The Meat Mandate and the Thalmor: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell!

(This handbill, recently distributed to members of the Thalmor serving in Valenwood, bears both the royal seal and the official seal of the Thalmor.)

To the esteemed officers, soldiers, and representatives of the Thalmor:

To preserve troop morale and promote unity within our magnificent alliance, the Thalmor Inner Council was compelled to contrive a policy addressing what is acceptable in regards to the Bosmeri Meat Mandate. Details about the Meat Mandate can be found in your Bosmer Relations Dossier.

Cannibalism in all forms has, since mythic times, been an unacceptable act in Altmeri society, and especially so in the Altmeri military and administrative branches. However, as our society grows, so must our cultural sensitivity expand as well. Consultation was sought from various treethanes, our astute Sapiarch of Indoctrination, and Queen Ayrenn herself. Following much debate, the Inner Council agreed to the implementation of a new policy in regards to the investigation of cannibalism within our Aldmeri Dominion: the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy does NOT change the illegality of cannibalistic acts in Altmeri territory, nor is it meant to encourage such acts in private. Officers who discover cannibalism being performed by their subordinates or in Altmeri territory are still required to reprimand the offender with all due force, and citizens who directly witness cannibalism or proof of cannibalism are still encouraged to report such behavior to their local Thalmor representative. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy also prohibits all official Aldmeri Dominion representatives and soldiers from discussing previous cannibalistic acts or a desire to presently partake in them, each of which being grounds for Dishonorable Dismissal and possible legal action.

The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy strictly prohibits any official Aldmeri Dominion representative or soldier from making personal inquiries regarding cannibalistic behavior, past or present, or regarding a person’s cannibalistic proclivities, or whether a person follows or believes in the Meat Mandate in any way.

Deviation from the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy is unacceptable, and, if discovered, will result in no less than a Dishonorable Dismissal and a public dressing-down. All Aldmeri Dominion citizens are to be treated without discrimination or unfounded suspicion.

Cultural sensitivity and mutual respect does not mean accepting the barbarous traditions of the ancient past. It means understanding and empathizing with how these practices became so meaningful even as you continue to strive to erase them.

Glory to the Dominion!