Official Thalmor Report: The Voidwalker

[PART 1]

The following is the official Thalmor report on the investigation of the prolific serial killer commonly known as The Voidwalker.


ALIASES: The Voidwalker

CHARGES: Numerous murders, kidnappings, mutilations, and other violent crimes.

CHIEF JUSTICIAR: Agent Caronil, Department of Dominion Security

DATE SUBMITTED: 4E 201, 12th of First Seed


I must warn those who read this. What I am about to write is incredibly graphic and not for the faint of spirit. It may seem as though I have exaggerated, but I assure you that is not the case. Everything I shall write is entirely true, no matter how much you may wish it weren’t.

During the last few months, as you may know, there have been reports of missing people from all over Alinor. Due to a lack of communication between branches (which has been punished with appropriate action), the heads of the various branches here in Alinor all assumed these disappearances were the doing of other branches. However, this all changed on the 17th day of Sun’s Dawn, when a young boy was found standing in front of his school building by one of his instructors.

The boy was found beaten, bloodied, and nude. When the instructor tried to talk to him and find out what was wrong, the boy killed his instructor, and proceeded to go on a rampage throughout the school. Only one person managed to escape. The escapee was a Khajiit noble who was visiting the school as a guest speaker. He reportedly leapt out of a 3rd floor window and ran through the streets shouting hysterically. Authorities eventually apprehended the noble and brought him to me. Little could be learned from the cat’s ramblings, but eventually I managed to learn the location of the school. I gathered a small force of other agents and we phase shifted to the school.

When we arrived at the school, we were horrified to see that it was burned to the ground. Standing amidst the rubble was the boy. He had horrific burns, some still going, and chunks of flesh were missing. He began to limp towards us, and did not stop despite our demands that he halt. Following with standard procedure, Agent Gwyndola cast a paralyzing spell on the boy. It had no effect. The boy grabbed her by the neck and crushed her neck to a pulp. He then proceeded to ignite her body completely and incinerate it. I ordered all agents to attack the boy with everything they had. He shrugged off enough fireballs to kill a legion. Agent Dolian was killed first. His heart was ripped from his chest and incinerated. Eventually, we managed to destroy the boys legs, which caused him to crawl towards Agent Nirya. The boy grabbed her by the ankle and proceeded to immolate her. Her screams will haunt me for the rest of my days. Agent Nulinon, with whom Agent Nirya was having a not-so-secret affair, became enraged and rushed towards the boy. There was a flash of light. All that was left of Agent Nulinon was a pile of ashes, while the boy was now scattered in several pieces, some of which still squirmed. We gathered what we could and brought it to the Necromancer General.

After the Necromancer General was finished her examination of the boy’s remnants, she told us of her findings. His eyes were removed and replaced with translucent crystals, and his heart was replaced with a soul gem unlike any soul gem I have ever seen. The gem was a brilliant shade of red and in the shape of a crude sphere. Every person that has been in the same vicinity as the gem has reported hearing voices, the feeling of being watched, and feeling as though their heads were slowly being constricted. After discovering these effects, we delivered the gem to the Academy for further research, where it was then subjected to numerous tests and trials.

The most important discovery during these trials was that the gem could be destroyed. After four days of observing experiments with no result, an aspiring scholar of the Dawn Magicks, Falcano Athbinder, produced an “unhearable music” that shattered the gem using an ancient Aldmer tonal array. As Falcano informed me of this breakthrough, a messenger from the Ancestral Adas brought news of a young woman who was attacking the Adas with “fire that burns as bright as the pits of Oblivion.” I commanded Falcano to assist me, and he happily obliged. He disassembled and picked up the array, which was no easy task, and we phased to the Adas.