An Introduction to Void Travel - Ship Types

[ for "A Void-sailor's Prmer" see: ]

There are, of course, a vast number of ships sailing the Void and in innumerable variety. There are general classes by which they may be identified.

Skiff or Dinghy – these small ships are not more than 4 meters in length and are common for plane(t) to Voidstation travel, or brief expeditions off-plane(t). Their interior space is often dedicated wholly to storage leaving the small crew (one or two sailors at most) to sleep on-deck. Skiffs are powered solely by mana sails, having too little space for a Belief-engine or even a soul gem matrix. The favorite of short-range traders or pleasure cruisers, they are almost never armed and at severe risk for pirates. Only a very brave, or foolish, person would take a skiff into the deep Void.

Schooner – the standard for citizen-explorers or private travelers, the schooner measures between 10 and 15 meters in length. A galley and small sleeping quarters are standard with most space reserved for storage (foodstuffs etc). Powered by mana sails, some ships are modified to carry small armaments mostly of the magicka-gun variety (via soul gems). Crew sizes vary up to four sailors but most can only sleep two comfortably.

Brig – the most common vessel for inter-plane(t)ary traders or well-funded explorers, the brig measures 23 to 50 meters and is the smallest ship to sport a Belief-engine. Additional propulsion is provided by mana sails and (in some cases) mana thrusters (“maneuvering engines”). Crews of 12 to 16 share bunk space while private cabins are reserved for the captain, officers or guests. The armaments of a brig are determined by the resources of the ship’s captain and may include magicka guns or even atronach cannons. A well-supplied brig can sail the Void for one to two months before needing to resupply. Most pirate ships fall into this category.

Corvette (“Blockade Runner”) – a military patrol vessel roughly the size and configuration of a brig, may include a small contingent of soldiers (“Void marines”) and, depending on the ship’s size, landing craft. Armament standard is magicka guns though some Corvettes may have atronach cannons.

Galleon – only the wealthiest merchant houses or citizens can afford these large multi-decked vessels. Sporting a crew of no less than 100 mariners, frequently more, galleons are built for extended Void travel. Between 40 and 80 meters, they include crew quarters, workshops, storage and are propelled by the full complement of Belief-engines, mana sails and mana thrusters. A frequent target for pirates, galleons are equipped with a variety of defenses, including magicka guns, atronach cannons, and solar ballistae for ship-to-ship fighting. With a Belief-engine in good order, and ample starlight to fuel the sails, a galleon could reach a speed of 20 VK (Void-knots), putting in for resupply around six months. Military galleons included sizable contingents of Void-marines and, depending on their size or mission-orientation, house a flight (3) of Moth fighters.

Frigate – a military vessel measuring 40 to 50 meters, frigates are designed for speed-of-travel and troop deployment, reaching speeds of 40 VK.

Destroyer – the standard battleship of the Imperial Navy measures 80 to 100 meters, houses hundreds of mariners and soldiers, with a full squadron of Moth fighters. Armored and heavily armed, the destroyer is capable of ship-to-ship combat, plane(t)ary defense (and bombardment), and operates as a mobile mission platform. Reaching speeds of 30 VK, the destroyer is the long arm of the Empire and its appearance marks the true beginning (and end) of any Void-conflict.

Man-of-War – the pinnacle of the Imperial Navy, the Man-of-War is a 200-meter battleship with hundreds of mariners, a full Legion of Void-marines, and four squadrons of Moth fighters; a veritable city. Weaponry on such ships is classified by writ of law but is believed to include atronach cannons, solar ballistae and trebuchets, and sigil-torpedoes. Powered by numerous Belief-engines, scores of mana sails and mana thrusters, the Man-of-War moves slowly (15 VK) due to its great size. They rarely, if ever, return to dock and are resupplied by smaller ships.

Megalomoth – lost to the fires of Landfall, the Megalomoth was a giant moth bred by the priests of the Ancestor Moth order. Some 500 meters in length with a wingspan of nearly a thousand meters, these creatures carried a citadel on their back, housing thousands of mariners, soldiers, and support crew. Some were known to carry a full wing (6 squadrons) of Moth fighters, or more. Unfortunately, the details of life on a megalomoth are lost to time as are the necessities of breeding them. While rumors persist of an extant ship seen often in the deepest Void, the Imperial Navy has assured the present author that this is only “sailor-tok”.