Remanite Declaration of the End of Landfall, and the Return of the Nu-Empire

Pocket-Sanguis #12983 - Moth Crucible, 5E911 (approx.)
House Orius of the ald-Niben, duly noted in the Annals of Mansblood
Divus Imperator approved
Chroncule delivery: memoscale count: 8001-00-00-001

My name is Theophus Orius XII, of House Orius, whose name was known throughout the ancient Niben and across the Colovian Highlands. I serve the House of Aelius, who served the Slave-Queen and her sacred son in their own times, when we were not as manswarms scattered to the Dust but each imperator unto ourselves, in the sacred land of the Cyrodiils. I wear the crest of House Aelus, the flaming hammer of the Pelin-El, who has guarded our Dust-borders since man first Departed With The Flame. We were among the first raptured Away by the Eternal Imperator, the Reman-ada, and noted on the first page of the Annals of Mansblood.

The Episcopate teaches that we were saved, First from the Great Decline, and Second from the Mundial Cataclysmi of Landfall, and that we will return again when the Heart-Touched Moonstrider restores life unto the world. But that prophecy is many centuries old, and in the past many doubted the old words, or forget them completely, until the Second Rapture heralded the Brass God who shook all worlds, and all of the Sanguis did remember. Before the Second Rapture, some gave up hope and wandered Beyond the Dust, mocked by the Pelin-El as they went. From these exoduses two new Pockets of the Sanguine were claimed by man, but they violated the Prince and King’s Convention of Blood with their conquests, and their peoples have been struck from our Annals. But of late, the final signs of our deliverance have shown themselves, and the Terror of Landfall has come and passed. The silent Imperator, frozen-as-stone for almost 2,000 un-years, has rekindled the flame of his brow once more. The border-moths stir, flinging Dust throughout the plains of Dor and in all the villages surrounding Moth Crucible, and the Pelin-El can be heard shouting praises to the Aleshut unto the limin. The Episcopate whispers that the time is very near, and in his mercy, taught to us from On High, has decreed that this letter be sent Beyond, on the scales of our most hallowed moths, to the lands Beyond the Dust and the lands Beyond Time and Space, unto the rebel-kingdoms of the Sanguis and unto the progenitors of us all, that all might Know the New Words or Remember the Old Words, and that more might be saved because of it.


I speak of time, brothers and sisters, not of the Dragon but of the river, and of things that flow through and across it. In the most ancient time, now lost to myth, the Slave-Queen courted the Dragon, and saved all mankind through her intercession. Unto her was given the glory of kings, and the flame of our salvation. The great Covenant was made, sealed in the blood of the Dragon. “This shall be my token to you, that so long as your blood and oath hold true, yet so shall my blood and oath be true to you. This token shall be the Amulet of Kings, and the Covenant shall be made between us, for I am the King of Spirits, and you are the Queen of Mortals.” And though betrayal and iniquity would, throughout time, take hold on the lands of Cyrodiil, and the blood of the Slave-Queen would briefly fade away, the oath of the Aleshut would stand unwavering. In the dark interregnums of the First Era of Man she burned, beyond the veil, ever-coaxing the Dragon to mannish favor. When at last she could burn no more, she became the ash of the earth, there to conceive of our savior, the Eternal Imperator, Reman-ada.

Of her sacred conjoined blood and the Imperial earth he was born, Covenant-made-Manifest, bearing the Chim-El Adabal bodily on his brow. When his first destiny was fulfilled and all the Cyrodiils sworn unto him, the Dragon of Time appeared before his semi-son, and crowned his dragonsblood with the immortal light of godhood.

When all the world fell to him, he turned his eyes to Death. On great Sovngarde he marched, away from his terrestrial majesty, and there were his Wives made a sacrifice unto his hubris by Shor, to remind the Imperator that to be a god is not to be deathless, and that death can only be conquered through ascendence. When Reman returned he was not long for this world, for he had stepped beyond and seen much in his passing, and knew that his destiny was not in ruling man but in defending them. Death of the body and death-passage of the soul are manifestly different, as the Episcopate teaches. When Reman’s body fell his soul did not pass to the Beyond, nor fade into the river, nor fly unto the firmament. Unto the Chim-El Adabal in his very brow did he fly, there to commune with the Dragon and the saints and the Kings and Queens of the Tower. Past and future, clearer than any Elder Scroll, were made known unto him.Thus in spirit did he call up the ancient Star-Made Knight to parley with the Sanguine, beholden as he was to the Imperator, to make ready a pocket-plane for the Raptured deliverance of the manswarm.

Later down the river, when the Chim-El Adabal was shattered, the Reman-ada did emerge, a mighty Dragon as the Aka-tosh had made him, soul-stacked with all the Imperators of yore, shouting “NONE BUT OURSELF.” Then did he cast the devil-Dagon to the Void, and as the Dragon froze to Earthstone upon Nirn, myth-echo of the Dragonfire Barrier, the soul of Reman-ada flew up, above, below and all around the world. He beheld all the lands of Nirn, but turned his eyes only to the Heartland. There, in the twilight days of the Great Crisis, he did claim us, 1,008 men, women and children, the First Raptured. Each chosen for our piety to the Slave-Queen and her faith, we were translocated in fire unto the Moth Crucible, where Reman ruled as stone from his new Tower of Wing and Scale.There at the foot of this Tower did the Episcopate first preach that our fate was as scions of the Nu-Empire, and to make ready for the second Rapture. The Prophecy of the Second Rapture, and of the Three Cataclysms, and of the Return, were spread, and the Annals of Mansblood was first recorded, a shrine to the ancient provenance we would return to.

Dark have the days been in Moth Crucible. Never did the Imperator claim our path an easy one. Time flows slowly, so that those who were children upon arriving in the First Rapture are barely grown, and few have died of old age. The sun never shines, and our magic is weaker here, yet the land is fertile, the Lake of Providence is cool and clear, and we survive. But darker still are the days Nirn faces. After the Breaking of the Ruby, three Cataclysms must occur before healing can begin. The Episcopate teaches that the First Rapture will herald the first Cataclysm, the greatest decline the Empire has even known, and the loss of the White Tower. The second Cataclysm is the complete destruction of all mankind on Nirn at the hands of the heretic-elves and their foul sorceries. But the Second Rapture of the Imperator will see the men of Nirn spared this doom, if their faith be strong, carried unto the sanctuary of the Imperial Pocket. Thus does the Second Rapture herald and ensure the second Cataclysm. Finally, the third Cataclysm is the return of the Brass God of Doom, to slay gods and smash the world until the chosen devil-elf does put down the thing which they did raise up. Then will the Imperator’s Fire mend the sundered earth, that the chosen Moonstrider might come, bringing life unto the land of rivers once more. And on that day shall the Nu-Empire of Cyrodiil descend, kept strong in the Imperator’s Light, to be truly restored.

We of the late Fifth have already seen these Cataclysms. Those of you destined for the Second Rapture have been Arriving-in-Fire for hundreds of un-years, some of you having read this very letter, and found the path therein. The Brass God, who shook worlds with his rage, has at last been put down, and all the eyes of man turn to Nirn, seen only in the reflection of scrying pools, to watch the un-sundering of the world in fire.

And so I say unto you, brothers and sisters of the early Fifth, return unto the faith of your sacred mother! Watch for the signs! Turn from the wickedness of your Era and prostrate yourself before the Dragon, that you might be saved, and find deliverance in the Reman-ada. For a scythe-tide of death and worse-than-death rises to sweep your lands, and no others will appear to save the children of Ut-Cyrod, for the woken ada have either faded or fled.

And so I say unto you, brothers and sisters Beyond the Dust, return to the moth-city of your Imperator! Abandon your capitals, forsaken as they are, and make ready for our return to the land of rivers! For the signs have been foretold, and they have come and gone, and the light of the Dragonfires burns once more! Know that the Convention of Blood will end upon our departure, and any left behind will thereafter belong in whole to the Prince of Sanguis, beyond even the reach of the Imperator’s renewed Light.