RE: Wreck/'Ruins' found in Jerall Mountains



SUBJECT: RE: Wreck/'Ruins' found in Jerall Mountains




To whom it may concern,

A prospecting team have recently uncovered a structure high in the Jerall Mountains (structure hereby referred to as 'Ruins'). Ruins were described as having a 'strong arcane presence'. Eyewitness reports and a sketch done by the team's surveyor have indicated that the ruins consist of a large tower, anchored to a base, strangely embedded within a mountain peak. Luckily the prospecting team did not seek to venture within the ruins due to safety concerns regarding Magickal accidents.

A detachment of Shadow Legionnaires were sent to investigate the Jerall Ruins. Preliminary scouting has confirmed initial suspicions: the Ruins are indeed the remains of the Battlespire lost during the Simulacrum. While largely inert a magickal presence still exists within the ruins. While a crash-investigation is highly suggested, the current theory suggests that the Battlespire had been adrift in Oblivion or the Void following the failed Daedric invasion, until possible Void-Seismic activity caused some manner of destabilization, causing a resurfacing into the Mundus, and eventual crash (descent?) into the Jerall Mountains.

Following correspondence with the Elder Council the following course of action has been suggested: send an expeditionary team to clear out the ruins of any remaining Daedric presence (Case: EXTERMINATUS) and retrieve/destroy any extant artefacts or objects. The items that can be retrieved will be sent to the Arcane University for study and/or resale at the next impoud auction.

The following cover story will be established: An elaborate Mages Tower was constructed by a hermit estranged from the Mages Guild. Having built his little stronghold from the ground up, the hermit suffered from an acute case of death. To prevent the site from falling into the wrong hands ownership of the gutted ruin will be transferred to an individual whose psychological profile, skillset, security clearance, and personal history allow for proper custodianship of the Battlespire Ruin.

The following is a list of most likely candidates for custodianship with pertinent reasons:

  1. Hannibal Traven - status as Grandmaster of the Arcane University makes him pretty much a shoe-in

  2. Blades Grandmaster - Appropriate security clearance and proximity to wreck site makes custodianship and security a non-issue.

  3. Champion of Cyrodiil - Self-profession of unknown family history, combined with pathological kleptomania, territorialism, and lack of focus will allow for a hermit-esque residency within the ruins, repelling intruders. The Champion's compulsive hoarding tendencies may also cause the ruin to be overrun with knicknacks from adventuring and may further obfuscate the ruin's original purpose.

While it is my personal opinion that the Champion should be kept as far away from the ruins as possible, she will no doubt find the ruins eventually, and so a false will has been penned under the name of the estranged wizard. A courier is currently en-route to the Champion carrying the will. Given her sizeable net-worth, we can also direct her to the impound auction under the guise of it simply being payment for the storage of the Spire's contents.

Please advise on any possible change of plans.

Very Respectfully,

Palatine Lucius Aurelius, 1BN, 1RGMT, Legion Zero "Shadow Legion"

