Vel and Vehk, Another look at Vivec's namesake

Your friendly neighborhood Eggman here, back again for another look into Vivec’s name. This will be my third time discussing the subject. The first time I likened Vivec to the Hindi Viveka, or the ability of discrimination or discernment. My latest attempt identified his name Vehk as a Crowlian fabricated Magical source (or Godself) that projects the Mundane manifestation of Vivec that ze is unified with in accordance with True Will. This time I’ll take a look at the origin of Vivec’s name, while bringing forth something I’ve never seen discussed before. So let’s get to it.

Vivec’s birth name is something lost to a history that’s been lost, if ze ever even had a true name to begin with, it’s possible ze had only monikers. But Vivec is the name ze chose, and would wear in godhood for centuries, possibly millenia. The text What My Beloved Taught Me outright gives us the origin of hir chosen name, as a mortal gutter rat solicits Neravar.

>I'd take the sigil of Vel, the V, and wear it twice.

So “Vivec” is derived from twice “V” and hir self appointed namesake is the “Vel”

It’s worth noting also that mortal Vehk here is illiterate, ze states as much

>I’d learn to read and then write so that I could see right your name forever.

So what is the significance of “Vel” and thus “V” that an illiterate street urchin could aspire towards so drasticly to adopt and retain in hir self made divine identity?

My previous thoughts I shared some time ago in a conversation with u\docclox

>Vel and Vel, V and V, Vehk and Vehk, Vi Vehk, hence Vivec…

>Vel is likely related to Veloth(i). I believe it states he was illiterate before he signed on with the Hortator, so it might just be a letter he and all Velothi would recognize and identify with. Perhaps something, something, because of you (and for you), I'll be twice as Velothi as the other guys behind and beside you. And I'll wear it as my new name.

However, now I am of the thinking that this may be only partially correct. There was something I missed, something plain in the text so easily glossed over and missed. “Vel” is mentioned earlier in the text

>In the all honest Vel, I’d rather have that than your hand. It has the ghartoki on it.

“Vel” is not a name for a letter, or a part of the cultural founder Veloth’s name, but is a word in its own right, with concrete and stand alone definition to be used in an idiom.

Credit to u\taxusbaccata for his comment here for offering some real world connections to the word “Vel”

Vivec’s association with divine spears is obvious post godhood, and I’ve discussed Muatra before in other threads. However this meaning doesn’t quite fit the idiom which mortal Vehk used here.

In Logical disjunction and Propositional logic, the symbol of “Vel” represents “or” (from Latin) in a comparative statement in determining the trueness of a statement, by comparison of two or more other propositions. Examples of the statement( A V B), which is read as (A or B)

Logical disjunction

>"A or B" is true if A is true, or if B is true, or if both A and B are true.”

Propositional logic

>If A is true and B is true, then true. If A is true and B is false, then true. If A is false and B is true, then true. If A is false and B is false, then false.

Once again there is a connection to the discernment of truth. Is this the meaning of “Vel”? The take on the definition of truth? It would fit the idiom nicely, but Vivec has always had a loose association with “Truth”. But then again, subjective truth is often two sided, conditional on one’s perspective.

Truth or wisdom also fit nicely to attribute to Veloth, at least in Chimeri eyes. It was he who opened their eyes and minds to it so long ago in Summerset after all.

Or maybe that’s not it, and “Vel” means something else. Vel is also close to another Latin word, Velum, which gives us the word Veil. The held Truth is often only the veil that covers the actual truth, covering and concealing it (as a covering or a Mask) with our personal or shared bias. The veil of our own held truth is the face of our understanding of a concept or event. Suppose then that “Vel” means “face”.

Honest Vel, Honest Face, Water Face that can only speak truth.

Veloth is still the face of his people, and perhaps Vivec’s chosen name has always reflected that ze is Two-faced, and each one of them are true in their own way.