An Excerpt of Writing Translated from the Eye of Magnus

This piece was translated using a combination of Ehlnofex and the knowledge of a travelling Moth Priest. It is the only small fragment that was translated before the Eye vanished in 4E 201

I have abandoned my masterpiece.

It is not terribly difficult to charm me. It is in my very nature to be enamored by the possibility of everything, and given my brightness it is not difficult to see how those of like concept gather to me. My people and I worked in the endless Night, pulling forth the strands of our Home to make wonders while the Soul of IS counciled the new and undiscovered. I was arrogant and wanted a test of my true mantle.

And that is when he came to me.

The IS NOT, his Tempo louder than the mouths of any of my fellows, came to me in a fervor. He was brighter than anything and I was in love with what flowed from his tongue-head. He spoke to me of a vision he had while looking at the edge of ALL. He saw a place, sub-discual, where all ideas could be combined and featured. A place of permanency in the everchange of nothing. But above all it would allow growth. My mind went wild with ideas and I brought it to my cohorts, my laborers and artisans. We mapped out all that was to come as the IS NOT convinced all to his plan.

I became the Architect.

It was my rallying cry that set to spinning the heart-muses of my fellows. I showed them the plans I had made, I let them see the vision of what it was to be. I made a scale of what was to be, a simulacrum. I plucked forth myself from me and made my own Eye for it. Perhaps this is why I was so blind to the consequences.

IS NOT and IS merged and the voices of the Heavens shrieked in eternal agony, echoing up to the highest places of ALL. My plans were in place, the dream of the IS NOT, and I saw it. I wept for its beauty and in the same moment, for moments were congealing, wept for my dying brethren. And then I knew that I would be trapped in my masterpiece forever. My very nature would be denied, I would no longer be free to create. I gathered my friends, my loves, the beings of me, and escaped doom-tempo made before I would become its support-beams of bone. I went back into the womb of Light that bore me, to the Realm that comforted me. My cohorts about me, I still had abandoned those I cared about.

Especially my Apprentice, beloved JUL-AHT, and the truest Artist, DIBAETH.

But I tore myself in escape. I left the Eye of me to watch in the hopes that a righteous one, bound in the limits of IS and IS NOT would use it. My masterpiece, this Arena of Flesh, is beautiful beyond limits. It has completed everything I made for it. But at what cost? Is it worth it? I will pull myself from my own Eye and find out.

I will return.