Foundations of the Nu-Diocese or: How to Find Us



The Void


Through the darkness of the void speeds a pillar of light, destined toward an unknown location. It’s radiance is near-blinding, in contrast to the infinite black that surrounds it. Within the pillar is an abstract space, nothing visible but sourceless, scintillating light glaring in all directions. Two figures may be heard, but not seen.


“Plane-Make matched. Index adjusted and accounted for, shifting into collimatory drift.”


“Refraction primed and set. Spectral analysis completed.”


“Affirmed. Creatial disturbance directly ahead.”


“Numena, Ur-type.”


Slowly approaching the resplendent Meldialata, propelled through the void by its own refutation of the surrounding forces, a brazen form approaches their position.




“Emero.” She responded in Ayleidoon


“Monitor the Under-Kings, watch their trajectory. Appeal for refractory course.”


“Refractory course granted, awaiting confirmation.”


Rushing into view, a face of brass alongside two disconnected spear-like limbs approaches the left of the Ayleid craft.


“Tone-Shift holding.”


“Wait for it…”






Near-seconds after the words left his mouth, long flute-like appendages lept from the brass mouth of the beast, erupting into a strangely soothing cacophony. Deaf to the Ayleid, their craft of light thrust itself toward the brazen beast as if it were a lance, stopping short and breaking into a cage of mirrors; all reflecting the sourceless light erupting from the Meldialata.


“Reflecting plane-make, reversal ready.”


The blinding cage of light began to spin about the beast in all directions counter to itself, as it struggled to escape tendrils continued to erupt from its mouth, enveloping it until the brass upon the form could no longer be seen. With this, the Meldialata returned to form; and within what was once the cage, nothing but infinity remained. As the Ayleid inspected their handywork, Neyria couldn’t help but notice a bright, blue star in the distance.


“Neyria, call it in.”


She flinched, lost in thought. Looking back, the star had gone.


“Merid-Actual, disturbance rendered unto Ur, returning home.”