The Carving of God-Faces: The Decree

The dragon Tuzkrentokaaz teaches his adoptive daughter Jaan about the creation of dragon priest masks.

Sit, MON, indulge your BORMAH in his ramblings. Oh, you have a gift for me? Well, save it for the end of my lecture, Flower of my Ire. Today, dear Jaan, I shall tell you of how the DOV first gave RAH LUFT, God-Faces, to their most trusted JOOR.

During Moot, the Theses-Most-Exalted, the Gods, argued as they had never argued before. Such was their power that their words sundered their very beings, causing them to shed syllable-aspects. Some of these aspects mingled and eventually were synthesized into new concepts.

ALDUIN, the World-Eater, decreed that the greatest ten of the Shed Concepts be recorded onto face-scales and given to the most loyal of our JOOR followers. These would be called God-Faces and conferred unerring Truth upon those who wore them.

A Drake whose calling-name was Faastilimax and and a Jill whose calling-name was Qruhnilaax were appointed to collect the concepts and transcribe them into form. Throughout QALOS, Aurbis, they flew, shedding and reabsorbing fraction-avatars to learn the Concepts and gather material for the God-Faces.

The first of the Concepts bore no name that can be comprehended by JOOR, but was the password to a space moored outside of causality. It was found between two Kalpas in the petrified lungs of a dead goddess. After discovering it, the two sent their avatars to the Unoriginal Root, which they then insulted with cutting remarks until they had carved off a piece of bark, upon which they then recorded the Concept.

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