The adventures of Theron the Paladin

The Journal of Theron the Paladin, champion of the mortal races of Tamriel, bringer of light to the darkest corners of the empire, Holy warrior dedicated to the destruction of the daemons of this world. I keep this journal in the hopes that one day, it shall ignite the fire within a young lads heart and he follows the path of greatness and heroism. But should thou wonder who exactly is Theron, scourge of evil in all places, I have chosen to include my origins so thou can see my glorious rise to greatness!

I was not always Theron, blessed by Talos. Nay, I was born Acheem. I had trained with a blade, studied the Book of Circles, but I had scorned the ways of my bretheren. I hungered not for battle, but for the forbidden secrets of this world, to understand all things unknown to the mortal man, but guarded selfishly by the beings from beyond the nirn. The only one who would share such knowledge with me would be the Daedra, Hermaeus Mora, Prince of such knowledge. Does it surprise you that I, the paragon of all that is good, would resort to demonic beings? Seldom are heroes born with the Light in their hearts.

I associated myself with the occult, hoping to gain favor with the Daedric Prince, but his foul gaze never fell upon me, but verily did I offer what I could to the Prince. I knew his summoning day was 5th of First seed, but he never found me worthy of his (unholy) knowledge. For years, I would repeat the process until one stormy day, on the 5th day of First Seed, finally, my pathetic prayers were answered, but not by the Daemon Lord.

I fell to the floor, pleading with the daedra. I asked to know all of the knowledge of the world. Hermaeus, arrayed in purple clothing, befitting a prince, looked upon me with clear confusion, stroking his beard, deep in thought. I had been begging for the world's secrets when he had grabbed me by my robes and with daemonic fire in his eyes, questioned my motivations.

After all was explained, he began to mumble incoherently, when he turned back to me with a fatherly smile, the fire gone from his eyes. He explained who he truly was, mighty Talos, God of mankind. He told me that he had seen my vile worship of the daemon lord and had come to stop me. Now, however, he could see the good in my heart and I was to be made Paladin of Talos, champion of the realm. All I needed to do was to accept his gifts willing and thus be made a hero.

Talos bit the tip of his thumb off and with his divine blood, forever change me. I knew now the secrets of the divines. I went back to my former comrades and with a new purpose, slew them where they stood. From then on, I was no longer Acheem, servant of evil, I was Theron, defender of the Faith, favored among the gods. I set out now, to bring true justice to all.