Summary of the Census of the Empire of Tamriel, in the 1st year of our 4th era; Cyrodiil

A summary of the findings of the census commissioned by Chancellor Ocato, in light of the conclusion of the Oblivion Crisis. The purpose of which is to report on the status of the provinces, the losses of that horrendous intrusion into the mundane, and to pronounce official declarations regarding which places have been ruined.

The Province of Cyrodiil, as of the 3E430 census: approximately 28.3 million. As of now, 25.2 million. Losses were proportionally minimal, as the forces of Mehrunes seemed more focused on crippling the provinces and provincial legions than they were on razing Cyrod. The two most staggering incidents are the sacking of Kvatch and the surprise assault on the Imperial City. Most losses come from the complete annihilation of thousands of villages, towns, and small cities, as is standard across the provinces. Large patches of jungle and rainforest in eastern Nibenay were scorched to ash, and while much is showing signs of beginning to recover, the woods of Geveseggi, Mors Aritarche, Mors Sciaretto, Buscanoia, and Bosateremare seem to have been magically afflicted, and may remain barren ash for decades if not centuries. Greater details regarding damages of the great cities are as follows.

Anvil: 102,006 as of last census, 74,012 as of current. A possible explanation; while a few thousand perished across the countryside of the gold coast, fighting the daedra there, most of the decline has its root in people leaving the city. A sizeable portion of Anvil's population has always been migrants from across the Abecean seeking labor as crews for hire, as well as general seamen utilizing it as a home port for their business. Many of these people are documented as having left Anvil for their homelands during and after the crisis, some to help defend their beleaguered home provinces, some to see whether their families were still alive and their ancestral homes still standing. Of those who left to fight, this report is uncertain how many survived.

Bravil: 92,403 as of last census, 81,004 as of current. Most losses were men who fought throughout the county as volunteer militia and county soldiers and guardsmen (many of whom were pressed or drafted) to close gates. If reason is not listed for losses, it can be assumed for the rest of this report, that this was the source of population drop.

Bruma: 48,312 as of last census, 39,906 as of current. The siege was successfully interrupted, and never made it to the city walls.

Cheydinhal: 81,005 as of last census, 77,874 as of current.

Chorrol: 75,106 as of last census, 69,982 as of current.

The Imperial City: 1,483,000 inhabitants before the crisis. Approximately 943,000 as of this census. The attack on the city was swift and brutal, and as was characteristic of the crisis the enemy did not discern between combatant and civilian, and both were slaughtered in the streets. Significant portions of the city were burnt down with their inhabitants, likely intentionally by the daedra who set them alight. Most of the damage to the city was dealt to the sprawl outside the inner city, despite Mehrunes' manifestation within said walls. The exterior districts of Tebor, Gabrecia, Olottore, and Grante Castellu are complete losses. Most other districts took significant but recoverable damage. The swift response of Martin, the Champion, and the brave men and women of the watch can be thanked for the destruction not being total.

Kvatch: 132,896 people resided atop the great plateau before the crisis. Near total loss, the surprise assault upon the city deposited approximately 50,000 daedra within the city walls, and blocked all exits quickly. Of the 130000, only 614 escaped; a further 4,203 were found throughout the ruins. Reconstruction and reclamation continues, and a quarter of the ruins have been cleared. As of this census only approximately 30 thousand have settled in cleared portions, though the number grows as rubble continues to be cleared and housing is rebuilt. I regret to say that the ancient arena of Kvatch is an irreparable ruin that is incredibly dangerous to even step foot inside, and if it is to be recovered it will likely have to be completely demolished and rebuilt.

Leyawiin: 136,403 as of last census, 122,512 as of current.

Mir Corrup: 86,904 as of last census, 77,604 as of current. The pursuit and closing of oblivion gates throughout the Deep Niben Jungle and throughout the karst of Greater Corrup was reportedly a horrendous and bloody pursuit, and most veterans of it describe it as hellish and lethal. Thousands of the city's inhabitants were pressed into the service by the count for the arduous duty.

Skingrad: 115,493 as of last census, 102,581 as of the current. The smaller sister city of Sarchal did not fair as well, 30 of its 52 thousand inhabitants perishing in a (relatively) minor incursion by oblivion directly into their walls.

Sutch: 61,303 as of last census, 57,281 as of current.

-Bulio Viatorius, Office of Census and Excise.

( Part 2: )