Education of a Saint

Shrine of Saint Veloth, 1E ???

"So commences session number three. Bring him back again."

Wh- what is this? Where am I?

"That matters not. The Tribunal willed this session. Baleth, engage the Rack!"

Aaaaah! Who are you to torment me so?

"Servants of your rightful lords, spirit."

What do you want of me?

"Who are you, spirit?"

I... I was someone. I was a leader. I was Veloth.

"No. You are Saint Veloth of the Tribunal Temple."

What is this nonsense? My Gods are the Daedra-aaahh!

"That, spirit, is our Soul Rack. Every time you answer incorrectly, you will be treated."

Gah! By Azura, make it stop!

"Invoke not the heathen gods, spirit. That will merely prolong your exposure."

My people shall avenge me for this injustice, knave!

"You have no people, spirit. You are but the spirit of Saint Veloth, and you exist by the will of the Tribunal."



Shrine of Saint Veloth, 1E ????

"You are ready, scribe? Very well. Let us commence session two hundred and sixty. Conjure his essence, summoner."

You have returned me again, then. Very well. How many times have you tortured me now? Twenty? Thirty?

"Somewhat more than that, spirit. Let us begin. What is your name?"

I... I am Saint Veloth! I follow the Daedra, not your Azura-cursed imitations! I-ahh!

"You remember my predecessors' arsenals of reconditioning devices? Since I took office, I expanded somewhat. You are now experiencing my Essence Sieve. Answer my questions correctly, and you will be allowed to return to your eversleep. Understand?"

No, I- ahh! Yes, yes!

"Who are the true Gods of this land?"

My lords Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura-aahh!

"Who are the true Gods of this land?"

The Daedra! The good Daedra!

"You lie. The Daedra murder and decieve! I will ask you once more. Summoner, engage the Sieve. Who are the true Gods of this land?"

Nnngh! The... The three goo-ahh! The three..


Shrine of Saint Veloth, 2E ???

"And so commences session one thousand and eight. And, by the will of the Tribunal, the last necessary. Have you prepared yourself?"

I have, Archcanon. By the will of the Tribunal.

"Worry not, Saint. This is merely a formality. And now, question the first. Who are the true Gods of this land?"

The Tribunal.

"Very good, spirit. What of the Daedra? Why are they unsuitable for worship?"

The Daedra are foul murderers! They lie and decieve, and cannot be trusted.

"Your wisdom grows immeasurably, Saint Veloth! And now for one final question: why do you support the Tribunal?"

My people have always... have always adapted. We used to worship the good Daedra, but that time has passed. The Tribunal are the only true Gods of my people.

"Very well, Veloth. You may take your leave. May the grace of Almalexia be with you."

Praises to the Three.