Trinimac, False God of the Orcs

By Glushga gra-Igrun, clanmother and wise woman

Malacath, lord of vengeance and the keeper of the grudge, has always been the one god of the Orcs. He taught us how to protect ourselves against our enemies in ages past and continues to watch over us, making sure that the Clans have the strength and willpower that is required of all Orcs. He watches over us to make sure that we too keep the grudge, and do not forget the fall of Osinium and who our real enemies are. He makes sure that we continue to fight for our independance when our enemies once again try to opress us. He teaches us to find strength ourselves and to use it to strike back. But despite all of this there are Orcs who abandon the religion of Malacath and his Code, and their numbers are increasing. They claim to adhere to an "Aedric" god instead of the "Daedric" Malacath, they adhere to Trinimac. You have surely heard the story of Trinimac's transformation, in which Trinimac is consumed by Boethiah the trickster and excreted as Malacath and all of his followers turned into the first Orcs. This story is the truth, and has been passed down from generation to generation since when the first Orsimer settled in Wrothgar during the Dawn Era (the silly Elves would claim that those events occurred during the later Merethic Era, but they would be wrong, as usual when it comes to Elves). These "Trinimac worshippers" claim that Trinimac was never transformed by Boethiah, and that Malacath is simply an imposter who should not have the right to call himself god of the Orcs.

I am sure that your blood is already boiling from hearing about such heretical ideas and that you have begun carving down "Trinimac worshippers" on your Vengeance Stones, but believe me when I say that that is not the Trinimac worshipping heretics' greatest offence. The Trinimac worshippers dare to claim that we, the Orcs, are Elves! They have even made up a fancy elven name for us "Orsimer", and I hear that even some priests of Malacath have begun using the word. It may be true that most of Trnimac's followers in the Dawn Era were Elves, many blind devotees of Auri-El's weakling faith. But when Trnimac was transformed so were his followers, and when Boethiah transformed our ancestors they were Elves no more. They were transformed into a race of outcasts, Ornim, which in the tongue of Men became Orcs. To claim otherwise is enough to bring forth the most primal rage in any Orc still loyal to our old, true ways.

But it is not only the faith of Trinimac's followers that is heretical, their actions are aswell. They do not follow the Code of Malacath, nor do they follow some made up "Code of Trinimac". "Honour" is not a word known to the Trinimac worshippers, probably because most of them could never gather up the strength to challenge a clan chief and would have been long since dead if Malacath had not looked after them closely. These ungrateful heretics have been known to murder and dishonour Orcs loyal to Malacath. The once honourable Clan Bagrakh who contrubuted to the construction of Torug's mighty Orsinium has been taken over by Trinimac fanatics who kill the leaders of smaller clans to steal their lands. Their chief is now a Breton-lover named Kurog along with his mother Alga. Clan Bagrakh and their Trnimac worshipping gang of marauders must not be allowed to persist, for their influence and power is growing. If we do nothing it will prove to Malacath that our faith is weak, that we are weak, and he will abandon us. We must fight the Trinimac fanatics like we have fought the Nords and Bretons in the past, to preserve the Code and our way of life. Death to the Trinimac heretics! Even if most of us so have to pass on to the Ashen Forge before that goal is accomplished, for there is no greater honour than to die in the Name of Malacath.
