Anequinian sands

(The following is the most common version of a traditional Khajiiti song dating back to the Second Empire, frequently sung in Anequinian caravanserais. I took the liberty of producing the literal translation from original Ta'agra.)

From Cyrod came Shizzar the Red,
His cloak drenched in elven blood.
From Cyrod he commanded his legions
To Anequinian sands.

We fought them bravely, but
Our claws were blunted on their armors.
Rivers of sugar flowed bountifully
On Anequinian sands.

But Alkosh said “Do not despair.
Follow in my shadow and we will win
And chase the enemies out
Of Anequinian sands.”

And Alkosh said “Be fleet of foot.
When they swing at you, jump aside.
Follow hidden paths and lose them
In Anequinian sands.”

And Shizzar said “Curse the beasts!
When we swing at them, they jump aside.
We're chasing our own tails
In Anequinian sands.”

And Alkosh said “Burn their wagons.
Lead them to waterless wastes.
Who but a Khajiit can drink
From Anequinian sands?”

And Shizzar said “They burned our wagons.
We’re lost in waterless wastes.
We must retreat or else we die
On Anequinian sands.”

And Alkosh said “The moons have risen!
Strike with blade and claw and tusk.
Unleash your thunder to show we're warriors
Of Anequinian sands!”

He pounced on them and we followed.
The Tojay weighted their shields with javelins.
The Ohmes danced with clashing swords
On Anequinian sands.

The Suthay riders on Senche mounts
Drove a wedge through enemy ranks.
The Dagi shot them with poisoned darts
On Anequinian sands.

The Cathay dealt them mighty blows.
The Pahmar rent their flesh from bone.
The Alfiq burned them with magic bolts
On Anequinian sands.

Shizzar brought ten thousand men,
But he fled back home alone.
The bones of the rest are scattered
On Anequinian sands.