Thalmor Dossier: Aicanian Aedus

Status: Active(Capture Only)

Highest Priority

Clearance Level: GLASS

Description: Male, Altmer in his early 60s, bears large but faint scar on his left cheek

Background: Aicanian Aedus was born 4E40 in Lillandril, Alinor to two nobles of pure Altmeri blood. At the age of eight he entered the Ambergleam Didactium in northern Alinor. During his studies, he displayed above average aptitude in all subjects, excelling particularly in fencing and illusion magic. His instructors noted that he made friends easily and often became immersed in the scripts of tragic plays and pulp fiction about Altmer heroes. A single mark mars his record during this time; the theft of candied dragonflies from a local sweetspinner, for which he was reprimanded. He was particularly close to one Celarre Faeal, who would later go on to join the Justiciars. Once he graduated at the age of 17, he was immediately recruited into the prestigious 3rd Lillandril Marines detachment. His superiors noted that he often got involved in friendly sword duels with other guard members during this time.

When the Great War started, he served with distinction in the Nibenese Campaign, earning the Crystal Talon for his valorous actions during the Siege of Leyawiin, slaying the commander of the city's southern wall. After the siege he was transferred to counter-insurgency and reconnaissance operations for his skill in illusion magic. Five days before the Siege of the Imperial City, his unit was ambushed by Imperial forces. He was the only survivor of the ambush and his left leg was broken and the left side of his face was slashed open. He was transported back to Alinor where, at the behest of Justiciar Faeal, his face and leg were restored through experimental [REDACTED].

Following the restoration of his leg and face, Aicanian was then inducted into [REDACTED], where, through [REDACTED], his physical prowess was heightened even further, reaching the pinacle of what a Mer could achieve through years of training in a mere 3 months. In 4E176 he was assigned to Justiciar Faeal's retinue as a bodyguard and assassin. During this time, he participated in eight Thalmor operations, including OPERATION: URCHIN, OPERATION: PENNANT, and OPERATION: PYRE in all of which he proved himself an invaluable asset.

In OPERATION: SABLE Aicanian was inserted as a mole into the anarchist group known as The Ivory Rose, believed to be an offshoot of The Beautiful. Through information that he provided, Dominion agents were able to apprehend an estimated 85% of the group in southern Auridon in 4E181. Shortly after this, he was appointed to the position of Justiciar, 3rd-rank.

Following his promotion, he participated in no less than fifteen operations of the highest importance, in particular [REDACTED]. During this period it appears that he and Justiciar Faeal became lovers. Her diaries noted that he had become more reserved and grim, but not to a worrisome degree, following OPERATION: SABLE.

Five months after Aedus was promoted to the level of Master Justiciar in 4E195, Aedus' and Faeal's retinues were both found dead in the Thalmor operations base in Senchal, Elsweyr. The members of Aedus' retinue appeared to have been slain by each other while the members Faeal's retinue were killed by a sword matching the one used by Justiciar Aedus. Justiciar Faeal was killed by repeated stabs to the anterior torso. Aedus was nowhere to be found and [REDACTED] was stolen from the vault beneath the base.

Aedus himself has not surfaced since the incident but it is believed that he has orchestrated the rise of the anarchist group known as The Ivory Thorn in the western Summerset Archipelago.

Operational notes: It is believed that the subject is hiding on one of the islands in the western Summerset Archipelago archipelago, where the The Ivory Thorn seems to be based. Subject is extremely dangerous, possessing strength of a peak elven level and being a swordsmer of the highest calibre and an expert in the School of Illusion. The subject is also well versed in standard Thalmor tactics. Any and all information discovered about the subject should be relayed to Justiciars of Master level and above.