Betrayal: Full + Final Transmissions


Infrasleeve L3-20: Channel granted.









Transmission. The following fragment, translated from the Nahdian dialect from which it was thitten, was left behind by a megasonic aedron stream-storm that disrupted the use of the sleeve for a fortnight. Thankfully, Thalmeri slip-agents were unable to (! or chose not to!) recover it, allowing Blade-Seneschal Clarentavious Valisious to conduct lucid retrieval and place it under Imperial custody. Like all Nahdian thought-script it spat, bit, and cursed at its inquisitors until, through the powerful use of senesnesia, it coiled upon itself into eternity and revealed its contents. The thought-script revealed itself to be from the future (!) and told of the priority one traitor [REDACTED] Titos, long thought lost Cyrod-Twil-embryo of [REDACTED]. Blade-Seneschal Clarentavious sends the following translated portion of the document to all members of the Elder Council except for [NULL], who will be subjected to immediate intermediate anatomical erasure for his role in the displacement of Nohotgrha from the mythic. Additional transmissions of the document will be sent through the sleeve upon their translation.

Attached: UKN-cld11d, key=tamrlc_common_translated, context=propagandic_pamphlet (?)

END: 0

[HALT! Intruder detected. Engaging in counter-notions.]

…Dragonguard…agent exper…investigations of the…Nu-Hatta…defunct…t…h…e…y…k…no…w…Auri…el…protect…p…r…o…t…e…c…t

[HALT! Channel compromised, message copied (?). Intruder identified as unidentified Imperial agent. Renegade thought-moths engaging.]

#Heart’s Sapphire: The Celediilon Union

##Transmission I: Main Text

The recently reorganized Celediilon Union (formerly known by the titles Cyrod-2, Nucyrod, the Cuhlecain Confederacy, the Acturian Insurgency, Cyrbal, and Province Zero in the past) is a hidden magnegineered city-region that lies situated in the ‘then and where’ of the Imperial Reserve (although rumor has it that it was once nestled in the Jerall Mountains near the ancient kingdom of Falk’reth, but was relocated after the forceful eruption of Trolhetta by Arnand the Fox in 3E 98). Although the nation has traditionally been at war with the entirety of Cyrod since its creation, it recently received the power and respect it deserves when the heir apparent Titus Mede captured his birthright and became the Emperor of Tamri-El in the 11th year of the Common Era, finally formalizing the Union into a proper province of its own via the Veto of Charter and Decree of New Lordships a month later.

The history of the Celediilon Union begins with the death of Cuhlecain Sifr, King of Falk’reth and the Father of the True Empire, in 2E 854 – a time ripe with ‘Imperial’ conspiracy and blasphemy. Cuhlecain, even as an infant, was destined for both greatness and betrayal. His father, King Cuhlecain Quintus, was an avid worshipper of and the self-proclaimed (by divine right) Champion of Ebonarm, the kingdom’s patron deity. His mother, Queen Cassandra, was a descendant of Sai, and had been born with the gift of prophecy. After she gave birth to her son on the 9th of Mid-Year in 2E 798 she recited to her husband, in whispered pain: “this child is sun-blessed, dragon-born, and heart-cursed. He is an ender of conflict and his heart is the wellspring of dynasties. But as kissed as he is he is also dead, red-marked and doomed, as the ruby that follows him shall ultimately consume him, for serpents always gnaw the stars. Blood runs crimson down the sapphire’s face; shatter and mend it to keep it safe.” And with those words her soul passed to the sweetness of Aetherius, leaving behind a grieving husband and a babe bearing the weight of the land in his arms. As the prince aged during the bloody rule of the Interregnum he began to despise the wickedness of his people – the Cyrodiils – and their province, resigning at a young age to forge a new empire worthy of heaven itself…even while his father tried to subdue his reckless ambition at every chance he could.

When Cuhlecain ascended the throne after his father’s death in 2E 848, he had already undertaken several endeavors to ensure his conquest of the Heartlands would be successful (one of these – the reacquisition of Falk’reth by Whiterun once he was crowned Emperor – weighed heavily on his heart and caused his royal advisors a great deal of unrest). However, his greatest decision – and greatest mistake – was the admittance of Hjalti Early-Beard (the manmeri demon who would one day become the great liar Tiber Septim) into his service. The Breton freelancer had been the first to hear Sifr’s cry for a talented warrior to lead his troops into battle, and had been the last to arrive in Colovia amongst the fifty men and women who came – his armor blackened with soot from the Alcairen Riots and his sword rusted red from the blood of the men he had slain. As per Falk’rethean tradition, Cuhlecain made the candidates fight one another for the honor to be named his general…and was surprised when Early-Beard not only defeated, but executed, each and every one of them in quick succession.

When Sifr looked into that young orphan’s eyes he saw a fire that both enticed and frightened him – he knew that this boy would go on to do great and terrible things – and discussed with his advisors what he should do with him. Concerned with this strange mongrel, who fitted the description of Lady Cassandra’s prophecy of old, the majority of Cuhlecain’s councilors wished to either send Hjalti away or kill him. But Chevalier Renald, the King’s dragonknight man-at-arms, saw potential in the child before them and swayed Cuhlecain to accept him as his general, agreeing to watch over him closely lest Renald be executed himself if his charge attempted to betray the king. Now with a capable military commander, Sifr began his Western Conquests immediately, and in only a few years the entirety of the Colovian Estates was consolidated under his rule thanks to the brutal yet cunning tactics of his new general and man-at-arms.

Striving to gain the approval of both Skyrim and Altbal so he could gain additional support in his eminent invasion of the Eastern Heartlands, Cuhlecain sent his two most valuable warriors to aid in the removal of the Witchmen from the Western Reach in 2E 852. It was during this long trek to Old Hroldan that Hjalti came under the influence of the ash-demon from the Underworld that called itself the Underking, who planted the first seeds of treason and greed in the Breton’s heart. Manifesting itself in the form of a storm that covered the general, the Underking taught Hjalti blasphemous tongue magicks that he used to break down the walls of the city, allowing his forces to pour in on the unprepared Witchmen and win a decisive victory.

Renald was killed (or murdered by his charge, as some Cuhl historians believe) during the battle, but the King gained a new advisor in the form of Zurin Arctus, a young Nibenese battlemage that the Witchmen had enslaved before his rescue by General “Talos Stormcrown” (as the northern men had taken to calling Hjalti, due to their unholy comparison of his demon-tongue with their much revered Voice). Cuhlecain’s advisors were highly suspicious of this Arctus, for his name was nonexistent in every official battlemage document in their possession, which caused them to believe he was an agent of Hjalti, as the two behaved like old friends despite meeting for the first time during the battle. Sifr was too worried about this situation, but his mind was more focused on his campaign than anything else. In order to pacify and secure an alliance with the Witchmen he married Medea (the daughter of the most dominant Reach tribe) three months after the battle against her wishes, but in due time the two grew to love each other genuinely.

But as the day must give birth to the night, it wasn’t long before Hjalti and Zurin began to plot against their Lord due to the dark machinations of the Underking. General Early-Beard wished to wrest Sancre Tor from its Nord and Breton occupiers in order to secure the Amulet of Kings for Cuhlecain, which would prove he was indeed worthy of being Emperor of Tamri-El. In truth, however, Zurin and the Underking planned to use the ancient artifact for a much darker purpose – an ancient ritual that would allow them to steal Cuhlecain’s divine soul and blood, given to him by mighty Akatosh at his birth, and merge it with the soul and blood of Hjalti, which would allow the traitor to light the Dragonfires and become Emperor instead (why the Underking wished to do this is unknown, although some believe it was to start a great war with the elves, as Hjalti agreed with his extermination plan while Cuhlecain’s admiration for all the races of the Starry Heart and beyond was well-known).

Oblivious to their plans, Sifr allowed them to retrieve the amulet and ordered them to bring it to him. But the Falk’reth King had his own hidden agenda, as he had heard from his most loyal agents that the general and his battlemage accomplice had been sneaking off from the war camp at night for several days now in order to converse with a ‘voice in the wind.’ Queen Medea, concerned with her husband’s safety, crafted for him an enchanted sapphire that would protect him from even the most powerful arcane arts. And for the next year, Cuhlecain breathed easy at night as his men won battle after battle in his name…but his time was swiftly coming to an end.

The Eastern Heartlands were finally conquered in the early months of 2E 854, after Cuhlecain personally led his army in an assault on the Imperial City itself and defeated the enemy battlemages stationed there. With his queen, royal advisors, General Hjalti, and Zurin Arctus watching on, the Falk’rethean King sat upon the Ruby Throne and claimed his birthright, becoming Emperor of Cyrodiil. Sifr planned on lighting the Dragonfires the following day to prove the legitimacy of his reign (for he was indeed the Dragonborn Emperor whose return the legends spoke of), and retired to the war room with his councilors to plan their campaigns for the foreign lands. It was at this moment that Hjalti’s plan sprung into motion. With the Underking cloaking him in a storm once more, the general and his battlemage accomplice slaughtered the bodyguards outside the war room and entered the chamber to do battle with the Emperor and his Council.

Although Cuhlecain and his advisors fought hard and bravely, they proved no match for the immortal Underking and his demon-tongue, and soon the Emperor found himself on his knees before his former subjects. Zurin initiated the ritual and Cuhlecain’s soul and blood were painfully extracted from his body…but then the unexpected happened. Medea’s Sapphire began to protect Sifr from the ritual, and although it proved no match for the hellish powers of the Underking it changed the nature of the ritual and the fate of Tamri-El in an instant; the dragon blood was absorbed into Hjalti, but Cuhlecain’s soul was absorbed into the sapphire and tried as they might the traitors could not release it.

Enraged to the point of madness, Hjalti set fire to the Imperial Palace and ordered Arctus to slice his throat to explain his ‘loss of the Voice’ to the northern troops (as he had his own sinister plans for the Underking, and wished to be his mouthpiece no longer). Walking before his army with the Chim-el Adabal in his left hand and cradling his bleeding throat with his right, the liar explained in a whisper that Altbal assassins had claimed the life of Cuhlecain and Medea, which made him the new Emperor of Cyrodiil (as Sifr had no children to inherit his empire) by chain of command. It was on that day he also changed his name to Tiber Septim, but no one truly knows if he did this to either better assimilate with his newly adopted people or to better expunge himself of suspicion and investigation.

Later on, before he started the infamous “Tiber Wars”, Hjalti started the Cult of the Emperor Zero in honor of Cuhlecain, which preaches that the Divines came down from heaven and carried the emperor’s body to Aetherius for his role in Tiber’s ascension. But this is just another lie to cover his mistakes, for after the fire was put out the False Dragonborn and his battlemage returned to the war room to gloat over Cuhlecain’s body…and could not find it. Queen Medea – blessed be her name now and forever – had taken it away in secret with the aid of guards, back to Colovia where it belonged. Sifr was locked away in a magical coma that he would not awaken from, frozen in a state between life and death, no blood or soul in his body to pull him back from the eternal abyss.

It was years later, after Medea had lost all hope that her husband would ever recover, that she was visited under the cloak of night by the storm that would birth her new nation:

“I was the greatest enemy of your husband, and I have made a grave mistake. For as I betrayed him my charge betrayed me, and now I am once again without form and now I am without heart,” the Underking said. “But I am still powerful beyond any mortal, and although I cannot heal the True Dragonborn or give him back his blood or soul, I can help you give birth to another. For he and Hjalti are one now, two sides of the same coin, and new bodies are always born with new souls.”

##Transmission II: Side Bar, “The Imperials of Nucyrod”

“As I lay here, dreaming of dreams, I hear the song of the heart and the sobs of the land. What am I, but a vessel of divine perchance? Are we, as mortals, not bringers of the eternal dusk? There is an ending to all things, anon none, and the mongrels of Cyrodiil are trapped in their own. When I sleep, I awake in another world. And when I awake, I kill it dead.”Mumbled Sermons of the Shunned Father

The Celediilons (more commonly referred to as Cuhls) of the eponymous Celediilon Union are a noble people who have faced much hardship and social stigma in the past. Although their land is located within Colovia, they identify as neither Colovian nor Nibenese; in their eyes, they are the true sons and daughters of Alessia and Reman, and view all other so-called Imperials as accursed mongrels who will be damned upon the ‘Sapphire’s Revival.’

Their society seems to be a theocratic monarchy comprised of Knight-Houses and Priesthoods that worship the gods Ebonarm, Sai, Jephre, Arkay, Magnus, Kyne, Mara, Morihaus, Dibella, and Akatosh. Children who survive being blessed with the flesh of the Slumbering King are put through rigorous training in order to become the Knight-Templars and Paladin-Generals of the nations’ great army; those who are rejected are exiled into the lower castes (where they become farmers, artisans, and servants to the nobility).

The average Cuhl is tall, lean, and possesses either crimson or brown hair; the exceptional few who are descended from Taurian unions possess small horns and a burlier build. Since the Celediilon woodlands are inhabited by a great deal of dangerous creatures (like dire wolves and river salamanders) that terrorize their kingdom, Cuhls are expert hunters and trackers. All babes of the Union are formally sworn to the service of the Medes and their Underking by way of the Sapphire, so that their souls may (upon death) be used to fuel the vision of the Shunned King that allows his kingdom to exist. The current Heir of Nucyrod, Underking-Now-Emperor Titus Mede, eldest mirror-son of the Sifr, currently rules over the land with a warm heart and an iron fist, and with the aid of the royal Penitus Guard, intends on reclaiming his birthright in Ald Cyrod with divine prejudice.

##Transmission III: Main Text (Continued)

Before becoming an official province of the Empire in the current era, the Celediilon Union was considered the largest city-state in Tamri-El's history. According to the Imperial Geographical Society, who were finally allowed to conduct a census on the realm, the Union is as large as the Imperial Province itself and is divided into numerous regions, some of which are mostly uninhabited by civilized folk. The population of the Union is mainly comprised of Cuhls, nomadic Minotaur clans, dreugh from the Harajk tribe, and (if rumor holds true) conclaves of Wild Elves (although sightings of them have grown rare, unfortunately). The odd outsider or two may be spotted as indentured servants or exotic bodyguards for the highest nobility, and trade caravans from neighboring lands are quite common in the Union's most important cities (see, Sidebar: Beyond Nucyrod).

The geography of the Union might invoke nostalgia in the modern historian, as it is mostly comprised of jungles and temperate rainforests like the Cyrodiil of old, before it's beauty was changed by the blasphemous Tiber Septim. The northern territory gradually grows more rugged and less thick with vegetation before giving away to the Reman Savanna and the Sifrian Mountain Range that marks the northern border, while the south becomes more wet, hot, and foggy as it transits into the Boiling Moor that marks the southern border. While there are numerous river villages scattered throughout the central jungle system, as well as farms and vassal towns in the northern grazelands, there are only four major cities in the Union: Dor, Hestra, Kreath, and the capital, Medea. These settlements are large, grand, and built to withstand sieges (although the Union has yet to be successfully invaded by any foreign power) with their massive walls and war engines. Each of the capitals are built in the shape of the Blessed Sapphire, and are separated into five distinct districts: the Market District, the Residential District, the Holy District, the War District, and the Under District (where the Underpalaces of the Medes reside).

According to the Medean annuals, which this humble scribe was finally able to read in full, the eldest son-mirror of Cuhlecain, Titos Mede, commission for this design as to laugh at the sacred ruby-splattered diamond of the False Empire, which was a heathen death sign brought to Tamri-El by the Eastern Ouroborus. His younger brother-selves, slightly imperfect as they are, were given seats of power in the other cities so that their more ashen forms may be kept whole by the soul of their Father, while Titos and his Ebon-blessed 1000 conquered the Imperial City with mere strength alone.

##Transmission IV: Side Bar, “Beyond Nucyrod”

“Is every thought a story, and every story a legend, and every legend a myth, and every myth a world? And when these worlds are forgotten, where do they go? Or do they stay, out of mind but in sight, awaiting entry if one just remembers there is a grain of truth in every lie." – Mumbled Sermons of the Shunned Father

Although the Union is a land outside of what we regard as normal space and time, it is still a land on a continent much like Tamri-El, and like all lands it has neighbors it must deal with on both peaceful and militaristic terms. But of these lands we have little knowledge, and only two are confirmed to be more than mere rumor. The southeastern Bogdom of Rgon and its silver-plated men have attempted to invade the Union with their saurian war-beasts’ numerous times, but have failed thanks to the will of the gods and Celediilon perseverance. The infamous Knighthood of Twil, to the north of the Sifrian Peaks, has traded skyshards and mithril with the Cuhls for as long as they remember, and often show up unannounced in their lands singing their Ge Songs. Attached is {{FOLLOWING TEXT HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM MEMOSPORE}}

##Transmission V: Main Text (Continued)

The early life of Cuhlecain Sifr, even amongst his descendants the Cuhls, is riddled with more myth and legend than fact and truth, which causes much confusion and self-hatred amongst the historians of both the Celediilon Union and Ald Cyrod. The Cuhls, of course, blame this loss of their ancestral history on the crimes of Tiber Septim and their mongrel Imperial cousins (and they are, naturally, right in this claim; there was much book burning and mass murdering of scholars at the start of Septim’s rule), although the peoples of Tamri-El deny these claims. The few factual stories or, at least, the ones that are the truest about the ‘Emperor Zero’, who unfortunately slumbers ever still, have been included in this guide to provide much needed information about Cuhlecain for the ill-informed.

Like all members of the Cuhlecain lineage (in Colovian, cuhlecain is a combination of the words cu (hound), hle (rose), and cain (heir), therefore meaning ‘Heir of the Rose Hound’, which is another name for Ebonarm, who according to myth sired the first of the Cuhlecains in the form of a wolf with a Nord war-wife in ancient times), Sifr was born with a different name than the one history remembers he beared: this name was Ulfur, which means ‘fang’, for as a babe the future emperor would often open his mouth as if he was a wolf baring teeth.

Because his mother had died in labor and his father was often away dealing with foreign matters, Ulfur was raised by the king’s advisors and the queen’s friends the man-at-arms Chevalier Renald (who taught him the arts of combat, respect for one’s enemies and companions, and courage), the priest Octavian (who educated him and showed him the ways of the gods), and the nursemaid Diana (who raised him as her own and instilled within him manners, a care for the poor and unfortunate, and a love for prose). Ulfur spent the first fourteen years of his life within the safety of the castle walls, unable to leave due to his father’s fear of the prophecy spoken by his wife; it wasn’t until he had reached the age of fifteen that he was finally given permission to walk freely amongst his people, whom he had grown apart from.

Well-muscled, scarlet-haired, tall, and with eyes as green as the Abecean Sea, Ulfur was an exceptional young man for his age. But his years locked away in complete solitude had stifled his social skills, and he knew not how to interact with other children his age. The first of his youthful adventures began because of this weakness, for he found himself directed to the training fields for young men and women looking to join the Falk’reth Guard, and at once wished to participate (for since he was a little boy the only people he had been able to test his swordsmanship with was the Chevalier, the guards in the castle, and his father during the months he was at home).

But these young men and women became angry with Ulfur and laughed at him, for he had blundered into their training without asking for their leave or protection, and by Falk’reth tradition that gave them permission to beat him senseless for his transgressions. Oblivious to this rule, the young prince was shocked and enraged that his fellows – his people – would dare attack him. But instead of turning tail, Ulfur viewed their hostility as a challenge, and without comment unsheathed his sword and charged at the guards-in-training howling the battlecry of his ancestors.

According to the legend, it took the timely arrivals of both Renald and Diana to calm the prince of his battle frenzy, but by then the other children (a group of thirty) had already been rendered unconscious or sent running home. Renald spoke with the leader of the children, a boy named Dain, in order to clear up the misunderstanding between Ulfur and the other children, which causes great shame within the young prince. In apology, Ulfur places himself under the other children's’ protection, but Dain stops him and places himself under Ulfur’s protection, for the prince had proved he was the better warrior that day. From then on the prince trained with the other children, eventually becoming their leader and best friends with Dain (who would later on become the Captain of his Royal Guard, the Penitus Oculatus, after Ulfur’s crowning), and became known as the ‘Guard Prince’ (to the irritation of his father). The future king learned the value of friendship and honor that day.

The story of how Ulfur gained his royal name, Cuhlecain Sifr, begins after he completed his holy pilgrimage to the shrines of the Divines at the age of twenty-five, in honor of Pelinal Whitestrake and the death of his tutor Octavian. Arriving back in Falk’reth, Ulfur learned that his friend Dain was getting married and became overjoyed, telling the guardsman that he would come to his chambers later on that night to celebrate the occasion after he prayed in the Temple of Ebonarm to complete his pilgrimage. But Dain forgot that the prince planned on coming to his home that night, and left his ferocious wolfhound Sifr roaming his chambers. When Ulfur arrived believing that Dain had remembered their celebration, the hound attacked him and with a single swing of his sword he cleaved off its head. Horrified that he had killed a wolfhound (one of the sacred animals of Ebonarm) shortly after completing his pilgrimage, Ulfur attempted to take his own life before being stopped by Dain, who told the young prince that his father would view his death as his own fault and kill himself as well, which would leave Falk’reth without a Cuhlecain to sit on the throne.

Devastated, Ulfur prayed to Ebonarm and received a vision of himself wearing the head of Sifr and standing on a hill during all hours of the day and night, which he immediately understands; the young prince promises Dain that he himself will guard his friend’s chambers without rest until he rears him a new hound worthy of Ebonarm himself. He then fashions for himself a helmet and cape from the head and pelt of Sifr, and his father – who has never been so proud of his son before in his life – orders the realm that from that day forth Ulfur shall be known as Cuhlecain Sifr, the ‘Wolf of Ebonarm…’

##Transmission VI: Side Bar, “The Dragon, the Blood, and the Soul”

“My children! My poor, lost children. Why do you stay in this world of your own design, living lives of blissful hatred and purposeful ignorance, instead of exacting vengeance for the crimes inflicted upon you and myself by your brethren you so eagerly left behind? To run from your problems is to run from yourself, and you are all too strong to be filled with such self-loathing. We are not gods, who were not born to self-reflect; we are mortals my children, we are men and women and more, and we know that there are some beliefs worth dying for.”Mumbled Sermons of the Shunned Father

One of the biggest ironies of the current age, if not the biggest, is the fact that the Imperial Throne of Ald Cyrod finally belongs to the bloodline of Cuhlecain for the first time in centuries – but unlike him, his heirs do not possess the soul and blood of Akatosh himself. This irony is apparently so bitter that during his coronation Titos Mede wept tears upon the Ruby Throne itself before slashing the Wulfharctus hanging above it into a thousand and eight pieces (for that oath had been fulfilled).

The Dragon Soul and Dragon Blood of Akatosh are a powerful blessing, bestowed only on mortals of divine importance either at birth or during times of great need. But many scholars, Cuhl and Imperial alike, often wonder exactly how this manifests within an individual. Does Akatosh possess the father during intercourse, imbuing his seed with a fragment of his divine spark so his is child is born Dragonborn? When a Dragonborn is needed but none can be found, does the Time God simply wrest the soul and blood from a random mortal hero and replace it with his own? Can it be as simple as a divine contract, or marriage? For at least Saint Alessia, the latter is true.

And if being Dragonborn is such a high honor, what does this mean for Tiber and his descendants, who stole this gift from Cuhlecain? No traits of the blood or the soul have appeared in Titos or his mirror-brother-selves, but as the Amulet of Kings has long-since been destroyed and its’ Septim taint drained from Alessia’s womb, one can never be quite sure anymore. The Medes have always been the Frightening Light to the Beloved Darkness of the Septims, the Peaceful Hell to their Sinful Heaven, and the flipside to their coin. Could the Chim-el Adabal even tell the difference between the two if presented to them?

##Transmission VII: Main Text (Conclusion)

As it is commonly known in the lands of Nucyrod (but perhaps not in the lands of Tamri-El), Titos Mede, who gained the name Titus Mede through error, first of his name, was the eldest son-mirror of Emperor Cuhlecain. Of the children forged from the union between ash, sapphire, and blood he is the strongest and most stable; his birth was celebrated for forty days and forty-one nights according to the Medean Annuals, after which he began his plans for the Ruby Throne.

Although the healthiest of the royal family that controlled the Celediilon Union, and the one destined for greatness, Titos often allowed his younger-brother-selves and his few sister-selves to aid him in his objectives. Because of their more ashen-forms and unstable minds, these Medes often achieved results at the expense of more logical pathways and insights. One of these younger-mirror-selves, Tharnatos, was forcibly removed by Titos himself after his actions almost destroyed the birthright they were so close to regaining.

Now Emperor of Ald Cyrod and Underking of Nucyrod, Titos prepares to secure Cuhlecain’s revenge through the plan thitten into him by his Ash-Father: The Rebirth of the Amulet of Kings and the Return of Cuhlecain by removing Tal[OS] from the Mythic. If the deapotheosization of Tiber Septim can be achieved, the Dragon Blood and Soul of Cuhlecain should return to his body at the False God of Men’s destruction, reawakening the True Emperor of Tamri-El and ushering in a New Era for us all.

Titus has, according to rumor, already invoked the necessary Boethiahn Rites in order to advance his agenda with the asinine Elder Council and through his own descendants (he married an Imperial woman in order to strengthen Cuhl ties with the Throne; Prince Attrebus shall not be informed of his ancestry, instead the Rites and ash of his father shall ensure his compliancy). Possible alliance with the strange yet powerful Aldmeri Dominion is currently being discussed and {{FOLLOWING TEXT HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM MEMOSPORE}}