Breton Head in Breton Bed, an Orcish Poem

By Zugrish gro-Khazun

When proud Orcs sailed south from Glenumbria that was lost,

they came upon an island fine and Trhazok off the anchor tossed

They landed on a sandy beach and Yzzgol declared it "mine!"

Great Stonetooth clan gathered around for a celebratory dine

but they were rudely disturbed by a skulking Breton warband

But Yzzgol and his warrior-clan rose up with weapons in hand

and slaughtered Breton filth then on Malacath's summoning day

Yzzgol laughed and his mighty clan contnued on to feed

not realizing that slaying more was a desperate need

A night and day after that armour was again heard scrambling

and a messenger came to to Stonetooth hold confusingly rambling

A decree from lord Renwic he brought, the king of this island Betony

"all Orcish folk here shall begone, or we'll fight them untill our victory"

Yzzgol laughed and had Razgha cut off the messenger's head

They raided the village where he'd lived and placed it on his bed

Proud Stonetooth went north and raided forth, to be rid of Breton yoke

Soon they came to Betony town and slew Bretons who magic did evoke

Chieftain Yzzgol and his fearless guard stormed the Betony keep

But there they did not to find any King Renwic to put to sleep

Fled he had into the northeast to escape even though he was doomed

Breton lass claimed that he in a ruin hid in which shadows loomed

By the old Elven ruin Ornim soon stood, ever ready for a fight

But when in the halls they came little resistance came to light

A dozen Bretons stood guard, which caller Carzog singlehandedly slew

before a from darkness conjured spellblade his great head off blew

Through interrogation it was known that Renwic himself had locked in

In crumbling Ayleid Varla-halls he waited for Yzzgol, Targoth and kin

A foul ancient relic he planned to use to Orcs from Betony wipe

But Yzzgol up to him went and made Renwic half with one single swipe

Old Betony became Betnikh, a name suitable for the Stonetooth Bash

These warrior Orcs founded the mighty Stronghold of Khazun Ghash

Orcs drink and remember, that on Betnikh no clanmember lives

-under a Breton lash!