Greybeard Trygg: Demons on The Way of The Voice

The Demons you may encounter on The Way of The Voice.

On the Path to Heaven, you will encounter many demons who will try to lead you astray. Heed not their counsel, for they are selfish and solipsistic. Instead of bargaining, deceive and cheat them (for they seek to do the same to you) and take their astra for your own. For bargains and ownership are signs of limits, and on The Way the only borders are those of the Path to Heaven.

The Hermit of Snow-Throat once said: There was once a novice who tried to climb The Seven Thousand Steps. On the way, he met four baleful demons.

The first was Dagon, who appeared as a karstaag-man with great and spiny whiskers. In four arms it bore dread astra. And It spoke thus: Ho there, your enemies plot your downfall. Take this Word, which is [DEATH TO MINE FOES], and speak unto them before they can tear up the path ahead of you.

The novice was tempted, for he sought Heaven on the path ahead. He took the Word and almost turned around to destroy those who were his enemies. But the novice remembered that he had murdered a man who had enemies when he was born, and had no enemies of his own. Realizing the deception of Dagon, he Spoke the Word unto Dagon, who was his enemy and sought to tear up the path ahead. And the Fraction of Dagon upon Monahaven was murdered and freed of Its geas of self-destruction. And before the novice was a salmon, which was promptly cooked and eaten.

The second was Bal, who appeared as a goat headed king in fine golden chains. It came from the west, where savages debase themselves before huckster-crones. And It spoke thus: Ho there, is the mountain not cold and hard? Take this Word, which is [RULERSHIP AND DOMINION], and speak unto the Throne of Tusks, and become King of Heaven.

The novice was tempted, for he sought Heaven on the path ahead. He took the Word and almost claimed dominion over the Throne of Tusks. But the novice remembered that the Throne of Tusks had no power, for the King of Tusks was dead and sleeping. Realizing the deception of Bal, he spoke the Word unto Bal, who was slaver-driver of false kings. And the Fraction of Bal upon Monahaven was bound as thrall to the novice, and when the novice grew cold, he skinned It for Its warm hide, which was that of a goat.

The third was Herma Mora, who appeared as a scribe atop by a palanquin of hares. It wore a robe of ink spattered silk. And It spoke thus: Ho there, you seek Heaven and all its mysteries. Take this Word, which is [I ARE ALL WE] and speak unto the sky and become as Heaven.

The novice was tempted, for he sought Heaven on the path ahead. He took the Word and almost became one with the Wheel. But the novice remembered that Heaven was not his ultimate goal, but a waystation to [I AM MORE THAN I WAS]. Realizing the trickery of Herma Mora, the novice forged ahead, refusing to speak It’s Word. And the Fraction of Herma Mora upon Monahaven followed along the wind, shedding secrets in curiosity.

The fourth was a False-Man of Akavir, who sought the novice’s secrets for Its own barbaric ends. It wore the skin of a man of Tamriel, but Its mind was twisted by blindness and zeal. And It spoke thus: Fool, your Voice goes wasted on the Way, give it to me, so I may fulfill my legacy of [BLADE].

The novice was irritated, for this False-Man did not belong on Tamriel or Akavir. It was unnatural, a living anachronism. The novice almost Shouted It apart, but remembered that the Voice was to be used only in times of true need. And the novice crushed It under his foot, for such is the fate of that which does not belong.

Having overcome the four demons, the novice reached High Hrothgar, where he sat in silence until the Kalpa’s turn.

Should you fall to these demons, fear not, for obligation is a border and borders, like all distinctions and limits, are a lie.