The Forbidden Journal of Indoril Nerevar: Entry #16
Alandro has been one of my most important friends and advisors. I am forever in the debt of Seht for having introduced us.
Alandro accompanies me on most of my diplomatic missions, in his Velothi armour, trimmed with the Moon-and-Star, he is a most impressive figure.
Today was a day where I accompany him, however. Always favoured by Azura, Alandro has been offered her highest blessing: an immortal bond to her realm, a rebirth as a child of Royalty.
In this manner, my dearest Alandro has become as the Ada, and I am most blessed to keep company with him. That he chose me to witness his holy apotheosis in the presence of his wondrous matron is an honour I shall never forget.
The Prince even offered me a blessing of my own:
My Son loves you like no other
And so I will also cherish his love
And you
Until you are are one
Which to say all.