The Useless Silken Tablets of Telvan, Prophet of Mepahala- Tablet (0) "The Making of a Kalpa"

Moct’Ur, Vayer Mina, Namir, and, my Lady, Mavala descended to the foul heap that was MUNDUS and saw how truly awful it was. KAN was still sobbing, vehement and dead, this (dis)pleased Vayer Mina. Great pools of vomit lay upon the surface of Nirn, thick with mucus and excrement, and the Lesser Betrayers drank and reveled on the rotting corpse of KAN. Moct’Ur, Vayer Mina, and Namir could not bear the sight of such stasis, and so they pleaded with their Sibling “Mevala, let us retreat into the Darkness and turn our backs to this place. You have unwritten the countless stories of the Void, surely you can unmake this one, too.” “Fine, my Siblings, very fine.” Agreed the Mistress. “Take to the Void and peer deep and strong into it, but keep your arms fixed upon Nirn, so that I may Love you.” She then surveyed the land and thereupon recorded on the silken tablets:

The remnants of HER, MAS, and MOR upon the face of Nirn, used and cut up to plan the aberration that was to be their ungrave. They writhed in pain, and begged for aid. Mevala watched it squirm and beg for six eons to ensure its candor. Finally, she stooped and comforted the cut pieces. “HER-MAS-MOR, none of you are what you were neither shall you be what you had been. You had been especially useless, and, yet, these betrayers bound you and cut you and forced you to exist. I wish I could hurl you to Namir, but you exist far too much.” In her pity, our Lady fashioned herself a new sibling from the old three. HERMASMOR was given extra syllables, so that it may be relieved of its agony in the geometry of this creation, and was made into Hermaeus Mora.

Mora had the plans of Nirn written upon its tentacles and Nirns future nestled within its eyes. From its blades, it sang the truths of the aberration for Mevala. Mora sang of CHIM, Pillars, the Wheel, and the Heart. It sang of Kalpas, Love, PSJJJJ, and Stanley the Grapefruit. It sang the new names of the False Gods, it sang the old names of False Gods, it sang no names of No Gods. It sang of all that Mevala had to know, and hid what she needn’t in the ears of a rabbit and the mouth of a bird.

The False Gods had built Nirn to their perfection.

Under Mara, all loved and expected no love in return.

Under Kynareth, all were allowed to move in any way they pleased.

Under Akatusk, time renewed every morning.

Under Dibella, all felt holy ecstasy from simply gazing upon one-another’s beauty.

Under Yffre, all were given their own earth bones.

Under Julianos, all wisdom was shared upon an instant throughout all of creation.

Under Zenithar, all took exactly what they had earned.

Under Stendarr, all were mindful of their own works.

Under Arkay, all knew the measure they were given.

Under Magnus, all energy needed was given.

The Gods of Get-Along found it perfect, but Nirn was tailored so all may be content, that none should will to unmake it.

Next, Merma Mora told of Four Siblings that had joined since the eight pillars were impaled into Lorkan. These are the Betrayers- Galag incarnate of JYG, Madness-of-Order; Zur, Whore of the Rose, consort to Magnus, Dawn-and-Dawn; Malacath, Mindless-Rage, God of Pride, and Pride of Gods. Malacath and Zur had taken up between the spokes of the Hated Wheel and Gallag had returned to fill the hub where Lorkan died, locking it all into sTASIS.

The False Gods had pulled upon a last Large Lesser One, enslaving it to their cruel wills. This Sibling had been called PYT “I-Will-Be-Clean,” an utterly nonsense phrase. The cruel Gods of creation cut the word “Be” from it and bade it clean and order all the lazy pieces of creation left over on their mad rampage. And so, Mavala whispered “Not” to fill where the “Be” had been. Peryite, Lord of Pestilence, I-Will-Not-Clean, Taskmaster, ascended to fill another empty space within the Hated Wheel.

“I go now,” sang Mora’s blades, as he, too, fit his scrimshawed form into another In-Between-Space.

Mevala, now turned Mephala by Mora’s Blades, spun the first plot, which is also to be the last plot. One-by-one these false Gods will be winnowed, and new Gods shall take their place, risen by the secrets learned from Mora, whereupon KAN will be freed and the Wheel flung back into the Void. Here are recorded her first Holy Steps- The Flipping of Gullag, The Killing of Yffre, and The Departure of Magnus- for without these first steps, the rest of The Plot could not be realized.


Gullag had filled the hole left by KAN’s betrayal and the wheel failed to turn on a crystal axle. Lorkan’s heart was being converted to a heart of order. Jills were stuck to the hub, Singing out in ecstasy so that any steps toward Gallag would become steps backward. Gallag’s Crystal-Like-Law crept over the whole of Mundus, putting it all in permanent unholy existence, frozen in Be-This-Way Light. Pathetic Drakes flew overhead, Corrupted by the Sound of Stand-Still.

“Namir! Vayer Mina! Moct’Ur! Aid me!” Cried out the Spinner

“We come slowly.” Replied the three, “and bring three Keys.”

Mephala laid out her Web, made of falling dew from the eyes of the Break-Me Spirits, and snared the Drakes flying overhead. Vayer Mina breathed into their ears an Upright Nightmare and the Drakes could no longer Chant, but only Shout.

Moct’Ur gazed upon the Be-This-Way Light and found its challenge amusing. “What are these of creation that they would make such foolery?” She said as she cast the Pristine Darkness across the land, snuffing out all light.

Namir tried to approach the Singing Jills, but was turned around every time she moved forward. Her feet were flipped by the Chorus of Singing Lies, so she cast them off, crawling on her belly. She crawled in the Fifth Way and slithered to the Castle of Solid Crystal. The things that crawled, slithered, or scuttled moved with her and she slid a few of these creatures into the mouths of each Jill. Now, instead of Singing, they Screamed.

The four sisters gathered round Gallag at the top of his Crystal Fortress, and she cowered not. She was truly mad, but not evil, and so the sisters gifted her with four Gifts. Moct’Ur threw shadow over Gallag’s mind, so she may not think clearly again. Vayer Mina clawed at Gallag’s essence and turned “Madness-of-Order” to “Order-of-Madness.” Namir kissed her lips, so that she may only speak in the ways of Cosmic Truth. Mephala bound her to one of the In-Between spaces so that every turn of the wheel, when it was positioned like at the time of the Blessings, she may return to her former self.

Mephala glanced at the empty hub and cried out, “Look sisters, how beautiful it is, a Sithis-Shaped hole!” and her sisters cried out with her, but Sheogorath cried for no reason, for no reason at all.

And the Wheel began to turn


“Magnus, how beautiful you are that you join us!” Cried out Zur. Magnus smiled, well-pleased with her concubine. “But I fear for your life, my love, what should you run out of your Essence, for you give it so freely.” Said Namir from inside Zur’s throat. And two of Mephala’s hands came from beneath Zur’s locks, as two of them held Zur’s own behind her body, and stroked Magnus’ second face, pulling the first word from her name, “Gives-Energy,” and Magnus’ Eyes widened so far that one fell out.

“Who are they to take my stores?” Said the Godess as she flew through the un-sky with her children. “Goodbye, my whore!” She called out to Zur, behind her; Zur wept in six ways (as did Magnus’ fallen Eye) and changed her own name from “Dawn-and-Dawn” to “Dawn-and-Dusk.” So the Sisters were pleased and capped her False Name with two sounds of Emptiness, and so Zur became Azura.


Yffre was resting upon a hill of dirt under a tree and Mephala slit his throat. Know this: don’t waste time with trickery, when a blade to the throat will suffice. Don’t waste time telling a story when the readers are about to die.

The Wheel turned once and there was night and there was day.

(Next I shall whisper to you of the making of the Crimson One, the fall of Dibella, and the making of the male form.)