The Forbidden Journal of Indoril Nerevar: Entry #8

It has been quiet here in Mournhold in the months since Vehk went to the Temple of Mephala to study. I did not realise how much I would miss the cocky smile and snide remarks.

I have never had the time to interest myself in deeper philosophy. The passion of Vehk, be it in the rapture of Veloth’s wisdom, or the Outlander mysteries of St. Alessia, is an inspiration to me.

I can tell Ayem and Seht are lonely without their prodigal child. As much heartache as it was, worrying when Vehk would return, if at all...a smile makes it worth the trouble.

I learned some deeply entertaining rituals from an Alessian Chapel after my most recent trip to see the coronation of Goreius in Cyrodiil. Seht, Ayem and I had fun for days replicating them, but I found my mind wandering to Vehk the entire time.

Am I no better than the merchant captain I killed?