All-Flag Rangers: Part IX, The Rising Tide

Part VIII, The Eyes of Argonia





Black Marsh, 4E 97

"This place disgusts me. It is more water than earth."

"So's Skyrim, if ya think about it. It's just frozen water instead."

"I remember reading somewhere that all the waters of Tamriel flow into Black Marsh."

"Which, if ya think bout it, includes the rivers people dump their shit into."

"Yes, that would explain the stench of this place."

"I must agree... it is potent."

"I'd like to take this moment of comraderie to point something out: we been followed."

"Yes, for several hours now."

"Damn, I was hoping only I'd noticed."

"Everyone noticed Dram, otherwise they wouldn't be Rangers."

"I's being followed?"

" ... "

"...Except him."

"It creeps in the grasses and waters behind us, watching with reptile eyes. Perhaps it is your cousin, Snake-Eyes?"

"Does your throat feel any better? We may need it soon."

"It does not sound any better to me."

"The westerner is right. I can whisper, I cannot Shout."

"Aw maybe it ain't hungry, just curious."

"Curious predators eventually attack. It's how they explore."

"There is only one predator in Black Marsh we need concern ourselves with, and that's the one we seek."

"I don't like being followed. We're dealing with this."

"Leave it be Captain, it's not harmed us."

"Dram, Iszir. You two spread out, get behind the creature. Apologies Mothbrother, but as commander I need to see to all your safety."

"By sending us out, alone, nose-blind, into the swamps and out of eachother's sight? This is why I keep working for your Empires, you guys are tactical geniuses."

"Go Dram, I'll watch your back. Lagerta you keep an eye on Iszir. Pretend your looking for firewood, both of you, and wait for my signal. Minotaur you keep Brother Furioso safe, 'cause you're gonna act as bait. Lagerta and I will mill around here, trying to look busy. Keep the circle tight, don't let the thing get free. We need dinner anyways."

" 'Kay, now you making ^me ^hungry."

" 'A closed line ^is ^not ^^open.' "

"I never understand the words the westerner says before battle."

"You and me both sister."

"That the devil is willing to eat anything from these fetid marshes should not surprise me."

"If you've seen the shit they eat in Morrowind, then no, it should not."

"What Iszir was doing with the ash?"

"It appeared that he was drawing eyes on his face Little Kar."

"Oh. Is Iszir gonna scare the monster away?"

"No Alessandros, you are. You're bigger and with me on your back, we're almost twice it's size! We're the monster here."

"Okay. Furioso, I not like this place. It's dark, and the trees are real close."

"You'll get used to it."

"That's what they always says."

"Shh you two. From up there can y- nevermind."

"Were you going to ask me for a 'bird's eye' view?"

"My apologies Brother Furioso."

"Ha! Good work Snake-Eyes."

"Look Lagerta, the eyes are following Dram. Iszir is closing in from behind, let's go. Minotaur you stay here."





"I can hear leaves rustling. What's going on Alessandros?"

"Uh, Lagerta whispered and the eyes turned away from Dram. Then Iszir and Dram jumped the grasses. Aurelius waiting front. Something big and mad in the grass."

"Is it Lagerta?"

"Um, oh! Yes. She and Iszir dragging something out."

"What is it?"

"They got the tail, I can't see. It's under the water."



"Mothbrother we found one of your predators."

"Ssssashhhejeikiei !xhlahsssss eelsohucee."

"I do not think he speaks Tamrielic."

"What is your name, argonian?"


"Is your name Xuth?"


"He looks offended."

"Take us to your leader Xuth."


"He is trying to slither away from me."

"Keep a grip on his tail, but give him enough slack to crawl where he wills."

"These lizards, I hear they can sever their tail at will. What if he does this?"

"They can't, he won't. Hold tight, let's go everyone and keep your eyes open."

"Especially our nested seer. Owls and crows, who can tell the difference, eh Jhunal-man?"

"He's real small."

"I told you you had nothing to fear Alessandros."

"Where is he leading I's?"

"It looks like he is tasting the water."

"Maybe he can taste his friend's piss, and he's following it."

"I's not taste piss when I drink..."

"Oh it's there Al, Black Marsh is forty percent piss."

"Shutup Dram. Lagerta what's wrong?"

"I think it is drowning itself. It's head has been under the water at the base of this tree for more than a minute."

"Pull him out."

"Is... are you still planning to eat this for dinner?"

"Might as well let 'em drown himself, save us the hassle of killin'. Hey it's like its marinating!"

"I not want eat people. People talk."

"What? No, we need a guide."

"The Captain is correct. Once the sun sets Black Marsh will become a maze. That said there's no need to worry, argonians can breathe under water."

"Pull him out anyways."




" ... "

" ...You can talk. In common Tamrielic."

"Take this leaf-sac. It contains tea."

"I do not want anything you have, lizard."

"I will trade it to you. This tea for you, I take my tail back."

"Wait, wait, Argonian you are speaking to us."

"I apologize, but I am speaking to the white woman. You said your throat was hurt. This will soothe the burn away."

"We thought you couldn't understand Tamrielic."

"Oh I could not then, I do now. A gift of the Hist."

"And you remember everything we said when you couldn't understand us?"

"I understood now when you said it, back when I did not understand. Now I understand it then as I do now. You see?"




"Not even remotely."

"Here, you must drink. It will make you better."

"Excuse me, you say the Hist taught you Tamrielic?"

"They gifted me the meanings."

"I came here searching for a special argonian, one they say knows all things. Is that you?"

"That cannot be me, I know no things."

"But you learn, you recieve it from the Hist?"

"What they give, I receive with gratitude."

"Where did you get this sack of leaves? You did not have it when I dragged you through the waters."

"The Hist gave it to me, for you. A gift of peace and welcome."

"Excuse me, but it seems the Hist give quite freely then, my friend. They give you much, and often?"

"They give me what they will. I receive with gratitude."

"Pardon Mothbrother, allow me. Argonian, I am Captain Aurelius Leto-Shaihe, and this gentleman you have spoken with is Brother Furioso, a Moth Priest. We represent the Cyrodiilic Empire and have come to request your aid. There is a doom coming, and all the nations of Tamriel, Empire or not, must unite to face it. We are a small band of representatives. Will you join your flag to ours for this endeavor?"


"...Well you need to consider- "

"I can not make such a decision. Please allow me to consult the Hist."



"...Are these Hist hiding beneath the waters?"

"I don't know Iszir. If he takes too long down there Lagerta, pull him out. And don't drink that tea."

"I am aware."




"It has been at least a full minute. I will pull him out no- "


" -ow. Nevermind."


"Stop waving Minotaur. You have, uh, 'spoken' to your Hist?"

"They say she must drink the tea. To show trust. And then we will accept."


" ...It smells like swampwater."

"It will make you better. You must have faith in the Hist."

" ... "

"Drink, Lagerta."

"You do not order me Snake-Eyes. And you, lizard, if this is poison I will cut your head off, I will skin you, and I will donate the scales to be made into a jacket for useless noblewomen to wear in bed where it will never see the sun again."

"It will make you better, you will like. Drink."

"It's probably swamp piss. Enjoy!"

"I hate you devil. I hate you snake-eyes, I hate all of you."

"I's sorry."

"Not you."

"Oh. Okay."



"Ugh! This is swamp piss. UGH."

"It is not urine. It is medicinal tea, for your throat."

"I will kill you!"

"Your yelling Lagerta. You're shouting."

"...what is in this tea?"

"Medicine. Leaves, herbs, waters. All native to Black Marsh. You know none of them. Drink, drink it all and you will be better afterwards. Trust in the Hist."

" in the Hist. Hmph... thank you."

"Yes. Very good. Now you all follow me, and you can hold my tail again if you wish."

"Where are we going?"

"To find a warrior to join you. You do not want one like I, who knows nothing."

"Very well, we will follow. Captain, get everyone together and let's go."

"Aye Mothbrother. Rangers, let's go. Finish your tea Lagerta."


"What is your name argonian?"

He told them.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

He said it again.

"Was that, I'm sorry was that Dagot-Ei?"

"I heard Daggertail."

"That is fine"


"Either. Both. However you please."

"I'm pretty sure we're missing a few syllables, some vowels, some consonants, some assorted other stuff I don't know what it was coming outcher mouth."

"Dagot-Ei or Daggertail is fine."

"Very well, Dagot-Ei, please lead the way."

"The Hist lead the way. We follow."





Part X, Within the Wetlands