Stories of the Reach, Vol. 1: The Reachgods

By Broichan Mac Gurman, Battlemage of the IV Legion

The Chief of the Reachgods

  • Carnach- The “Antlered-God-of-Frenzied-Bloodsport” is a loose translation. More commonly known as the Imperial Hircine, Carnach taught our Ancestors how to hunt, and more importantly, how to survive when hunted. For the Reach is unforgiving, and everything wishes to kill us. The Sabre, the Bear, the Wolf, the Nord, even the common goat has been known to knock the unwary off cliffs. It was Carnach who taught us how to kill and not be killed, and for that he is twice venerated, and honored by all children of the Reach. His daughters, the Fitheach (you know them as Hagravens), heal our sick, mend our wounds, and deliver our children. With them we sacrifice every kill we make to Carnach, that we may never forget how to not die. Lycanthropy is gifted only to those with iron will, who dedicate their entire lives to Carnach and the Hunt. They are Champions among men, and Kings among beasts, exerting complete control over themselves. Most Reachman are as adverse to the average Werewolf as any other Imperial Citizen.

The Maiden, Mother, and Matriarch

  • Na Boidhchead- The Maiden, youth and passion in our hearts. Also the Goddess-of-Wasted-Time. Na Boidhchead was the only Goddess brave (or stupid) enough to challenge Cailleach’s favor of the Nords. She is the patron of youth and recklessness, and a thorn in the side of Matriarchs everywhere. She blesses change, and by sacrificing to her we commit ourselves to progress and revolution, for as blood pumps forward through our veins, so must we be drawn forward. Kings and Rebels both call upon her for favor.

  • Madadh-Allaidh- Blessed Wolf-Mother, she who cries for us when no one else will. We are blood of her blood, passed from her to the Matriarch to be raised, as is Reach custom. When Carnach refused to guide our arrows, and our bellies ached for meat, Wolf-Mother taught us how to grow food from the earth, that we might not starve. She taught us how to join together in Clans, that we might not be swept away by our enemies. Her’s is love, both given and received. The wolves of the wood belong to her and by her law if we hunt wolves at all, they are given a swift and clean death lest the whole Clan be shamed.

  • Cailleach- The Crone, the Hag, the Matriarch, Mother-of-Men-Though-Not-By-Blood, also known as Na Faol, the Eagle. She has an eternal Blood-Feud with Carnach and the Fitheach, but we love her anyways (As long as the Fitheach aren’t watching, anyways). It was Cailleach who guided our ancestors to the Reach, and Cailleach who marked the birth of King Faolan Red-Eagle. Like all Matriarchs, Cailleach had a favorite child, and it was not the Reachblooded. We cried and cried for her attention, but she lavished her gifts on the children of snow. But we now see why, for if she did not give the Nords the gift of Loudness, we would have been able to conquer them all a long time ago. Only the weak need that kind of help.

Other Important Reachgods

  • Torc- Mighty Boar-King, God of Orcs, Curses, Blood-Feuds, Death, and Having-Too-Many-Names. He is the Imperial Malacath (Or Malak or Malac or Mauloc or Malooc or Orkey or whatever other name he likes). It is Torc we call upon to curse the bodies of our fallen, to prevent necromancers from raising them. Not all Clans practice this. Occasionally, we Royally-Piss-Him-Off with our weakness and he sends his Orcs to attack us. We are always stronger for it.

  • Na Bhas- Goddess of Things-That-Are-Generally-Unpleasant. She is feared and appeased rather than worshiped, though she does have some cults and Clans dedicated to her. She is the Goddess of Death, but not true death. To enter Na Bhas is to be a wolf trapped in a cage left to starve, except Na Bhas makes you forget. She makes you forget how to live and how to die, and for this she is twice hated.

Less Important Reachgods

  • Molag Bal- The God-Who-Thinks-He’s-Too-Good-For-A-Reachname. King of Rape and Murder, identical to the Imperial Molag Bal. Was once very powerful and popular amongst the Reachmen, but having proven his weakness and incompetance, he is now rarely worshiped. A man who is “Walking Like Bal” is attempting a task far beyond their capability.

  • Ruadh- Clever King of the Nords. So clever that even though he’s dead, he really isn’t. The Reachmen view him as either Shor or Talos (Or both). He is known for his hatred of the Elf blood in our veins, and we call upon him while warring against Elves. The Fitheach map out the phases of the Moon, and every lunar eclipse a great fox hunt is called in the Reach. Whether this is to honor or insult the God, no one really remembers.

  • Aldnathair- Starving God of the Elves, and King of the Dragons. He is viewed as either Akatosh or Alduin (Or Both). He hates the blood of man that runs through our veins, and we call upon him while warring against other men. His children tried to enslave us, but we hid in the hills and mountains and they could not find us.