All-Flag Rangers: Part X, Within the Wetlands

Part IX, Rising Tide





Black Marsh, 4E 97

Dagot-Ei led the Rangers for several hours, and at some point they each individually came to the conclusion that they'd been led in a complete circle. At six different points one ranger thought to themself, yes this is the clearing where we jumped the argonian, that is where Lagerta dragged him, that is where he ducked beneath the water and claimed to speak to his Hist. We are being led in circles.

Furioso was the only one to remain calm. Lagerta muttered about vampires and swatted constantly at the mosquitos that surrounded her. Aurelius stoically stared ahead, sticking to his mission wherever it took him. Iszir watched the murk around them for signs of predators. Dram seemed relatively at ease - he was sweating as much as the next person, especially with the deep cowl he wore, but did not seem to mind and was mostly concerned with figuring out which of the wildlife would make a good meal. And Alessandros just trudged along, concentrating on not dropping the blind old man riding his back and any other thoughts he kept to himself.

Lagerta was the last to decide they'd made a full circle, and unsurprisingly the first to say something about it.

"You've led us back to where we began lizard."

"I have not," Dagot-Ei responded, "We have nearly arrived at our destination."

"It does seem to me that we've only made right turns," Aurelius jumped in, "that can only lead in a circle where I come from."

"I come from Black Marsh, where do you come from?" Dagot-Ei asked pleasantly.

"That.. that's not the point..." Aurelius said with a hint of exasperation. How could anyone be this kindly dense?

"I's from Colovia, in the Cyrod," Alessandros responded cheerfully.

Oh, thought Aurelius, that's right.

"Ah, here we are," said Dagot-Ei, "our destination is on the left."

They turned left around a large clump of trees where a somewhat small lake lurked and over which crouched a slightly smaller town. It consisted of large huts made of branches and grasses lashed together with strange sinews and cords held over the water by tall wooden stilts. There were no roads, just the swamp water where argonians swam freely from place to place. Here and there a large slab of wood floated freely, some carrying cargo that the argonians ferried from place to place.

Aurelius was not impressed. "This... is your city?"

"Oh no, not at all, I apologize if I have misled you so. This is but a small village. We passed the nearest city an hour ago."

"Uh-huh... and there is a warrior here that's not in the city?"

"There is a Hist here, with whom we shall consult so that they may make their selection."

Dagot-Ei turned to them with a conspiratorial twinkle in his reptilian eyes, "I will tell you a secret, yes? if you promise to say nothing to any one," he waited till they each nodded, most without real committment. It seemed enough for him because he continued in a whisper, "There was a Hist in the city we passed before. I led you here because, well, heheh,this is my favorite Tree," there was something in his eyes, something in the twinkle and the way his nostrils set that gave the impression he was grinning guiltily, "I know it is a naughty thing to feel, but I favor this one. It's scent is clearer." he seemed then to realize he had been doing something because he turned suddenly and continued onwards, "Please forgive me, let us go."

Dagot-Ei led them to the side of the lake where a massive shrub draped it's huge leaves across the water's surface. There was an argonian lounging in the mud by the tree, chewing on a twig. Dagot-Ei approached and said something rapidly, to which the argonian looked surprised. It stood and grabbed at one of the large leaves, and with Dagot-Ei's help they tore it off the shrub and set it on the water. The leaf floated easily, and was at least twenty feet long and six feet wide. The two argonians glanced at Alessandros, then Dagot-Ei said something to which the other nodded. Dagot-Ei approached Aurelius and spoke with a sorrowful voice.

"I apologize, but your nord friend cannot join us. The raft will not support his weight."

Aurelius glanced at Lagerta, who looked very annoyed.

"I am not a man."

Dagot-Ei blinked. "I apologize for the confusion, but I was speaking to the nord male," he said with a gesture towards Alessandros.

Aurelius interrupted before Lagerta could say anything, "That one isn't a nord, he's a minotaur."

Dagot-Ei looked at Alessandros, who grinned his broken grin. "Huh," said the argonian, "I had heard that nords were very large and carried much hair. I apologize for the confusion." He looked directly at Aurelius, "It is also best if you do not bring the slaver into town," he said, sounding slightly less than perfectly polite for the first time, "We are raised on tales of those like that one, and even the children would recognize it's features."

"Oh thanks for the kind welcome Daggertail," Dram said dryly.

"That is fine," said Furioso, "Dram, Alessandros and I will remain on the outskirts. Aurelius take Iszir and Lagerta, you know what to do."

"Yes Brother," said Aurelius. Dagot-Ei boarded the leaf carrying a long curved stick and used it to push them across the water towards the village.

As the moth priest, minotaur, and the assassin retreated into the woods to try and find dinner Dram asked Alessandros,

"Hey Al, you ever eat sushi? It's this altmeri food made of raw fish..."

Furioso tutted, "I detest uncooked fish."

Dram laughed, "I think I know what we're eating tonight."




Aurelius, Iszir, and Lagerta waited in one of the argonian huts.

"I have consulted with the Hist," Dagot-Ei said as he entered, "They are preparing the warrior they will lend you. Please forgive the wait, my kin are aiding in the preparations."

Another argonian entered the hut then, a thin reedish one who looked like a flat-faced serpent with arms and legs. He hissed something to Dagot-Ei who responded in their native tongue, and the only word the rangers caught was something that sounded a lot like nord.

"They are gathering food to hold a feast," Dagot-Ei said as the other argonian exited the hut, "This village is very small, and most have never gone more than twenty miles from wherever the village floats that season. None have ever seen a nord before, but we have heard many stories and they are very excited. They wish to impress you with a grand meal."

Lagerta nodded curtly, and did not look pleased at the prospect. Aurelius gave her a look that demanded she feign gratitude. She ignored him, and Iszir thanked Dagot-Ei in her stead. The brown-scaled argonian nodded and begged their leave to go aid in the Hist's preparations.

It was another hour before Dagot-Ei returned and led them out of the hut and onto one of the floating wooden barges. He and two other argonians swam in the water by the barge and pulled it up to the shallows. The three rangers watched as argonians poured out of the huts and from between the trees, males, females and children, all gathering to stand in the shallows or swim in the waters around the barge, staring curiously at the three strangers. Aurelius shifted uncomfortably. It felt like he was a slab of meat sitting on a wooden plate surrounded by hungry crocodiles.

Dagot-Ei waved over a few who were carrying barrels and plates. They placed the barrels on the barge and argonians came forward, reaching in and pulling out food.

"What is that on your back Daggertail?" Iszir asked the argonian.

"This is my gear, in preparation for our journey."

"Our journey?" said Aurelius, "Where is the warrior we were promised?"

"I am here."

"But," Aurelius said slowly, "Not to offend, but you said you weren't a warrior."

"I was not then. I am now. The Hist have made it so."

"You said you were a know-nothing."

"Yes, that is what you sought is it not?"

"No, we came seeking an argonian who was said to know everything."

"That is a terrible thing, to know everything. It is much better to know nothing, for then you may learn anything," Dagot-Ei patted the large clay gourd he had tied to his back, "I have spoken to the Hist, and received gratefully that which has been given. They have given me warrior ways and they have given me their blessing and they have given me their leave to join your endeavor. What more would you ask for?"

"Furioso specifically said an argonian who knew everything." Iszir said quietly.

Dagot-Ei shrugged, then he said thoughtfully, "Perhaps he misheard. Perhaps it was an argonian who knows anything. That would be more accurate, for I know only what the Hist give me, and I receive it with gratitude," two argonians climbed onto the barge from the water, causing it to lean slightly with their added weight. They unclasped the barrel and removed the tops, and the rest of the gathered people began crowding around to take what was given. Dagot-Ei gestured for the rangers to seat themselves, "Please sit, we have brought you food."

The argonians were all feasting on fish they took out of the barrels, some cooked some raw, a few ate them still living and wriggling. They accented it with what looked like gathered algae smeared onto wet bark. Three argonians approached bearing large clay plates which they placed onto the ranger's waiting hands, and on the plates were charred remnants of leather armor. Aurelius stared at his plate, upon which sat a leather helmet, while Iszir poked at the leather boot sitting on his. Lagerta had the kind of face that had given up.

I have tried to understand these eastern freaks, with their heart-cutting and their fetid marshes and sideway eyelids, but now they have brought me a cooked leather shield on a plate and I give up, I have given up entirely, is what the look said. Dagot-Ei approached them, his eyes giving the impression that he was smiling proudly.

"My guests, you are suprised, no? I told my people there was a nord here, they worked very hard to find good nord food."

"This is armor," Lagerta said flatly, "You are feeding us burnt armor."

Dagot-Ei suddenly looked uncertain. "Yes... yes of course. We," his tongue slithered out and licked an eyeball. The rangers might have found it disturbing if not for the fact it was obviously some kind of nervous twitch, "Nords... nords eat armor, no?"

Aurelius slowly leaned forward till his head lay on the plate he was holding. His shoulders were shaking softly.

"No," Lagerta said curtly, "Nords do not. Eat. Armor."

"What is the reason you believe this?" asked Iszir, real curiosity in hir voice.

"We have heard the stories about nords biting pieces of their shields before battle," Dagot-Ei said earnestly, "We understood pre-battle feasts - we do so as well, though we do not eat our armor as that seems counterproductive, though we would not presume to judge," he quickly added, "But we did not wish to offend, and since we all leave here to go on a journey of battles, well we thought we would accomodate..."

Aurelius' shoulders were shaking harder, and muffled sounds were coming from his plate. Iszir took Lagerta by the hand and softly led her away from the argonians who knew not the danger they were in. Dagot-Ei approached Aurelius and asked, in a concerned voice, was he okay and why he was leaking water and was that not a mannish way of showing sadness?

It was several minutes before Aurelius could answer.




On the outskirts of the town Furioso complained to Dram that the fish he'd caught them was slightly undercooked. Dram sighed dramatically,

"You men are so picky."





Interlude I