How the Minotaurs came to be

In the old-time, the Elflings ruled over Cyrod and drove the Cyr-Manlings before them, delighting in the cries brought by their whips and spears. The Cyr-Manlings were weak in those days, they had lost the souls Breathed into them by Grandmother K'hei and suffered in servitude.

K'hei The Grandmother looked upon the misery of Man and sobbed, and her sobs took the shape of The First, MOR. MOR awoke in J'rall at the edge of Great Cyrod, where the Nror-Demon-Men lived in the hellish snows, wearing a coat made from Grandmother's tears.

MOR saw that the Nror-Demon-Men, for all their heartlessness, worshipped his mother, K'hei. Flaring his great wings, he Bellowed to the Nror-Demon-Man-King and his subjects: "I am MOR, Son of K'hei, who even now sobs in the heavens above. Let us end her sorrow and drive the Elflings from Cyrod to the south". MOR held in his chest the Breath of K'hei, and Grandmother's Breath made the words spoken with it into truth. And so, the Nror-Demon-Men forged for The First a great axe, which he named Sundering-of-the-Ground-from-on-High, Breathing into it a blessing given to him by Grandmother herself.

MOR, leading a great host of Nror-Demon-Men from J'rall, laid waste to the glittering homes of the Elflings and broke the chains of Cyr-Manlings. In Cyrod of old, he met Pel, another champion of Grandmother, who's ferocity made the Elflings as mice. Together, MOR and Pel drove the Elflings before them, visiting lamentation after lamentation upon that fell-folk.

It was during this time that MOR met Mother ALSH. ALSH was once a slave of the Elflings, but through her cunning, was able to engineer the fall of an Elfling stronghold that MOR had besieged for months. Taken by her wit and cunning, MOR took ALSH as his bride, bringing to his mighty hosts the many former slaves of the fallen holdfast.

With MOR's leadership, ALSH's cunning, and Pel's savagery, the Elflings were driven from Cyrod and MOR was given dominion over the land from the Ivory Spire, with Mother ALSH at his side. At last, the sobs of Grandmother ceased and she blessed the union of MOR and ALSH with a noble and strong child, who came to be named BEL'HZRA. When MOR and ALSH finally departed from the Ground to reside with Grandmother in the Heavens, BEL'HZRA sat the Throne and sired many children, our people, the Minotaurs.

But the Cyr-Manlings grew bitter and jealous of the strength of MOR's line and, through treachery and deceit, drove us into the hills where we now reside. But that is a story for another day