The Journal of Livia Blandia: Imperial Scholar

23 of First Seed, 3E 312

After all these years as a lowly scribe, kissing the backsides of the senior scholars, my dreams have finally come true! I'm being given a chance to lead an expedition of my very own! Who knew all it would take was a couple of bottles of spiced wine and Colovian brandy? But none of that matters now. I'm finally going to be able to prove my worth as a scholar and hopefully make a name for myself. Tomorrow I'll find out exactly what my mission will be. Hopefully to uncover some ancient Ayleid ruin or lost Alessian treasure. No matter what, the Empire will soon know the name Livia Blandia by heart!

24 of First Seed, 3E 312

I've just spoken with Master Castus to learn about my upcoming expedition. Sadly, it's not exactly what I'd been hoping for. Apparently some shepherds in High Rock stumbled upon some ruins while herding their flock. It's uncertain what sort of ruins they even are. The locals aren't exactly knowledgeable in this area and most won't even approach the site from what I've heard. I'll soon find out for myself.

14 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

After months of exhaustive research, preparation and travel, I've finally arrived in Daggerfall. I'm worn out and tired and the expedition hasn't even begun! Still, I'm excited to begin.

16 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

I've put together what I think will be a respectable crew to help with the the excavation. I first enlisted the help of a local Breton mage by the name of Willem Jurard to be my assistant. He comes highly recommended and not at all cheap. I've also hired a Nord named Gunmar Two-Eyes as a bodyguard. Stupid, but strong. Apart from them there's Magdi-la, a skooma addict; Dinok and Daron, twin Redguard brothers; Makes-Yellow-Water, an Argonian of some ill repute but good with locks; Rallus Jarol, an Imperial scout; and a number of peasant workmen whose names I never bothered to learn. Tomorrow we set off for the town of Aldcroft.

21 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

The journey to Aldcroft took longer than expected, what with bandits and inclement weather. At least we're finally here. From what I've gathered, the ruins lie in the foothills a half-day's journey from town. We'll rest here for the night and set off in the morning.

22 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

After a morning spent hiking through damp forests and scrubland, we arrived at the excavation site. While the crew set up the camp, Willem, Gunmar, Rallus and I scouted out the ruins. It would be easy to miss them surrounded by all this brush and fallen rocks, but upon closer inspection there is an unmistakable passageway leading down into the side of the hill. Once this rubble is cleared away we'll be able to explore further. I cannot express in words my excitement at all of this!

23 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

Thanks to my ingenious idea of having the crew work in teams, they were able to clear the passageway of rocks and rubble. Still, it took them the better part of the day. I may have to dock their pay for that. I finally got to take a good look at what we've uncovered and there's no doubt in my mind: this is a tomb built by the ancient Nords! This is a rare find indeed! Even though the Nords conquered Western High Rock thousands of years ago, very little remains of their occupation. This could very well be the find of the century! Still, work is work. I'll spend the rest of the evening cataloguing the various pottery shards we dug up. That should keep me occupied until tomorrow.

24 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

Upon further consideration, this hill we dug into may not be natural at all, but rather the remains of some Nordic superstructure long since eroded by nature. It's hard to see at first, but when you know what you're looking for you can see the signs. The carvings on the rocks should have been a dead giveaway. Still, what's done is done.

The passageway sloped down steadily, leading deep into the hillside. The walls were intricately carved with strange scenes of man and beast. I took some rubbings for good measure. That should please the scholars back home. At the end of the passage, our path was blocked by a large door set in a stone arch. Remarkably, after all these thousands of years, the wood is still as tough as ever! It took Gunmar, Dinok and Daron a number of blows before it finally yielded. Despite being savages, the ancient Nords certainly knew how to build things to last.

Beyond the door was an antechamber of sorts with benches and tables arrayed around an ornate brazier. An archway on the far side led further downwards. As we entered the chamber, the brazier lit up by itself! I won't lie and say I wasn't frightened, but Willem explained that it's probably just some residual magic left in these ruins and is nothing to concern us. Good, the last thing I want is to be haunted by old barbarian magic.

Sadly, the path leading from the antechamber only went a few yards before being filled with rubble. I'll have the workmen spend the night clearing and shoring up the tunnel.

28 of Hearthfire, 3E 312

It's been four days now and work has been slow. We've uncovered a number of other chambers and passages, but so far nothing of real interest. What's more, a number of the workmen have been complaining about strange noises coming from deep in the ruins. I've dismissed these concerns as superstitious nonsense and Willem assures me it's probably nothing more than ancient magics lingering about. Still, something about this place has made me uneasy.

2 of Frostfall, 3E 312

It's been over a week since we first entered these ruins and while progress is being made, things have only gotten stranger. Two days ago, three workmen went down a tunnel to clear rubble and haven't been seen since. I sent Rallus and Gunmar to search for them, but all they managed to find were their discarded tools. On top of that, the other workers have reported seeing strange things: candles and torches lighting themselves, figures disappearing down passageways, even walls moving. I'd normally ignore these rumors if I hadn't seen...something myself. Willem assures me I just need to get more rest. Maybe he's right.

3 of Frostfall, 3E 312

We've finally made a breakthrough! This morning my crew uncovered a massive chamber, larger than any we've encountered so far. Giant pillars, colossal sculptures, and detailed carvings filled the room from the floor to the ceiling high above! Amazing! It'll take days to catalogue and document everything! I've decided that we'll set up camp here to make it easier for us to continue working.

4 of Frostfall, 3E 312

A couple more workmen disappeared overnight. I'd normally chalk it up to desertion, but I'm not so sure anymore. The rest of the crew also seems more on edge, especially Magdi-la. She had been jumpy for the past several days, but I had just assumed she was withdrawing from the skooma. She's convinced she hears voices from deeper in the ruins. I've assigned the twins to keep an eye on her just in case.

Work continues to progress, but I have not been sleeping well. I've asked Willem to concoct something to help me sleep.

5 of Frostfall, 3E 312

Four more workmen have gone missing since yesterday. This leaves only myself, Willem, Gunmar, Magdi-la, the twins, Makes-Yellow-Water, Rallus, and five workmen left. One of the remaining workers called for the crew to abandon their work and flee for their lives. Willem quickly put an end to his mutiny with a well-aimed fireball. At least that's one more deserter I won't have to pay.

Progress continues. Not sleeping well.

6 of Frostfall, 3E 312

We've uncovered another passage at the far end of the chamber, but the way is blocked by a gate. There must be some way to open it.

We also uncovered a side room filled with corpses. Upon seeing them, Makes-Yellow-Water lived up to his namesake. These bodies have clearly been here for quite some time as the flesh is dried and desiccated. Most seem to be in various stages of embalming although a couple look as though they had been moved recently. Odd.

Two of the workers did not come back from their shift.

Progress continues. Sleep is not forthcoming.

7 of Frostfall, 3E 312

Magdi-la disappeared last night. I assume to get her paws on more skooma. Good riddance I say.

Rallus discovered several levers on an upper balcony facing the barred gateway. Upon pulling the first one, a barrage of darts shot out of the mouth of a statue, killing one the workers. We'll leave the other two until we know more about them. Still, progess!

Restless sleep last night. Heard laughter from below.

8 of Frostfall, 3E 312

We've finally gotten the gate open! Apparently there was some puzzle requiring rotating pillars or some such nonsense. It cost the life of the last worker, but the path ahead is clear!

While exploring the winding passages beyond the gate, tragedy struck. Rallus had been scouting just ahead of the party when he must have triggered a trap. The next moment he was ungulfed in flames! We could do nothing but watch as he was roasted alive. Makes-Yellow-Water, in his fear, turned tail and fled down the passage through which we had come. We ran after him only to discover our way back blocked. The gate was shut. There was no sign of Makes-Yellow-Water.

We have no choice now but to head deeper into the ruins.

We decided to make camp in a strange chamber covered with intricate carvings. I should take rubbings of them. I thought I heard voices in the dark.

9 of Frostfall, 3E 312

Our party now consists of myself, Willem, Gunmar, and the twins, Dinok and Daron. We are all shaken at the disappearances and deaths we've encountered, but I assured them that the treasures we seek are just ahead. They have to be. There must be a great treasure to make the hell we've gone through worth it.

The passage wound deeper and deeper before opening up into what can only be described as a catacomb. The walls are lined with niches and alcoves filled with corpses. Willem and Gunmar lead the party with the twins taking up the rear.

We heard voices further down the passage.

The voices turned out to be Magdi-la, alive and huddled in a corner! She was wide-eyed and shaking and yammering to herself. We tried to get her to make sense and explain herself, but all she could talk about was the dead walking and laughter in the deep.

10 of Frostfall, 3E 312

We did not sleep last night. Magdi-la was right. The dead do walk! We were set upon by a group of wights in ancient armor. Willem and Gunmar managed to dispatch them, but Dinok died in the melee. Magdi-la has lost her mind and I do not blame her. What horrors have we unleashed?

How deep do these tunnels go? Surely we must be near the end.

11 of Frostfall, 3E 312

We barricaded ourselves in a side room last night. Willem cast as many wards and incantations as he could to protect us, but I do not think they will be enough. No one slept well if at all. All hope for this excavation is gone. Our only goal now is escape.

These catacombs are a maze. Every now and again one or two of the wights attack us. Thankfully Willem and Gunmar are able to keep them at bay.

Magdi-la is dead. She ran at the sight of a wight into a spike trap. Her death was not quick.

We are lost in this maze of death. We've been going through the same passages again and again I'm sure of it! Gunmar is losing his patience with Willem. I hope they do not start fighting.

We encountered a strange door covered with runes. There doesn't seem to be a way to open it. Gunmar is convinced that Willem knows the solution and isn't telling us on purpose. I don't think I can keep the peace much longer.

Daron is dead. Gunmar and Willem attacked each other. Daron tried to separate them, but was killed in the process. I'm not sure if it was the sword through his throat or the lightning bolt that killed him. Strangely, this seems to have had an effect on the door. No sooner had Daron's smoking corpse hit the floor than the runes lit up and the door rolled away. I should really like to have studied this place more thoroughly, but all I can think of now is escape.

Date Unknown

I do not know how long it's been since I last wrote. Days at least. How many I cannot say. I have no sense of time down here. An hour may as well be a day. Gods, we should never have come here.

Willem and Gunmar are dead and I am lucky to be alive. The room beyond the door...that was awful. A vision of hell if ever there was one. A banquet hall of the dead! The table laden with the corpses of my workmen. The wights rose from their feast and attacked us. Willem was ferocious with his spells, but he was still felled by an axe. Gunmar held them off long enough to allow me to escape. I ran past the walking horrors and into the tunnels beyond. I can still hear Gunmar's screams echo in my mind.

I've been hiding from the wights for what feels like days now, but I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I have barricaded myself in a room filled with treasure. It's funny, I came here in search of fame and fortune, and it looks like I'm going to die alone, in the dark, surrounded by gold.

Arkay, Mara, Kynareth save my soul.

They are right outside the door now. I hear laughter in the dark.