The Ehlnofex Twins.

So, this idea started forming the other night when a question was posed about the Constelations, and the 12 Worlds... And since I'm bored, I thought I'd commit it to text.

Now, biases... This is largely comming from the perspective that the 12 Worlds are the children of Anu and Niri, crippled by Sithis, and brought into the new Dream when Anu became Amaranthe. Who brought them is another discussion (cough Sep cough) but the point is, it's from the position that the Ehlnofey-descendants and Hist are special because they are fragmented, crippled Amaranthes, rather than specifically products of this Dream. There's a lot of baggage that comes with that, and while I personally like the idea, I do think it's becomming a shakier premise at its core, but it does form the basis of this argument.

Now, for some time, there has been an association with the Enatiomorph and the Guardian-Paradigms. Warrior-Thief-Mage, King-Rebel-Observer. This isn't a new idea. Similarly, there have been discussions over the years about the Ehlnofex War, War of Manifest Metaphors, Dawn War or whatever we wish to call it, and how it's main camps fit into the Enatiomorphic model.

In my less than stable mindset the other night, I instantly associated the Ehnofey with the Warrior sign, and the Hist with the Mage sign. This somewhat fits with the Enatiomorphic model, with Ehlnofey-Warrior-King and Hist-Mage-Observer... But it is clearly missing the Thief-Rebel component, making me think there is another cardinal player involved.

My first inclination was the lesser Daedra, but in examining how Souls function, I came to suspect that wasn't the case. Both the Ehlnofey-descent peoples and the Hist-Descent peoples seem to lack that 4th characteristic of the Daedra, the Morphotype. Their forms are more malleable, shaped by personal will and external forces. Whereas Daedra are static, bound to the forms they were created in, Mortal souls change and grow and adapt. So, it seems likely that the Daedra are more a product of Anu's dream, rather than broken dreamers themselves. And this sort of reinforces the notion that Daedra cannot create, but can only mimic creations.

Which brought me back to problem A. What could the 3rd option be? Is it even possible to harmonize the two things?

And then I thought of Vivec. From Sermon 11:

>Hortator and Sharmat, one and one, eleven, an inelegant number. Which of the ones is the more important? Could you ever tell if they switched places? I can and that is why you will need me.

We all know the deal. Without an outside observer, the roles of Rebel and King are indistinguishable. Basic quantum uncertainty. Which made me think... Have we ever had the ability to ask the Hist about this? We see the Wanderers and the Old-Ehlnofey as two sides of the same people, but we have never really been given the perspective of the Observer in that conflict.

What if the Ehlnofey and the Wanderers are not one people, seperated by trauma, but in fact two, bound by similarity. Near identical twins, both distinct, and yet all but impossible to tell appart. After eons of expressing their differences, it would explain why Men and Mer are similar but distinct, and it fills the last missing piece of the Constellation-Enatiomorphic-Puzzle beautifully.

Now, if only the Trees would tell us which is which. After all, it's usually only a parent, or -Sibling-, which can tell twins apart.