
(Mages Guild, 3E 434.) Attention Guild Mages: It has come to my attention that some mages are selling Horseshoes of Levitation in the Market District. While it's not against our rules to sell enchanted items (granted you use your own soulgems) we cannot allow the creation and selling of these horseshoes. The idea of a flying horse may sound good in theory, however if you had taken a moment to actually think it though you would realize that your common horse has no idea how to control it'self in mid-air. If you had paid any attention to your lectures you would have known about the Actius Avidius incident fifteen years ago. He too had the brilliant idea of trying to make his steed fly, however he did not think it through. I personally watched him fly off into the sky, fading into a black dot upon the horizon as his horse flew him into the sky uncontrollably, and away from Nirn.. Henceforth anyone found in possession of horseshoes within the Praxographical Center will be dismissed from the guild and escorted by the battle-mages to the Imperial Prison to be arrested.

Sincerely, Raminus Polus of the Arcane University.