Unofficial Hammarian Census of Lesser Known Demiprinces

Medeliu's Note: While I've come across many unique individuals in my travels above, below, and adjacent to Nirn, the demiprinces fascinate me the most. Born of mortal and daedra, they're not particularly notable players in the great games their parents play, but I think they like to remain involved in affairs of Mundus. As not many are known to most commoners, or even most wizards, I've taken the time to compile a brief list of demiprinces I am in regular correspondence with.

Rottomegamora: Demiprince of Misinformation

As you might have guessed from his title, I can't give you any truly accurate information on the self-appointed "Baron of Bullshittery". Rottomegamora has claimed a thousand different backgrounds, all of which are outrageous or impossible. In one meeting he appeared to me wearing a paper crown, claiming that he was the son of Martin Septim and the hero of Kvatch, who ascended to Sheogorath while carrying him. Another time, he appeared in a robe of bright multi-colored soap bubbles, and said he was the secret lovechild of Azura and Nerevar Reborn. His sphere and skills are that of creative lies and ridiculous stories, and it is said that he is incapable of telling the truth, and is thus an excellent confidant and secret keeper. While rarely acknowledged, in some secluded parts of Pyandonea he has become a patron saint of merchants and swindlers, but also a caretaker of traveling storytellers. His demiplane is the Roundabout, the realm of movement. It is a collected world, spun together from forgotten lullian wheels, superfast rivers, hurricanes, and other constants of movement. It is impossible to make any standing structure here, and what few residents exist serve Rottomegamora on floating towns or constantly-moving caravans.

Gosamer: Demiprince of Musical Insects

The Lady of Locust and the Grasshopper Girl, Gosamer is the daughter of Namira and a starving Imperial musician (though I realize "starving" and "musician" are redundant). It was said that so pitiable was he, that even the Prince of Pity herself was moved, and their union produced a strange being, half-insect, half man. Covered in a green carapace and with no visible mouth, Gosamer is nevertheless musically talented, which she unfortunately shows through the billions of insects she commands. It is hard to call Gosamer truly evil. She has the soul of a traveling bard, but unfortunately her instruments are insidious plague insects, and her idea of a roaming roadshow is spreading them across the land. Her demiplane is the Concert Hall, a vast, ruined theatre filled constantly with the chirp and song of various cicada, grasshopper, and likewise creatures. I have attended a few of their sessions, and while not recommended, they are beautiful in their own way.

Thol'astra: Demiprince of Sex With Things That You Should Not Have Sex With

As you might have guessed, Thol'astra is the son of Mephala and, of course, a Sload. Please, do not consider the implications. Thol'astra in Sload society is something of a cultural boogeyman, used to scare grubs with tales of not just his brash nature, but of the fact that he more often than not would get away with his escapades. Appearing to many as a thin, elongated Sload (relatively speaking, so about two tons by our standards). Thol'astra's... shall we say... mark, has been left on orange trees, chicken eggs, and dwemer centurions, and of course much much more. I have not seen much of Thol'astra lately, in our last correspondence he claimed that he wished to ahem, "conquer the sun". Presumably that relationship went up in flames. His demiplane is the Oozing Sea. It is a vast ocean of reportedly disease-free non-rash-inducing slime, which in some ways is a creature unto itself. The sea morphs into various landscapes, buildings, and even, I hear, into people.

Sal: Demiprince of Gambles

Sai? No, Sal. Sai is his Imperial name, perhaps because for many ages he was considered a god. Apparently this was because of a particular bet that paid off well. And this defines Sal perfectly. One of Sanguine's many, MANY children, Sai is unnaturally lucky, and spends his days seeking out challenges or overcoming impossible odds. Perhaps to balance out his incredible luck, these victories never last, or come with unforeseen consequences. Sal's vaulting into pantheonhood brought with it attention that soon become unwanted, and he spent many years afterwards trying to destroy any knowledge of his existence as Sai. Sal is a skilled shapeshifter, and takes many forms, his favorite of which is a bosmeri beggar, who ironically wears a suit of gilded ebony armor. Sal's realm is Silverhearst, a landscape made of glittering coins, with rivers of liquid silver and rains of gold. It is as painful and hot as it sounds, but those who survive often come back rich. Many don't, but such is the nature of a gamble.

Dolt: Demiprince of Inconvenience

If you are wondering, his name is indeed the origin of the insult. Dolt is the unfavored son of Peryite and an unknown father, who abandoned him out of embarrassment. Dolt commands all that in life that infuriates us, little by little. Dolt's appearances are consistent. An old man who drives his cart too slow in front of you, a courier who forgets your letters. An easy way to tell if it’s Dolt or just your average moron is the appearance of a loose-fitting purple rope belt. Dolt claims this is his calling card, though why such a powerful being wants people to know he exists is unknown, even to me. Despite misconceptions, Dolt is far from incompetent. His control over his sphere is nothing short of masterful, and Dolt, much to the private fury of more than a few princes, has had a hand in many significant events throughout time. No major parts, but as Dolt has relayed to me, a loose nail or out-of-place thread can bring down entire armies. I've never seen his demiplane of Wait; every time I've tried to visit something has always come up, like a stuck door or a more pressing chore that preoccupied or waylaid me.

Tohmica: Demiprince of the Tide

One would not expect Hermaeus Mora to father offspring, given absolutely everything about him. Mora, curious as to how the process worked and unable to seduce it out of any other prince, lay with a nordic librarian. Tohmica was born quiet and mundane, and the disappointed Mora abandoned her to grow up alone. Appearing as a colorless, middle-aged woman with no eyes, Tohmica is not a talkative demiprince, so how she went from a librarian's daughter who spent too many hours looking at the sea to the ruler of her own plane is a story she isn't telling. Tohmica commands the sphere of the tide, and subsequently rules over half-forgotten memories, fleeting moments, and second glances. She is said to collect things that are lost, but unimportant, and when I first knew her, she made her trade selling driftwood and artifacts that washed up on the beach she lived on. By all secondhand accounts, she is a very powerful demiprince, and those who have crossed her path have described her like the tide: slow and inevitable. Her demirealm is the Raffworks. The entirety of it is a single endless beach in front of an unreachable orange sea. While sunny and cloudless it is devoid of any detail and life, save for its center. There, a vast city of driftwood shacks and bottled messages exists, inhabited by castaways, lost dreugh soldiers, and dust bunnies. At the center of it lies the enormous hut that Tohmica claims as her palace.