath and knew the secret language of Spriggans.

There was Hjall the Younger, Cleverman of Whiterun, who went into battle wielding an odd weapon made of mammoth ivory and baleful light.

There was Sysvol the Saga-Skin, who had been raised by the Kyn of Mora, and who's skin was covered in the tattooed language of Mora.

There was Joldiir Fear-Father, who's Voice gave nightmares to those who survived it.

There was Burna the Doom-Maiden, greatest of all the Daughters of Yngvild.

There was Sturm the Ghost-Eater, who had defeated the vengeful shade of Jarl Borri, and fought alongside the spirit of a great bear.

There was Rigga the Sky-Walker, who went mad while Shouting and had slain the Beast of the Jeralls with her bare hands.

There was Havoth Storm-Glaive, who had Shouted nine trolls into submission and servitude.

There was Onvarro of Glenumbra, thirdborn son of a Direnni Prince, who's Voice turned his swords to flame.

There was Yarro the Kothringi, who bore the blood of Black Marsh in his veins and wore the bronzed skull of his twin brother in his beard.

There was Unferth the Grim, mad general of the Rift, who had fought beside the Windcaller at Vvardenfell.

There was Jaan Wyrm-Daughter, who had been rescued from slavery in Morrowind by a great iron-scaled dragon, and had learned the secrets of the Voice from her dragon-father.

Together, the Tongues brought their Thu'um against Jurgen the Calm for three days and three nights. But the wise Jurgen drank of their Voice and emerged unscathed, while the Tongues lay exhausted. And so the seventeen disputants became the seventeen disciples of Jurgen the Calm

edit: changed some of the names