[Void] What of the Other et'Ada?

From the presentation, “The Great Voyage: Void Exploration as Philosophical Endeavor” at the 148th Conference of the New Imperial Geographical Society, 6E 148. Presented by S’thajj, Mages Guild Mythologian.

“The problem often faced by mortal mythologians is the tendency towards simplicity, especially in terms of dichotomy.

“For instance: it is largely held, if unspoken, that all primordial et’Ada chose between two paths – Aedra or Daedra. This presupposes that the ‘Ada were a unified whole, singular in purpose and thought before Lorkhaj inspired them to creation. Perhaps this is a hold-over from the Elven notion of Aldmeris, or the human conceptualization of Atmora: this one cannot say. But anyone who has spent any time among individuals will know that such a unity of thought – let alone Being – is purely chimaera.

“Did the ‘Ada have their own sundering before the coming of Lorkhaj, a breaking of their own ‘Aldmeris’? Did some of them go out into the Gray Maybe seeking what they might find (and this one must ask: what led them to believe there was something to be found)? The sheer number of bodies present in the extra-planar voids offers this tantalizing suggestion: some of the et’Ada expanded into the extremities of the Maybe, long before the making of Nirn.

“As the people of Nirn stretch out into the Void, as the ancient Mananauts once did, the question must be asked:

“What else may be out there?”