The rocks below Kragenmoor

The following is a fragment of gathered content from a book that was found deep below Kragenmoor, amongst an assortment of rocks.

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Vivec was in a room with a carton, a thermos, and all his summoned atronachs. Once the chant was complete, he quickly, at least relatively, burned and froze into a crystal.

The crystal laid down on the grass, imbued with simple essence and intruding upon the blades. It offended with its existence, it enlightened with its existence.

All along, hidden in the shadows, carefully and meticulously watched an eye. This eye had many facades, each ever most complex than the last. The true eye was, of course, not understandable by a single and required a whole. Most were content, however, referring to the eye as "Vivi Vekk"

Vivi was not divine, at least not yet, not hardly... But far from the reaches of the sun, there was another room... another carton, another thermos. The atronachs there were not summoned, and in truth they weren't atronachs at all.

These angels are here of their own will, and they see the crystal.

The possibility existed strictly and only because of the crystal, in stasis, ever glowing.

The possibility occurred strictly and only because of the eye, now consumed, ever observing.

The possibility is because of the will of the angels, and the angels alone.

. .. ... And egvneirhyttohning changed.