Landfall Minus One

> From: Cariques (Joconard.Cariques@techsupport.temple.moth) > > To: RosewingD (Dairdel.Rosewing@intel.eldercouncil.tam) > > By secret glyph: dreamsleeve transmission > > Security Protocols: Lispmoth Encryption > > Authorization String: Mythtery Mathtery Mothtery > > Transcript Follows:

Cariques: Hey, Rosey! 'Sup?

RosewingD: Jacko, get off this channel! If they catch you abusing your dreamsleeve access again...

Cariques: Hey, what? No! This is legit. I got something for you. It's good stuff, Rosey.

RosewingD: If it's legit, why don't you take it to your shift supervisor?

Cariques: Yeah, yeah. You know damn well why not. Pastor Jullevelus wouldn't listen to me if I tried to tell him that his robe was on fire.

RosewingD: And why is that, I wonder ...

Cariques: Look Rosey, you know that wasn't my fault. The theory behind that was entirely sound. Can I help it if...

RosewingD: All right! I can spare you five minutes, but after that you get your sorry ass of this nine-dammned channel! Understood?

Cariques: Understood. Now listen: I know where the Dwemer went!

RosewingD: Not this again. Jacko, we all know where the Dwemer went. We have done since the end of the Third Era. "Final Report to Trebonius" by .. by whats-his-name...

Cariques: Yeah, exactly. "What's his name". The events around that document are all entangled in the timeshimmer from the Nerevarine scrollevent. There were probably an uncountable number of reports, all written by Nerevarine instances, or by people close to them. The paratemp techs managed to pull out a single instance written by one Luagar Anulam...

RosewingD: Luagar Anulam! That's the name. So you've read it same as I have. The matter is settled.

Cariques: That's just it! They pulled out one instance. We don't know if we got the best iteration of the report. We don't know if it's correct. Hell, it's still so mired in shadowtime that we can't even remember the author's name unless we're looking at hardcopy.

RosewingD: It's been fact-checked by the best scholars from both of our agencies. It's solid as a rock.

Cariques: You say that. Suppose I could prove otherwise?

RosewingD: Dammit this is going to take more than five minutes, isn't it? Cariques, I have an urgent review meeting I need to attend. You'll have to tell me your insane conspiracy theory another time.

Cariques: Rosey, wait! This is