A description of the Ylgermet

I came up with this last night, thought it was a bad idea, but then decided to follow through on it anyway.

Captained by Ysgramor, son of Ysgrim, the Ylgermet (after his great grandfather by his mother) set sail from Jylkurfyk at the head of a great fleet. It was towed from harbor by three karstaag-men at the behest of Jarl Freki. No less than nine elves from Yoku were sacrificed in wishing the fleet a successful voyage and the men a bloody vengeance.

The vessel, being roughly 300 cubits in length, 100 in width, and 80 in depth, was built from timbers taken as weregild from Herma Mora, giving it a metallic green color. Across the side were applique shields donated by every family aboard the Ylgermet, enchanted by clever-men to turn away sea ice and magics. Embedded within no less than thirty-six planks of the vessel were numerous curses against elvenkind, each more baleful than the last. The figurehead of the Ylgermet was the skull of the dragon Nilfriinvaaz, who had been sentenced to a century of form-death by Alduin for some unspoken transgression (but counted Ysgramor as friend regardless). Thus, the vessel was warded against sea elves, worshippers of Bal, and evil Dagga.

Mounted along the stalhrim railings were vestige crystals donated by the Dragon Priest Revak (who's son had died at Saarthal, Curse the Snow Elves Forevermore), which spat killing ice at the command of the officers. Along the side were forty great flatbows, which would be mounted with barbed arrows upon the vessel's arrival. Atop the deck were ten catapults, which would be loaded with enchanted rocks and jars of eyebleed. The side of the ship was festooned in cruel iron spikes, wrought in the fires of Mount Vraka and cooled in the Greenwound River. At the prow of vessel were two axe-throwing engines, cunningly constructed by the Priests of the Bear using designs from their tombs (these would be used to launch axes over the seawalls of elf forts).

The lower oar-decks of the vessel were manned by condemned criminals, chained to the oars with enchanted iron rope. Needless to say, each oarsman had been executed three months prior to the voyage, his bones stripped of flesh, and his joints and muscles replaced by silver wire. As such, the oarsmen were tireless in their rowing.

Such was the vessel that carried the doom of Mereth.

Conducted by Ysmaalithax, father of Ysmir, the World-Eater's-Waking (after the bell-chime at the end of the Kalpa) was enumerated from Jylkurfyk at the thesis of a great death flight. It was hewn from stasis by three Tall-Second-Wandering-Exiles at the behest of Clutch-Matriarch Frekalyx. No less than nine-times-nine Eagles from Yoku were vivisected to fuel its engines and sate the thirst of its crew.

The Vimana, being roughly 3000 tail-spans in length, 1000 in width, 800 in depth, and 2000 in age, was built from koans taken from the Cephaliarch in riddle, giving it a sleek and jagged appearance. Across the sides were applique scales donated by every aspect cluster aboard the World-Eater's-Waking, altered by Shout-Holders to turn away still-time and Shouts. Embedded within no less than thirty-six thousand geometric points of the vessel were numberless curses against the Old Ehlnofey, each more baleful than the last. The fore claws of the World-Eater's-Waking were the skulls of the aspect line of the pankrator Nilfriinvaaz, who had been sentenced to a century of causal exile by Alduin for some censored contradiction (but nevertheless, knew Ysmaalithax as overlord). Thus, the Vimana was rendered anathema to Sea Serpents, Slaves of the Horned Lion, and the Inverse Salmon.

Mounted on the totem spires were vestige crystals donated by the Celebrant Revakargus (who's clutch son had died at Saarthal, Curse the Mirror Eagles Forevermore), which spat killing light at the command of the flight alphas. Along the rim were forty great denials, which would be delivered with venom upon the Vimana's arrival. Atop the pinnacle were ten iron bells which would ring with sounds of doom and despair. The sides of the Vimana were festooned in harsh syllables, inspired by the eruptions of Mount Vraka and blurred in the Greenwound River. At the wheels of the Vimana were two star-made astra, cunningly designed by the Geometers of Tsun using schemata from Qalos (these would be used to eradicate guard aspects of the Eagles).

The kernel of the Vimana was maintained by indebted fragments, woven into the mechanisms through Jill mending. Needless to say, each of the debtors had been sundered thirty measures prior to the conquest, their forms lifted out of the timestream and superimposed on a separate timeline. As such, the mechanisms were tended to by caretakers of spirit instead of flesh.

Such was the temple that carried the liberation of Snow-Throat.