The Orsimeric romance

Another little Text and the "Sequel" of my "Pre-OrsimericArmor" Text, which you can find here! Its aboput the romantic traditions of the Orc-Culture. The next part will be about the first meeting of a girl to an Orsimeric Family and the traditions applied there!

"Father? Do you have a moment?" Gaturn asked as he entered the living room of his estate in Alcaire. Dul sat in the chair, where he killed his father decades before his tribe was conquered by Bretons.

"Of course, son. What is it?" He lays the book in which he read aside and turned to his son. He had grown so fast in the last few years. It seemed to Dul as if it had been only yesterday when the little Gaturn had tried to climb to the cabinets to become "As big as Mauloch".

Gaturn sat down on the couch next to his father, who was once a respected chief who dis empowered his own father in the style of a "new world". Gaturn still does not know what this meant. "You told me I could come to you with all kind of problems and I do not have to do anything by myself if I do not feel strong enough."

Now he had aroused his interest. "For sure. We are a family. The remains of the Morgashbur tribe. Your problems are mine as well." He looked at his son. The curls, cut to a Mahican reminded Dul of his own youth.

"I met a girl. A nice one." He stared at his father.

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh ... wait. For real? Who?"

"Is that important?"

"No ... no. I do not think so. Where is the problem?"

Gaturn's dark green skin assumed a brownish color on his face. He sighed. "It opposes me to speak to a chief about something like that ... trivial."

Dul put his arm on his son's shoulder. "I have not been a chief for a long time, son. I am not your producer, I am your father. It is a new world. A better, more open one. Just talk."

Gaturn rubbed his head and nodded. "How do I talk to a girl?"

"Oh ... oha!" Dul leaned forward in his chair. "So this is the problem? You're shy? To a wench?"

"They do not like being called wench, father."

"Yes ... Yes. They do not like much. Are crazy, too, the women. But where is the problem to talk with them?"

Gaturn looked at the armor, which was magnificently laid out in the living room and where the helmet had been missing since the battle of the Morgashbur camp by the Alcaire Bretons.

"When I look at her, I miss the words. Her eyes, her smile, by Mauloch's wrinkled ass, I can not stop thinking about her. For months now."

Dul grinned and took his son into the sweat box. "In love is the little shitter!"

"Father. You're please!"

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry. So you're not able to talk to her?"

"Yeah. It would be so easy! She studies the Orsimeric culture here at the guild. And I am an orsimer!"

Dul frowned. "She ... is not an orc?"

He looked at his father again. "No. Her name is Guilette Lucia. She is a Bretone."

"Lucia?" The father jumped up. "Like the commander of the attack on Morgashbur?"

Gaturn also stood up. "Exactly. The daughter of Commander Lucia. Do you have a problem with that?"

Dul took a deep breath and turned to the incomplete armor and laid his hand on the breastplate. "A new world ..."

"Father?" "I admit it: I don't like it."

"Father ... please. It's been decades ago."

"Lets not talk about the murderer's brood, but talk about your problem. She is studying our culture?"

"Exactly. I would like to invite her to a Date and would do it according to the orsimeric tradition."

"Very good!" The father sat down again. "This is always a good idea."

"But ... do we have a tradition for this?"

This question almost touched Dul in his heart. Now he realized that he had instilled much too little culture into his son.

He sighed. "The woman tradition in our culture is very ... respectable. To the woman. We men always have to take the first step. If I were still a chief and you my successor, you would only have to address their parents and propose a trade. Is her father interested in cows?"

"I think ... her mother does not want a cow."

"Mhh. Too bad. That would make it easier. A lot, I think. But if you want to speak to her according to ancient tradition, you must try it with the wreath."

Gaturn frowned. "What wreath?"

"A wreath that unites all that she likes. Find out what flowers she likes. Women stand on shrub, only Mauloch knows why. Or what she likes to eat. She is Breton? Then she likes to read books. What is her favorite book? If you can find out all this and incorporate it in the wreath, she will know how much you care about her."

"Did you get that mother, too?"

"Yes. I gave four cows. They were really good cows!"

"But it was worth it, right?"

"She can cook well. Good cleaning. That's right." Dul grinned proudly.

"Not more?"

The grin disappeared from the father's face and he leaned toward his son. "She's the best thing I've ever done. She accompanied me in the worst times of my life and pulled me out of the darkness. Over and over again. If she were not there, I would have already perished. She saved my life, son. She is the best thing I've ever done. And if there is even the slightest chance that Breton gril will get what Borbash did with me, you should do everything you can to get her."

Gaturn smiled and patted his father's knee. "Thank you, father."

Gaturn was still sitting still.

"Have you more questions?"

"How unpleasant was this conversation for you, father?"

"It was ... not very pleasant but tolerable."

"Good, because ..."


"In the current modern time it is common that already date lead to ... physical acts."

"You want to go hunting together?"

Gaturn laughed. "By Mauloch's beard, no! I speak of his physical union."


Gaturn sighed and formed a circle with the fingers of one hand and led the forefinger of the other hand through the circle.

"Oh ... oh! Yes. I understand. I have no problem with it! If you enjoy it!"

"Yes …"

"What's wrong?"

"How does this work?"

"What?" Gaturn formed a circle with the fingers of one hand and led the forefinger of the other hand through the circle.

"By Trinimac's eggs ..." Dul held both hands over his face. "I never told you this? Never explained?"


"And the school?"

"When I got there, the students were already ... more advanced in biology classes."

"Shit... well ... First of all, you should know that I am stuck into your mother. Then ... "

And the rest of the evening would remain unforgotten for both of them.