Salvianus, An Unsung Hero of the Great War

WARNING: Long Post

I originally posted this on r/skyrim and was told it would fit well here, so here goes.

While travelling in the Ratway Warrens on my way to find Esbern, I came across a few NPCs around the area where his room is. I've seen these NPCs before, but never really paid them any attention. The most interesting one to me was Salvianus.

You can infer from his gear and the items in his room that this Imperial was an officer in the Legion, likely in the Great War. However, Salvianus was apparently a well respected officer, as one of the quotes he says is: "I had a medal. It had someone's face on it. I threw it away after. It didn't help."

Obviously, Salvianus was awarded a medal for his service. We aren't sure which award this may be, but I like to believe that it was a medal of some high regard. I believe this to be true because further quotes by the deranged soldier placed him at the sacking of the Imperial City in 4E 174. This is confirmed by the following quotes: "Their fires lit up the night, all across Lake Rumare, like stars come to earth. sigh It was beautiful, really." (In reference to the Dominion's burning of the city)

"They were golden, even when they were dead. But their blood was red. I knew it would be." (In reference to the likely hundreds of Altmer he and his subordinates cut down in defense of the city) We don't know what happened to him and his subordinates after the battle. We know the Legion lost that battle. Perhaps Salvianus was wounded in the fight and subsequently discharged. Maybe he continued in the last year of the war. Either way, he was awarded for his service, but we don't know what award and how prestigious it was. Nevertheless, it did him no good and he didn't care for the award. Maybe he felt he didn't deserve it, or maybe he felt that his actions did not warrant admiration.

Obviously, his experiences in the Great War scarred him heavily. While he may feel pride in the fact that he served (as he keeps his weapon, helmet, and boots), he feels heavy guilt for his actions (he threw away his award, he likely sympathizes with the people who died). He obviously suffers from a sever case of PTSD, and maybe other psychological disorders. After his service, he likely was unable to find work. Maybe his psychological state prevented him from working, maybe some physical disability resulting from the war prevented him from working, or maybe he secluded himself out of insanity or guilt. Perhaps he survived for a while after the War with whatever funds he gained from his service (he has a relatively small amount of gold in his personal chest), but after that money ran out, he sheltered himself in the Ratway with other degenerates.

Despite his probable guilt from his deeds, he has no love for the Thalmor and a level of respect for Esbern (he helped me and Esbern, with remarkable success, in defending Esbern from the Thalmor). He is somewhat respectful f Esbern, as further quotes from him prove that he and Esbern have interracted with one another. This could be out of sympathy with the Blade's member, as they both were heavily affected by the War.

Though we were given minimal information about this NPC, the story that can be inferred from this information is tragic, but deep. Personally, I have a level of pity and respect for this character for what he has been through and what he continues to live with.

Despite my interpretation of this seemingly insignificant NPC, it is not the only story to be inferred. For all we know, Salvianus could have deserted at some point. Either during the battle (meaning he received the award prior, and likely threw it away in shame or hatred after the atrocities of the battle), or after receiving the award. Additionally, he could be in the same boat as Esbern, being hunted by the Thalmor (perhaps his unit was a pivotal key in holding back the offense as long as possible, or maybe they racked in the most kills). This could explain why he so readily took up arms against them when they came for Esbern. Personally, I do not think he deserted, as he still holds on to pieces of his uniform and weapon.

That said. Tell me what you think, what story could there be here?