Maxis II, The Lamp King of Firsthold

King Maxis II of Firsthold took his father's place as the ruler of Firsthold in 1E 2850 at the age of 30, and ruled for 72 years. He passed on at the age of 102 due to age and disease. The crown given to his cousin, Rilis VIII, whose descendant, Rilis XII, approved of Vanus Galerion's Mages Guild Charter. Maxis II and Rilis XII are occasionally mistaken for each other due to both their connection with lamps. Rilis helped Galerion and Iachesis create the famous Lamp Knights of the Mages Guild, while Maxis had a much more literal relationship with lamps.

With the death of beloved King Maxis the Kind, the kingdom was deep in mourning. Maxis was gentle ruler, and was always eager to talk and connect with all his citizens personally. Prince Maxis II was just as kind as his father, but lacked the charisma and social grace that the Firstholders loved. The prince was to be given time to adjust to the role before being crowned, at his father's request.

After many days, the prince noticed that the mournful atmosphere of sorrow hadn't left the city, and neither had the dreary weather. He thought long and hard about how he could lighten the mood of his subjects. Now, Maxis II was a master of alteration and illusion, and had spent time studying Ayleid Light theory; and he decided to put this knowledge to use. On the 10th of Last Seed, a foggy morn, Maxis called for the attention of his citizens. He stood in the middle of the city as the rain drizzled down, and stretched his arms up to the sky. The clouds began to part as a fresh ray sunlight snuck through the murk, landing on the prince's shoulders. More and more rays of light came sprouting through all over the city, and every one of them bent at unnatural angles to shine directly on Maxis like a wheel with dozens of spokes. Within a matter of minutes, the sky was clear above the town, and the people of Firsthold were stunned in awe at the sight. Maxis was glowing brighter than the best lighthouses, yet the light was oddly easy on the eyes and did not blind. The prince slowly spread out his arms, his light cloaking him like a wispmother, and with a loud clap of his hands above his head, the light dispersed. Orbs of sunlight fled from him and began to hover equidistantly across the city. The people went wild: laughing and cheering at the bedazzling spectacle. Maxis smiled for the first time since his father died.

That evening the prince held a public feast in the center of town. Everyone came, and the whole city of Firsthold ate, drank, and took part in the merriment. The next morning the prince was crowned King Maxis II, The Lamp King. The lamps stayed lit for weeks, and every once in a while, whenever he thought that his people needed a lift in spirits, The Lamp King lit up the city.

Ever since the Lamp King's passing in the first years of the Second Era, the people of Firsthold have lit lanterns, both physical and magical, throughout the city on the 10th of Last Seed. And that is where both the Day of Lights and the Lamp Knights received their names.