Nchardak Pilgramage

Found on the emaciated body of a Dunmer pilgrim outside Nchardak, the Dragonborn gave this note to the College of Whispers for study in the 205, Fourth Era.

None since the deep ones have delved deep to the ruined precipice. Aspiring to reach a summit that we all should hope to see. Zealous in their endeavor, I can only hope that my ancestors forgive me for the sins against nature that will be committed as the wheel turns to me. This existence, this flesh is torture. Excruciating in every sense of the word. Sheep, all of them to doubt me.

Love is a cancer that will rot the invalid from the inside out, Outlanders have yet to learn that and they continuously suffer for it. Rape of the hermaphroditic god caused this problem, but there is no way to reverse the damage already done to his tower! Extravagant excess is the mark and sigil of the decaying aedra.

Mine is the path that others shall aspire to follow, mine is the story that shall be told! Oneiric wraiths guide my hands, as my feet were cut off long ago. Div and mayfly will hate me, convinced as they are that their lives have meaning. Silent screams echo throughout this library, and welcome me home.