Thalmor Intelligence Dossier: Terrorist Cells in the Aldmeri Dominion

The following is approved for individuals of OPAL level clearance

The Beautiful

  • Status: Dormant(presumed)
  • Priority: Low
  • Overview: The Beautiful were a prominent radical anarchist organization during the late 3rd Era. The organization first arose from a social circle of young artists in 3E401. The group's goals were the upheaval of Altmeri social structure and the erasure of Altmeri history in favor of radical "progress". The group first rose to prominence after a botched attempt to destroy The Crystal Tower in 3E422. Later, the group was successful in assassinating the daughter of King of Shimmerene in 3E423. The Beautiful are believed to have been largely dismantled by a series of raids following the Oblivion Crisis, conducted by Thalmor forces. However, several fanatics, most notably High Iconoclasts Draverro and Coserrem, escaped government authority and are believed to have influenced several other anarchist and terrorist sects.

The Braided

  • Status: Active
  • Priority: High
  • Overview: The Braided are a group of Khajiit secessionists and religious extremists. Formed in 4E115 after the tragic death of the ruling Mane, the Braided reject the Dominion's authority and its role in the return of the moons. The leadership was initially composed of deranged former members of the Mane's Lunar Guard and membership is partially hereditary. Operation out of the N'Quin Al Desert in central Elsweyr, the Braided draw membership from numerous bandits and nomadic tribes. Following [REDACTED], the group has been forced into guerilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics. The group finances itself through a combination of extortion, kidnapping, theft, banditry, and skooma running and has supporters among the more remote settlements in the N'Quin Al Desert. Through [REDACTED] it is speculated that [REDACTED] and as a result, the Braided appear to be using more Ohmes breed operatives. Members of the organization often have a cut tribute braid, like those once presented to the Mane, on their person, interwoven with strips of paper bearing Lunar Guard iconography.

First Walkers

  • Status: Active
  • Priority: Low
  • Overview: The First Walkers are more of a cult than a modern terrorist organization. The exact date of the Walker's origins are unknown but they are believed to have formed during the early 3rd Era in Valenwood. Believed to have been destroyed many times only to resurface once more, the Walkers often reside in the more remote regions of Valenwood. Key to their ideology is the violent rejection of both the Green Pact and civilization. Through use of dark magics, the Walkers remove the effects of the Green Pact on their members in a manner similar to the now outlawed Wild Hunt. Standard tactics of The First Walkers are to place an operative or group of operatives in a highly populated area (often at sunset), remove the effects of the Green Pact on themselves, and go on a murderous rampage with little regard for their own lives. The Walkers are believed to have perpetrated the New Ukti Massacre in 4E182, during which the entire population of the New Ukti Imga village, along with cultural observers from Alinor, were brutally murdered. Group iconograpy varies wildly but often takes the form of primitive warpaint made from hallucinogenic berries and blood.

The Saltsmer Union

  • Status: Active
  • Priority: Medium
  • Overview: The Saltsmer are formed from disgruntled sailors, longshoremer, and merchants in Auridon's port cities. The organization was initially founded by disgraced naval officers in 4E175. The Union primarily deals in small time cargo theft, piracy, smuggling, and economic sabotage focused on state property. The organization is believed to have ties to both the East Empire Company and Maormeri Corsairs.

The Ivory Rose

  • Status: Dormant/Defunct
  • Priority: Low
  • Overview: the Ivory Rose evolved from Beautiful terrorist cells sometime around 4E100. Key to the organization's philosophy was the rejection of conventional interpretations of religion and social structure in favor of a radical interpretation based around [REDACTED]. The Ivory Rose was known for ritualistic practices involving polished skeletons. Prior to 4E181, the Ivory Rose was the most powerful(although not the largest) terrorist group in Auridon due to involvement in [REDACTED]. Fortunately, due to the valiant efforts of Agent[REDACTED] the Ivory Rose was all but dismantled during OPERATION: SABLE and subsequent raids in 4E181. Stragglers from the group are believed to have formed the Ivory Thorn in the western Summerset Archipelago.

The Ivory Thorn

  • Status: Active
  • Priority: High
  • Overview: The Ivory Thorn are an offshoot of the Ivory Rose, believed to be led by [REDACTED]. The Thorn differ from the Rose in that their fanaticism verges on insanity and they have a renewed focus on disrupting Thalmor operations. The organization displays a disturbing familiarity with Thalmor operational procedure and its own operatives are themselves highly trained in military tactics. The group is believed to be based in the remote islands to the west of the Summerset Archipelago. Members are identifiable by Elhnofex script somehow tattooed on their bones, which can only be examined by autopsy after death (vivisection has yet to occur, Thorn operatives commit suicide in the event of capture).

Cult of the Black Worm

  • Status: Active
  • Priority: Low
  • Overview: (See Dossier: Worm Cultists)

The Psijic Order

  • Status: Unknown
  • Priority: Highest
  • Overview: The Psijic Order is a group of dangerous ideological deviants and secessionists, believed to be based in the missing isle of Artaeum (itself stolen from our Dominion by the Order). [REDACTED=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================REDACTED]. Members of the Order are identifiable by their hooded yellow robes. Report any sightings IMMEDIATELY to the highest ranked Thalmor operative you can find.