How the Greedy Man lead Hrothmund the Red Astray

“Father? I overheard the Elders today. They were talking about something called Thirsk. Their voices were hushed, and they seemed concerned.”

“My daughter, you have nothing to worry about. The All-Maker watches over us, always.”

“But what is a Thirsk? And why are the Elders so upset about it?”

“Thirsk is a settlement that is South of our village. They live in the old ways, before the All-Maker shared us his gifts and knowledge. But they were once like you and me. They were once Skaal, the All-Maker’s favorite people.”

“But what happened? Why not?”

“It is a long tale, but I know better than to keep it from you. Sit, and stoke the fire. I shall tell you the story as it was once told to me.”

Throughout time, we the Skaal have always lived in the ways that please the All-Maker. It is through him that we breathe our last breath, and it is through him that we breathe once again. However, as we have basked in the light of the All-Maker and his grace, the Adversary has lurked among the shadow of his glory.

It was the Adversary who, under the veil of the Greedy Man, enticed the Traitor against the Guardian. Though it was also the Adversary who, as the Greedy Man, stole the gifts of the All-Maker long, long ago. But these tales are for another day.

It came to be that, during a time of peace on the mainland, the Greedy Man returned to test the faith of our people once again.

In a day of great sorrow, the leader of the Skaal, Gjalund Hard-Heart, departed to the cold-place in the arms of the All-Maker. A day of mourning was announced, and his body was prepared to join the spirit in the cold-place, where Gjalund could one day be made new in the All-Maker’s image and join his beloved people once again.

There was a Skaal Warrior by the name of Hrothmund the Red, who was the strongest of the Skaal. He was a great hunter and was heralded as one of the mightiest Skaal of his time. Hrothmund and his fellow warriors were in celebration, for they had no doubt that Hrothmund would be named the new leader of the Skaal.

When the moons rose, the Skaal gathered in the center of their village to name the new leader and send off Gjalund, for that was the will of the All-Maker. All were present besides Hrothmund, who was much too drunk.

The Elders, the Shamans, and the Warriors convened, and each discussed who they thought should be the next to lead the Skaal, for it was the will of the All-Maker. Some of the Skaal warriors proclaimed Hrothmund as the obvious choice.

“But Hrothmund is much too hasty. He may be strong, but he lacks faith and trusts in his own judgement more than he believes that the All-Maker will set things right,” said one of the Elders.

“Hrothmund is too young,” replied one of the Shaman, “where is he now? Doesn’t he know better than to miss our most sacred of rituals?”

In the end, the Elders and the Warriors and the Shamans proclaimed Freija the Faithful as the leader. She was a respectable woman who always put the needs of the Skaal first. She was devout and knew all the teachings of the All-Maker.

Gjalund was sent off down the Ilsild with his shield and his spear, and he became one with the All-Maker. It was now time to recognize Freija Strong-Will as the leader, for it was the will of the All-Maker that she was chosen.

When the sun rose, Hrothmund rose out of bed with brain ache from his many drinks. Angered by the results of the moot, he took his bow and went into the woods to hunt.

It was during this time that the Greedy Man chose to speak with Hrothmund.

“The Skaal have grown ignorant. They are unable to recognize the prowess of a true and strong warrior. You are braver and mightier than any other Skaal in the village, and surely you should be chosen to lead them,” the Greedy Man whispered in his ear.

The Greedy Man told Hrothmund the ways of our ancestors and the ways of those living on the mainland. He told him of the times when only the strongest and the richest could lead their village. He told him of the times when our ancestors hunted with no restraint, and feasted every day. He told him of the times before the Skaal, when the world was in chaos and men fought for land, coin, and power.

He told Hrothmund many more falsehoods, and Hrothmund accepted these all as truth.

Convinced, Hrothmund returned to the village to tell his fellow warriors of what he had learned. Only one brave warrior dared to speak out against the lies told by the Greedy Man.

“Those were the days from before the our people learned the All-Maker’s ways, before the All-Maker provided us with the gifts of Sun, Earth, Water, Wind and Beast. These are the ways of old, and to follow them now is to defy the will of the All-Maker,” he cried.

The rest of the warriors dissented, for they had been touched by the Greedy Man, and hungered for food, power and money. The Greedy Man spoke to them:

“Us warriors are the foundation of the Skaal, and without them they would be nothing. We protect them and provide them with food, but in turn we get nothing. They fail to recognize our importance. They are selfish and ignorant. Come, my kinsmen. It is time to depart from the Skaal. Let their society fail without us as we become strong and powerful.”

Many of the warriors agreed and nodded their heads. However the brave warrior, Drengr Bronze-Helm, spoke out once again.

“Warriors of the Skaal, do not listen to him, for he speaks of heresy. It was the All-Maker who chose us, his favorite people, to live in his image and spread his teachings. We live to serve him as Warriors of the Skaal, not for ourselves.”

But it was too late, for the Greedy Man had consumed the Warriors of the Skaal. The Greedy Man then said, “I, Hrothmund the Red forsake the Skaal, for they have grown weak and lazy under the All-Maker.”

The Warriors around him clamoured in agreement.

“If you forsake our people, you forsake the All-Maker. I will not allow you to defy his ways, brother. Without him your sword arm will grow weak, your crops will not grow, and you will live without his protection.”

“Strike Drengr down,” the Greedy Man whispered into Hrothmund’s ear, “take his head as a trophy of your prowess and your right to rule. None may challenge your might and your valor.”

And Hrothmund obeyed. He raised his axe and struck Drengr down, and this blow could be heard throughout the village. Many came running to investigate. Mothers covered the eyes of their children, the Elders looked in shock, and the whole village was in silence.

Freija the Faithful spoke:

“Hrothmund, you have forsaken the ways of the All-Maker’s favorite people. You have struck your brother down in cold blood. I hereby banish you from our village. You shall now be known to us as the Greedy Man, for we shall never forget your tyranny.”

The Greedy Man collected his warriors and left. He took them far south to lake Fjalding, outside of the watchful eye of the All-Maker. Here he set Drengr Bronze-Helm’s head and proclaimed, “here we shall resurrect a hall where our children will tell stories of our triumphs, and where our feats will be carved into the walls as legend. I, the Greedy Man, most valiant of us all, shall lead our people into prosperity, where the All-Maker will not dictate our futures, and where we shall be able to do as we please.”

They began the construction of the hallowed hall, chopping many trees and killing many deer and disturbing the peace of the All-Maker. The beasts of the forest were angered, for their homes were destroyed and these men were disturbing the natural order of things.

In outrage for the destruction of his home, Udefrykte, one of the most ancient of beasts, awoke from his long, cold slumber and brought vengeance upon the Greedy Man’s people. They had forsaken the teachings of the All-Maker, so he could not protect them from the wrath of the beast.

In the end, many of the Greedy Man’s men had lost their lives. Udefrykte, satisfied, returned back to his slumber (although the Greedy Man’s people will tell you they bested him in combat.)

And with this, the Greedy Man proclaimed the hall “Thirsk,” and ruled over his people with an iron fist as their Chieftain. Many beasts, dissatisfied with their destructive ways, taunted and terrorized the people of Thirsk for many years, for the Greedy Man knew not how to protect them from the beasts. He knew only of strength, valor, and blood.

May this serve as a reminder to the Skaal of the All-Maker’s promise. As long as we, his favored children, live as one with nature, and follow the traditions set by our ancestors, the crops will grow long and the sun will shine bright and the Skaal will prosper. Value your faith and your knowledge as equally as you value your strength. For that is the will of the All-Maker.