The Dov Tuzkrentokaaz to his adoptive daughter Jaan: The Theses-Most-Exalted

Oh most hated daughter dear, sit down and listen to your BORMAH. I have taught you DOVAZHUL (which even now you use to exact tribute from the lowlands like the SONAAK of old), how IIZ GRAH MORO called Ysmaalithax called Ysgramor came to KEIZAAL with a great flight of Drakes and Jills, and how one day you will die and I will remain UNSLAAD. I see you are impatient, you wish to steal some secret from me to further visit ruination upon the reavers of Veloth. To this I say: have some tact O' beloved manling whelp, whether or not you learn a Killing Truth from me is up to your own cleverness. I plucked you from servitude under the degenerate FAHIIL to the east, I made you everything you are now, and I will make you More still, should you understand my teachings (and if you fail to do so, I may kill you, or I may leave you to die as the result of your own recklessness). After all, what type of BORMAH would I be if I neglected to teach you of the divine, of The Theses-Most-Exalted?

Half-First of the Theses-Most-Exalted is BORMAHU AKA-TUSK, wellspring of all that is DOV, whose aspects are manifold and infinite. He is twin brother of SHOOR. He Was, He Is, He Will Be. He is the self-devouring edge of Aurbis. His firstborn son is ALDUIN, the time-lost World-Eater (Tyrant-Savior and Destroyer-Hero in ages past and future). He is Grammar-most-Objective. Your manling kin know Him as the Dragon Totem.

Half-First of the Theses-Most-Exalted is SHOOR, THURI of Shapes, Creator of Geometries-Ever-Multiplying, whose aspects are paradoxical and eternal. He gave Meaning and Purpose to Power. He is King of Spaces Seen and Unseen and Created and Uncreated, the Ever-Living Bedrock upon which Aurbis rests, The Truest Tempo to which we speak and sing. He made your kind from the sweat of his labors. He is Syntax-most-Objective. Your manling kin know Him as the Fox Totem.

Second of the Theses-Most-Exalted is KAAN, Eldest Jill, Widow of SHOOR, Kiss-At-the-End, Rust Plumed Matriarch of the Heavens. It was She who granted you mortals language and is Divine Tutor of Drakes in Debate and is Choirmistress of Jills in Mending. To the DOV, She granted the joy of flight, for which we are eternally grateful(an emotion unknown to us before). She is Pathos-Ethos-Logos. Your manling kin know Her as the Hawk Totem.

Third of the Theses-Most-Exalted is ZUN, brother of STUHN, the Geometric Clawpoint of SHOOR, who lacks height, width, and length but still exists. He is most favored of SHOOR's weapons, for His lack of dimensions means that He cannot be deflected. He taught the DOV how to kill without using their THU'UM. He is Truth by the Destruction of Opposing Arguments. Your manling kin know Him as the Bear Totem

Fourth of the Theses-Most-Exalted is STUHN, brother of ZUN, Vexing Scales of SHOOR, whose hide is Geometric Root Lattice, who redirects all force that occupies space into unoccupied space. He taught the DOV the value of our ownership over all things. He is Truth by Lack of Flaws within Arguments. Your manling kin know Him as the Whale Totem.

Fifth of the Theses-Most-Exalted is MAAR, Shed Scale Aspect of KAAN, Ferocious Jill of Bonds. It was She who taught us the value of flying united. She is Truth by Emotion and Multitude. Your manling kin know Her as the Wolf Totem

Sixth of the Theses-Most-Exalted is DIIB, Shed Feather Aspect of KAAN, Beautiful Jill of Poetry. It was She who taught us how to speak with grace and dignity. She is Truth by Emotion and Subtlety. Your manling kin know Her as the Moth Totem.

Seventh of the Theses-Most-Exalted is JHUUN, Left Behind Memetic of absent MAAG. It was He who taught us how to write, thus letting our Power exist in multiple instants at once. He is Truth by Endurance and Precedence. Your manling kin know Him as the Owl Totem.

Eighth of the Theses-Most-Exalted is TRIIN, who is no more, whose shed aspects are MAAL and AARK. He is no longer Truth but Loss of Arguments. Your manling kin know Him as the Snake Totem.

Ninth of the Theses-Most-Exalted is HIIR MORA, severed-shed aspect of BORMAHU AKA-TUSK. He Who Lusts For Truths and Lies. He is Dealer-Deciever, Teacher-Tester. Proctor of Ysmaalithax. He is the Prediction of Possible Truths. Your manling kin know Him as the Hare Totem.

And so concludes my lecture. There are many more Theses, my precocious and venomous daughter, but these are the ones you will hear of the most. I see your comprehension(of both what I have said and what I have withheld) and love you for it, Flower of my Ire. I wonder, dearest Jaan, who will you kill with the Truths I have taught you, the Velothi, Karstaag-men, myself? Regardless, I am proud of you for your cleverness. Now run along, let your BORMAH rest.

Notes: Jaan Wyrm-Daughter is a character from one of my other apocrypha, The Seventeen Disputants of Jurgen the Calm. You'll notice that Tuzkrentokaaz refers to his adoptive daughter Jaan as both "beloved" and "hated", this is because he considers love and hate interchangeable.