Rage Unending: A Descent into Forelhost

The following is the debriefing of the only survivor of the doomed first Thalmor expedition into Forelhost by his commanding Justiciar. Agent Valmir has been left behind to watch the tomb, while Justiciar Sillonal and Agent Relarmo(the only survivor of the five elf team) are engaged in the debrief.

Justiciar Sillonal: tell me what happened in the monastery, from the beginning.

Relarmo: well, we went into the ruins, Captain Jaerus leading the way. For a while, it was all quiet, no undead, no bandits.

Justiciar Sillonal: and then?

Relarmo: we came upon a-a damn pile of rubble blocking the main corridor, so we had to backtrack to one of the side halls and we found a journal

Justiciar Sillonal: a journal?

Relarmo: yes, a journal, I thought I made it clear. It was from the First Era, it appears that the monastery was besieged and destroyed by the Nords and that he Cultists committed suicide when they were about to be defeated. We started moving more cautiously.

Justiciar Sillonal:...

Relarmo: and then Arduel, the damn idiot, started getting antsy, said that he kept seeing things in the shadows.

Justicair Sillonal: like?

Relarmo: he kept muttering about "pale figures in the corner of his eye" and "a reckoning". The Captain paid him no mind and we went deeper into the temple. That's when the ambush happened.

Justiciar Sillonal: i thought you said there weren't any undead or bandits?

Relarmo: that's what we thought at first. From out of nowhere ghosts and draugr started appearing, howling in that horrible Dragon Tongue. Varael was the first to go down, the draugr moved on to attack the rest of us but the ghosts kept stabbing him and stabbing him, like a damn pig. Serves the idiot right for charging headfirst. Courel died next, the draugr slit open her guts and left her to bleed out.

Justiciar Sillonal: but you, Arduel, and Jaerus survived?

Relarmo: (with a slight snarl) yes, of course we did, why do you think i'm here in the first place!? We managed to kill the draugr and the ghosts and moved deeper and deeper after burning Courel's and Varael's bodies. Eventually we had to make camp. I managed to get some rest, but I awoke to see Arduel screaming about "the time of vengance" and "the World Eater's Arrival". The Captain tried to restrain him, but Varael had some kind of seizure and killed himself.

Justiciar Sillonal: So what then.

Relarmo: (getting visibly more agitated) the Captain and I broke camp and continued on the mission. He started getting more and more unreasonable. I knew that it was his fault the mission was going so poorly, he never should have been put in command, he couldn't possibly comprehend Forelhost!

Justiciar Sillonal: Agent. Less opinion, more fact.

Relarmo:(screaming) I WAS GETTING THERE! The Captain got worse, snapped at me for no reason! So after we got to a a well, I smashed his skull and threw the body in the well! He didn't belong in the Temple, my THURI never would have allowed it!

Justiciar Sillonal: (standing up in shock) Agent Relarmo! Are you saying you killed your commanding officer?!

Relarmo: (now snarling and foaming) Of course I did you ignorant FAHIIL! He didn't belong! I HATED HIM, I HATED HIM, I HATED HIM!

Justiciar Sillonal: (yelling): Guards! Restrain Relarmo, he's having some sort of fit!

Relarmo: (in a voice not his own) NI RELARMO! ZU'U RAGHOT! UNSLAAD RAGHOT! UNSLAAD RAGHOT!